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Way of the Believers Islamic Education Center Presents. Introduction to islamic studies by ustaath abu seifullah abdullah. INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES.
Way of the Believers Islamic Education Center Presents Introduction to islamic studiesbyustaathabuseifullahabdullah
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES “O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families from a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do that which they are commanded.” [Chapter 66, verse 6]
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES This is a verse from the Holy Qur’an in which Allah, the Most High is telling us to save our selves and our families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones. Allah commands us to save our selves first, by seeking the knowledge necessary to avoid sin and transgression which will lead to destruction in the hell fire.
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES What is sin and transgression? It is disobedience to the commands and prohibitions upon which Allah and His messenger have given us. “And obey Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) that you may obtain mercy.” [Chapter 3, Verse 132]
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES We must obey Allah and the Messenger in all of our lives. We can only do this by seeking knowledge of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Once we do this we become knowledgeable about the commands and prohibitions which Allah and His messenger have given us.
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES If we practice this knowledge then we will worship Allah properly and attain his forgiveness and mercy which will lead us to paradise. “For such, the reward is Forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens with rivers flowing underneath (Paradise), wherein they shall abide forever. How excellent is this reward for the doers (who do righteous deeds according to Allahs Orders).” [Chaptert 3, Verse 136
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES Thus the saving occurs by obedience to Allah and His messenger. Once one does this, then they must convey this knowledge to their families by teaching them, commanding good and forbidding evil. Encouraging them and reminding them about Allah., the Most High. Thus the one who has acquired knowledge of Allah and His messenger is in a better position to save himself and his family than one who does not have proper knowledge of Allah and His Messenger. It is like the lifeguard who is on watch at the beach. How can he save himself if he has not been properly trained to swim? His attempt to save someone will most likely end up with the destruction of himself and the person he is trying to save.
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES As for those who do not do this, and go through life heedless of Allah’s commands and prohibitions, it will lead to his destruction. So knowledge is the key to avoiding this calamity. “Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Whether you hide what is in your breasts or reveal it, Allah knows it, and He knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. And Allah is Able to do all things.“ “On the Day when every person will be confronted with all the good he has done, and all the evil he has done, he will wish that there were a great distance between him and his evil. And Allah warns you against Himself (His Punishment) and Allah is full of Kindness to the (His) slaves. [Chapter 3, Verse 29-30]
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES Allah warns mankind against Himself. Those who do not take the steps necessary to save themselves from the impending punishment should take heed of the following verse: “…. over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do that which they are commanded.” [Chapter 66, verse 6]
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES Once the judgment has been passed, there are no appeals, there are no second chances. Your chance is now, while you are alive in this life. You do not know when your time is up, so you must act now and strive to seek knowledge of the religion of Islam. There are 19 angels who will be managing the hell fire. These angels will not have compassion, nor any mercy. That is not a part of their nature. They are servants of the Almighty Allah. There nature is only that of pure obedience to Allah and praising him. They will hear the cries of the people of Hell fire, but will not flinch in carrying out the command of Allah.
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC STUDIES I remind myself first, as I remind you. To whoever reads this and understands., whether you are a Muslim or not, young or old, it all applies to you as well. Note: If you are at least seven years old you should be able to understand this. If there is anything that you do not understand, then ask your teacher and he/she will explain it to you. May Allah grant you success in your studies. Ameen, and may the prayers and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad. “And remind (by preaching the Quran, O Muhammad SAW) for verily, the reminding profits the believers.” [Chapter 51, Verse 55]