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XML Standardization for Business Applications

XML Standardization for Business Applications. Dr. Vasudev Kamath Persistent Systems. Outline of Talk. Various XML-based standards relating to business integration An overview of the standards Comparative evaluation and positioning in the information chain

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XML Standardization for Business Applications

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  1. XML Standardization for Business Applications Dr. Vasudev Kamath Persistent Systems XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  2. Outline of Talk • Various XML-based standards relating to business integration • An overview of the standards • Comparative evaluation and positioning in the information chain • Some of the standards covered are: • RosettaNet • CommerceNet • ebXML from OASIS • CommerceOne • BizTalk • PeBS XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  3. RosettaNet • Independent, self-funded consortium of global members of IT Supply Chain, • HP, Compaq, Fedex, GE Information Services, Oracle, SAP AG, Toshiba Information Systems, Cisco, etc • Defines B2B process standards as well as B2B data standards • RosettaNet standards • Business and Technical Dictionaries • RosettaNet Implementation Framework • RosettaNet Partner Interface Processes XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  4. RosettaNet (Contd.) • RosettaNet Business Dictionaries • Definitions of Business Properties and Business Data Entities • RosettaNet Implementation Framework • Open, common network-application integration framework for easy adoption of processes • Application message formats • Message exchange sequences • RosettaNet Partner Interface Process • an XML specification designed to provide common business/data models and documents enabling system developers to implement RosettaNet eBusiness interfaces XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  5. RosettaNet (Contd.) • XML DTDs arranged in clusters relating to • Partner, Product and Service Review • Maintain account • Product Management • Query product information • Order Management • Manage purchase order • Marketing Information Management • Distribute product list XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  6. CommerceNet • Open, internet-based infrastructure for e- commerce, whose members include leading banks, telcos, vans, ISPs, software services companies, major end-users worldwide • Works on top of existing standards • Aims to function as a market maker, generating communities of buyers & sellers • Defines a conceptual framework for inter-operability between different entities in supply chain XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  7. CommerceNet (Contd.) • 7-layer architecture • NETWORKS contain MARKETS where BUSINESSES provide and use SERVICES which conduct INTERACTIONS which exchange DOCUMENTS containing INFORMATION ITEMS • Registries at various levels • Market registry • Business registry • Service registry • Registry schemas are built on XML-based data elements XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  8. CommerceNet (Contd.) • Published interface to each layer and registry • Query to each published interface answered in the form of an XML document pre-formatted according to pre-defined DTD XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  9. ebXML From OASIS • ebXML, initiative of the UN CEFACT and OASIS, will provide technical infrastructure for Global Commerce Internet Protocol, • (set of recommendations governing management of data for Internet communication and other B2B interactions) • A project with consumer products industry involved creation of business models, global data dictionaries, and XML schemas • Nearly ready for launch (Nov 2000) XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  10. ebXML Technical Architecture • Layered architecture • Repository items contain info about Data elements • Next layer recognizes business processes • Discovery of partner requirement • System of registries and distributed repositories • Repositories can contain • Core components, or • Syntax describing business processes • XML elements in document instances contain pointers to repository items, which are metadata XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  11. CommerceOne • Leader in e-commerce solutions • Provides XML-based standardization at business document exchange level • Defined standards for documents such as • Purchase order • Invoice • Price Catalog • Availability Check Request XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  12. CommerceOne CBL • Commerce One CBL 2.0 • set of XML building blocks • a document framework that allows the creation of robust, reusable, XML documents for electronic commerce • businesses everywhere can conduct e-commerce by seamlessly exchanging business documents of different types • CBL 2.0 provides transition path from EDI to XML-based commerce capability XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  13. CommerceOne CBL (Contd.) • CBL 2.0: first XML specification for electronic commerce designed to take advantage of the expressive power of XML schemas • Commerce One has released CBL in 3 different schema languages • Microsoft's XML Data Reduced (XDR) • the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) XML Schema Definition Language (XSDL), and • Commerce One's Schema for Object-oriented XML (SOX) XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  14. BizTalk • Goal of driving rapid, consistent adoption of XML to enable e-commerce and application integration • BizTalk Framework: • Specs for design and development of XML-based messaging solutions for communication between applications • Builds upon standards such as HTTP, MIME, XML and SOAP • BizTalk does not address all aspects of B2B e-commerce XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  15. BizTalk (Contd.) • BizTalk Framework 2 influenced by following standards • SOAP 1.1 (is actually extension of it) • XML schema (part1: structures) • XML schema (part 2: data types) • XML-signature syntax and processing • A BizTalk document contains • An application-specific business document • BizTalk-specific <delivery> and <properties> SOAP header entries,using BizTags • BizTags defined in standard BizTag namespaces XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  16. PeBS • Creating XML-based standards for business documents for PeBS solution • Pushing to enhance these as Indian standards for business documents taking into account Indian business practices XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  17. Issues • XML-based standardization for documents in businesses is catching on • Standardization occurring at various levels in the supply chain • Standardization is using XML at various levels, not just the business document exchange • XML-based standardization works well in heterogeneous environments of channel partners • Need to popularize XML in user community in India, not just CS people XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

  18. For further information…. • RosettaNet • http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/rosettaNet.html • CommerceNet • http://eco.commerce.net/what/index.cfm • CommerceOne • http://www.commerceone.com • BizTalk • http://www.biztalk.org • PeBS • http://e2econnect.net XML Workshop Talk, IIT Bombay

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