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Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [MAC Proposals for Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Networks ] Date Submitted: [ 2 May , 20 1 1 ] Source: [ Hao Liu, Guolian Yao , Pin g pin g X u, ]
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [MAC Proposals for Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Networks] Date Submitted: [2 May, 2011] Source: [Hao Liu, Guolian Yao ,PingpingXu,] Company [Beelinker Technology Co., Ltd. Southeast University] Address [339 Linquan Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu 215123, China] [ 2 Si Pai ou,Nanjing,210096,China] Voice:[+86-13951080520,86 25 83794525], E-Mail:[liuhao@beelinker.com, yaogl@beelinker.com ,xpp@seu.edu.cn,] Re: [Respond for CFP] Abstract: [An Adaptive MAC Proposals for Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Networks applications] Purpose: [Presented to the IEEE 802.15.4k LECIM task group for consideration] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Beelinker Technology Co.ltd
Overview • Introduction • MAC Protocol Description • Packet Structure • Discussion Beelinker Technology Co.ltd
LECIM Application requirements • Low power consumption, nodes need to go to sleep and wakeup periodically • Large number of nodes, easy to deployment and maintain • Networks tend to congestion due to large number of nodes, need congestion control • high reliability and Robust , low latency. Beelinker Technology Co.ltd
MAC Protocol Description Basic operation Repeat data packet until receive ACK Wake up sender data data data sleep … receiver ACK • Each node wake up to listen packets and go to sleep periodically, no synchronization is need. • Sender initiates a transmission, send data repeatedly until receives the ACK, maximum send period is equal to a cycle. Beelinker Technology Co.ltd
MAC Protocol Description Basic operation Tcycle data data data Twake Tsifs Let wakeup time be Twake, the interval between each consecutive data pair be Tsifs, then Twake>Tsifs, In our proposel, we let Twake=1.5× Sifs Beelinker Technology Co.ltd
MAC Protocol Description Operation when Congestion buffer Repeat data packet until receive ACK Wake up data0 data0 data0 data1 data2 data3 sender sleep receiver ACK0 ACK1 • If sender detect N packets in buffer, it deduce the congestion, then transmit packet in burst style to alleviate congestion. • After receive the first ACK0, sender transmit a bulk of packets, then wait the ACK that acknowledge the series. Beelinker Technology Co.ltd
MAC Protocol Description Reliability Transmission Consideration • The first data packet has the information about how many packet need to send in current burst transmission. • The second ACK is used for acknowledge which packet are received successfully, which is store in the bitmap field. • After receive the second ACK, sender get the information about which packets are received, and schedule the packets and retransmit those packets that not get acknowledgement, until reachthe retransmission limits. Beelinker Technology Co.ltd
MAC Protocol Description • Burst packet number parameters Define the maximum packets in a burst transmission be Nmax, current packets in buffer be Ncur, Packets number in a burst transmission be Nbst. if Ncur>Nmax, Nbst=Nmax; else if Ncur≤ Nmax, Nbst=Ncur; K: Transmission speed, Lack: length of ACK packet Tf: Time limited by fairness T: cycle length. Beelinker Technology Co.ltd
Packet Structure Extend the Frame of 802.15.4 to support burst transmission and reliability transmission Data0 packet Structure ACK1 packet Structure Beelinker Technology Co.ltd
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