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DECS OHS&W MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. THE PLACE OF OHSW & IM. PEOPLE. ENVIRONMENT. Legislation Risk Management OHSW&IM Planning Finances. LEARNING. Use blue arrows to navigate. Management system is based on the LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK. The MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is CONSISTENT WITH: .
THE PLACE OF OHSW & IM PEOPLE ENVIRONMENT Legislation Risk Management OHSW&IM Planning Finances LEARNING Use blue arrows to navigate
Management system is based on the LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK
The MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is CONSISTENT WITH: AS/NZS4804:2001 WorkCover Performance Standards
DECS OHS&W MANAGEMENT SYSTEM End Bibliography To access information click on each segment and follow the blue arrows
ACCOUNTABILITYANDCOMMITMENT • DECS’ OHS&W and IM policy defines its commitment to OHS&W, rehabilitation and claims administration • The Chief Executive has the primary responsibility for safety and is responsible for the provision of facilities, resources and safe systems of work throughout the department • The Responsible Officer, managers, supervisors and employees are required to develop and implement policies, procedures and plans designed to achieve healthy, safe and injury-free work environments 1 of 5
ACCOUNTABILITY&COMMITMENT • Provision of a safe and healthy working environment • Effective risk management • Commitment to excellence and continuous improvement • Provision of adequate resources • Quality injury management processes eg prompt claims management, rehabilitation and return to work programs • Performance Management Process • (Search for Performance Management) 2 of 5
ACCOUNTABILITYANDCOMMITMENT • The Chief Executive is committed to: • zero harm, reductions in injuries, claim numbers and costs • the use of the department’s risk management framework to support planning and implementation processes • improving staff morale and well being across the department. 3 of 5
Questions for site managers ACCOUNTABILITY&COMMITMENT • How are you supporting the Chief Executive’s commitment within your worksite? • Describe examples of risk management at your site? • What programs exist at your site to improve staff morale? 4 of 5
ACCOUNTABILITY&COMMITMENT • Further questions for site managers • How does the site manage OHS&W and Injury Management? • How were the main OHS&W hazards identified and how are they being managed? • How does the site consult with staff in relation to safety and well-being? • Have staff at this site been adequately trained to work safely? 5 of 5
OHS&W & INJURY MANAGEMENT POLICY • Supported by other policies and procedures • Commitment to effective rehabilitation and equitable claims management • Commitment to consultation • Implementation processes • Reviewed every three years 1 of 2
BENCHMARKS FOR OHS&W and INJURY MANAGEMENT POLICY • The CE is accountable for OHS&W and IM • Responsibility has been allocated to people in control of workplaces and workplace activities • Senior management demonstrates commitment to the implementation of systematic approaches to OHS&W and IM • Site OHS&W and IM procedures developed 2 of 2
PLANNING DECS plans to fulfil its policy, objectives and targets in consultation with employees or their representatives. 1 of 6
PLANNING • Establishes, integrates and maintains a systematic approach to monitor, review and to continuously improve OHS&W and Injury Management • Signifies commitment to policy, objectives and targets in consultation with employees and HSR • Includes effective injury management planning processes with defined and measurable outcomes 3 of 6
PLANNING STRATEGIES • Address legislative compliance • Support the management of hazards • Require consultation with employees • Include objectives, targets and performance indicators • Linked to organisational plans • Include measurement, monitoring and review processes • Strategic, operational and action plans (Business Manager) 4 of 6
PLANNING: 1 Program tasks in Business Manager • Develop OHS&W Action Plan • See template for OHS&W Action plan 5 of 6
BENCHMARKS FOR PLANNING • A systematic approach to continuously improve OHS&W and IM • An effective recording system to implement, monitor, review and maintain OHS&W systems. e.g. Business Manager • Relevant parties have access to applicable information 6 of 6
CONSULTATION Health and safety representatives and employees must be involved and consulted concerning OHS&W issues. 1 of 4
WHAT IS CONSULTATION? Consultation is the sharing of information and the exchange of views between employers and the persons or bodies that must be consulted, and the genuine opportunity for them to contribute effectively to any decision making process to eliminate or control risks to health and safety. 2 of 4
Avenues of communication include: CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEES • Staff meetings • Worksite OHS&W Committees • (Level 1) • District OHS&W Committees • (Level 2) • DECS State OHS&W Consultative Committee (Level 3) 3 of 4
BENCHMARKS FOR CONSULTATION • Evidence of meaningful consultation and communication that contributes to improved OHS&W and IM performance • The effectiveness of consultation and communication is reviewed – a task in Business Manager • Relevant employees are consulted and involvement in rehabilitation and return to work discussions 4 of 4
MANAGING HAZARDS DECS reduces the risk of injury and ill health within the organization, through risk management and hazard control.Stages of hazard management include the following elements: • Identify • Assess and Evaluate • (prioritise according to risk) • Control • Review 1 of 6
Confined Spaces Psychological Health Manual Handling Hazardous substances Fragile roofing Slips/Trips/Falls Plant 2 of 6
KEY ELEMENTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF HAZARD MANAGEMENT • Integration into business functions • Allocation of adequate resources • Consultation • Testing of contingency/emergency plans • Hazard identification, assessment and control • Implementation and review of OHS&W policies and procedures • Accident investigation • Monitoring and reporting processes • Document control (Business Manager) 3 of 6
IMPLEMENTATION OF HAZARD MANAGEMENT • Develop OHS hazard management program in consultation with employees • Incorporate the identification of hazards and assessment and control of risks • Areas/activities identified as high risk e.g psych health, manual handling, plant, slips/trips/falls • Implement the risk controls identified in the OHS hazard management program 4 of 6
HAZARD AND RISK MANAGEMENT Use Business Manager to program tasks 5 of 6
OHS&W ACTION PLAN Use Action Plan to document planning/control processes for hazards. OHS&W ACTION PLAN Site name: Location No: Date: 6 of 6 Return to slide 21
TRAINING • DECS provides OHS&W and Injury Management training to ensure that management and employees can work safely and meet their responsibilities • Training is essential for the effective implementation of the organisation’s overall prevention policies and program 1 of 7
TRAINING AND INFORMATION • Establish and implement a system of training, learning and skills development in consultation with employees to: • reduce the risk of work related injury and disease • meet legal requirements • Skills training should be competency based and training must be evaluated for effectiveness. 2 of 7
TRAINING PROFILES Training profiles include the following: • Position • Identified risks • Required information, knowledge and skills • Required training • Training identified • Training available Example HERE 3 of 7
TRAINING PLAN Training Plans include the following: • Training identified • Process to undertake training • Staff being trained • Proposed/Actual finish dates • Evaluation and review Example HERE 4 of 7
DECS TRAINING PROGRAMS:Refer to DECS OHS website for a range of training programs for managers and employeeseg online managers courses fire safety officer 6 of 7
BENCHMARKS FOR TRAINING • A training needs analysis completed to determine the required training and learning for employees to undertake their work in a safe manner • Appropriate training programs developed and implemented to ensure employees are competent to undertake their work in a safe manner.(Refer to training profiles and job and person specifications) 7 of 7
MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION • The site manager measures, monitors and evaluates its organisation’s performance in consultation with its employees or their representatives and takes corrective action when necessary • Tasks in Business Manager support this standard 1 of 7
OBJECTIVES, PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND TARGETS • Are claims and costs reducing? • Is there increased commitment and accountability to OHS&W and IM? • Is OHS&W and IM being integrated into business systems? • Is risk management being used for OHS&W initiatives? • Is improvement evident? 2 of 7
MONITOR CAUSE OF CLAIMS Psychological Health Manual Handling Slips, Trips and Falls Other 4 of 7
MONITOR COST OF CLAIMS BY CAUSE Psychological Health Manual Handling Slips, Trips and Falls Other 5 of 7
CONDUCT SELF ASSESSMENTS Use the department’s self assessment tool 6 of 7
BENCHMARKS FOR MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION • Maintain and monitor objectives, targets and performance indicators • Conduct self assessments and internal audits • Identify, prioritise and implement corrective actions in audits • Measure, monitor and evaluate rehabilitation and claims management performance. 7 of 7
REVIEW & IMPROVEMENT The organisation regularly reviews its OHS&W, rehabilitation and claims management systems in consultation with its employees or their representatives, with the objective of improving overall performance. 1 of 7
REVIEW & IMPROVEMENT QUESTIONS • Is there evidence of increased commitment and accountability to OHS&W and IM? • Is OHS&W and IM being integrated into business systems? • Is risk management being used for OHS&W initiatives? • Is improvement evident? 2 of 7
MONITOR INCIDENTS & CLAIMS TRENDS Manual Handling Slips/Trips/Falls Psychological injury 3 of 7
Hit by moving objects Sound & pressure 5% 0% Other & unspecified Biological factors 4% 1% Body stressing 27% Mental stress 45% Chemicals & other substances 1% Slips, trips & falls Hitting objects 1% 16% Heat, radiation & electricity 0% MONITOR EXPENDITURE ON COSTS OF WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS 5 of 7