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Leasing Market in Poland Ist half 2004

Leasing Market in Poland Ist half 2004. Polish Association of Leasing Companies Warsaw, July 2004. Polish Economy 2002-2004. BA-Creditanstalt-Leasing Bankowy Fundusz Leasingowy BEL Leasing BNP Paribas Lease BRE Leasing BZ WBK Leasing Caterpillar Financial Services Poland CLiF

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Leasing Market in Poland Ist half 2004

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  1. Leasing Market in PolandIst half 2004 Polish Association of Leasing Companies Warsaw, July 2004

  2. Polish Economy 2002-2004 Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  3. BA-Creditanstalt-Leasing Bankowy Fundusz Leasingowy BEL Leasing BNP Paribas Lease BRE Leasing BZ WBK Leasing Caterpillar Financial Services Poland CLiF DaimlerChrysler Services Leasing Deutsche Leasing Polska Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy Fidis Leasing Polska Fortis Lease Polska Franfinance Polska Futura Leasing GBG Finanse Handlowy Leasing IKB Leasing Polska ING Lease (Polska) KBC Lease Polska Kopex Leasing Kredyt Lease Noma 2 Nordea Finance Orix Polska PEKAO Leasing Raiffeisen Leasing Polska Renault Credit Polska Scania Finance Trans-Leasing TLBP Volksbank Leasing VFS Usługi Finansowe Volkswagen Leasing Watin Leasing & Finance Data collected from the following 34 leasing companies: : Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  4. Analysis by type of asset - I st half 2004 Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  5. Analysis by type of asset - I st half in 2001-2004 1. Road transport vehicles 2. Machinery and industrial equipment 3. Computers and business machines 4. Railway, aircraft and ships 5. Others Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  6. Share of leasing market (equipment) - Top ten in I st half 2004 Estimated total net value – PLN 5,9 billion Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  7. Net value of equipment leased in I st half in 1997-2004 (in million PLN) Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  8. Share of road transport vehicles leasing market - I st half 2004 Estimated total net value PLN 4250 million Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  9. Estimated total net value of road transport vehicles leased in I st half in years 1997 - 2004 (PLN in million) Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  10. Share of passenger cars leasing market - Top ten in Ist half 2004 Estimated total net value - PLN 475 mln Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  11. Net value of passenger cars leased in I st half in years 2002 - 2004in million (PLN) Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  12. Share of machinery and industrial equipment leasing marketTop ten in I st half2004 - Estimated total net value - PLN 1 225 mln Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  13. Net value of machinery and industrial equipment leased in I st half in years 1997 – 2004 in million (PLN) Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  14. Share of computers and business machines leasing market Top ten in I st half 2004 - Total net value - PLN 155 mln Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  15. Net value of computers and business machines leased in Ist half in years 1997-2004 in million (PLN) Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  16. Top ten of the leasing market of real estate in 1st half of 2004. Total net value PLN 6,25 bln Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  17. Net value of real estate leased in Ist half in years 1997-2004 (million PLN) Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  18. Share of leasing market (equipment and real estate) Top ten in I st half 2004 - Estimated total net value – PLN 6,25 billion Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

  19. Polish Association of Leasing Companies • Witold Drożdż – Managing Director • Rejtana Str.17, Warsaw • Phone: (+48 22) 542 41 36 • Fax: (+48 22) 542 41 37 • E-mail: zpl@leasing.org.pl • www.leasing.org.pl Source: Polish Association of Leasing Companies

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