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Sh ari ng H oriz on Biblio gra phi c R ecords

Sh ari ng H oriz on Biblio gra phi c R ecords. Joan M. Gregory Librarian, Technical Services, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah Phone: 801-581-5269 FAX: 801-581-3632 Email: joang@lib.med.utah.edu Web: http://medstat.med.utah.edu/hug

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Sh ari ng H oriz on Biblio gra phi c R ecords

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  1. Sharing Horizon BibliographicRecords Joan M. Gregory Librarian, Technical Services, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah Phone: 801-581-5269FAX: 801-581-3632Email: joang@lib.med.utah.eduWeb: http://medstat.med.utah.edu/hug Prepared for the UALC Cataloging Committee Meeting Marriott Library, University of Utah, July 9, 1999

  2. Two Methods • Batch • One record at a time

  3. Batch Method • Cataloging Module • MARC Export • SQL Query to describe the batch • Caveats: • potential response time issue for large databases - requiring query be run nights or weekends • SQL queries should be developed in conjunction with your system administrator • Example: multimedia collection batch

  4. This took about 5 minutes on Eccles database.

  5. One Record at a Time Method • Use (catalogers) • Setup (system administrator)

  6. One Record at a Time Method (Catalogers) • Horizon Menu Manager • Open Cataloging into YOUR database • Choose the library you wish to search • Locate the record you want to use (take, steal) • Choose SEND TO CATALOGING • Edit and save the record in YOUR CATALOG

  7. One Record at a Time Method (System Administrators) • Set up SERVERS for the other UALC libraries in DSEDIT • use the list of IP addresses and ports at http://medstat.med.utah.edu/hug/text/uhug.htm • for server names use names like (ceu, slcc, eccles) rather than horizon or HORIZON • protocol is NLWNSCK

  8. One Record at a Time Method (System Admin - Horizon) • Set up search menus for each of the libraries • choose the Menu Options table in Table Editor • copy your regular SEARCH menu option • change the menu option name, description and option number • for the arguments use the list of properties at http://medstat.med.utah.edu/hug/text/uhug.htm except: • for server name (/s) use the SAME NAME you used for that server in DSEDIT • for the flavor use /fstafpac

  9. Possible Problems (Systems Administration) • Database error • Cause: permission problem • Resolution: • contact library • request that their system administrator change permissions with a SQL query

  10. Resolution: Change Permissions • On the server at the LIBRARY you are trying to access. • Ask System Administrator to use ISQL to: grant select on circ_privilege_special_rule to pacgroup

  11. Possible Problems (Systems Administration) • Login error • Cause: possible change in access info at library you want to access • Resolution: • contact the library • change info in your Menu Option Table and/or in DSEDIT • have library report changes to Joan Gregory to update the web site

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