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The Importance of the Mass

Monday 13 th December 2010 . The Importance of the Mass . Lesson Aims To find out about how the early Christians worshipped. To evaluate the importance of the Mass to us today. . How did the first Christians worship? .

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The Importance of the Mass

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Monday 13th December 2010 The Importance of the Mass Lesson Aims • To find out about how the early Christians worshipped. • To evaluate the importance of the Mass to us today.

  2. How did the first Christians worship? • ‘ They spent their time in learning from the apostles, taking part in the fellowship, and sharing in the fellowship meals and prayers’ Acts 2: 42 • After Jesus’ ascension into heaven the disciples re-enacted the last supper as a commemorative meal as Jesus said ‘do this in memory of me’. This is recorded in 1 Corinthians 11:23 – 29. • As Christianity grew in popularity the celebration of the Eucharist was scaled down for practical reasons, to become the simple sharing of bread and wine as it is today.

  3. Time to Evaluate: why do people go to Mass? Your Task All the pictures on the work sheet show reasons that a committed Christian might give to explain why they go to Mass. Working with a partner, match each picture to one of the statements in the box below. Copy the statements into your book and next to each one, sketch in pencil the picture that goes with it.15 minutes Extension Task Highlight the statement you consider to be the best reason to attend mass. Explain why you have chosen this image.......

  4. The Liturgy of the word • First Reading • Second Reading • Gospel Acclamation • The Gospel The Greeting The Creed The Our Father Prayers after Holy Communion Do you know the order of the mass? The Eucharistic Prayer The offertory Penitential Rite Peace be with you The Lamb of God The bidding prayers Homily or Sermon Holy Communion

  5. Penitential Rite The Liturgy of the word The Greeting Homily The Eucharistic Prayer The bidding prayers The Creed The offertory The Lamb of God Holy Communion The Our Father Peace be with you Prayers after Holy Communion

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