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The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales. Day 4. Standards. Objectives. Students will be able to… categorize and classify characters in literature determine through characterization and other text evidence the social commentary being expressed in literature utilize direct and indirect characterization.

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The Canterbury Tales

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  1. The Canterbury Tales Day 4

  2. Standards Objectives Students will be able to… categorize and classify characters in literature determine through characterization and other text evidence the social commentary being expressed in literature utilize direct and indirect characterization. identify and discuss archetypal literary elements. • Writing: 1.0 Writing Strategies Students write coherent and focused texts that convey a well-defined perspective and tightly reasoned argument. The writing demonstrates students' awareness of the audience and purpose and progression through the stages of the writing process. • Reading: 2.4 Make warranted and reasonable assertions about the author's arguments by using elements of the text to defend and clarify interpretations. 2.5 Analyze an author's implicit and explicit philosophical assumptions and beliefs about a subject. 3.7 Analyze recognized works of world literature from a variety of authors. Literary Criticism3.8 Analyze the clarity and consistency of political assumptions in a selection of literary works or essays on a topic (e.g., suffrage, women's role in organized labor). (Political approach) 3.9 Analyze the philosophical arguments presented in literary works to determine whether the authors' positions have contributed to the quality of each work and the credibility of the characters. (Philosophical approach)

  3. Character Cube • You will be assigned a character from The Canterbury Tales and given the template to create a cube for that character. Use your chart to help you complete your cube and I suggest using thicker paper to create your cube on. • Side breakdown: • 1. name of character • 2. picture/images of character • 3. examples of direct characterization (quotes) • 4. examples of indirect characterization (quotes) • 5. full written description (should be backed up by sides 3 & 4) • 6. social commentary expressed (what was Chaucer saying about your character?)

  4. The Canterbury Tales Writing Assignment You are going to create the description of a new character to go on the pilgrimage who you feel is not already represented. You may chose a profession or you may chose to add yourself. The description should be 16-20 lines long, follow Chaucer’s rhyme scheme and meter, and it should include both direct and indirect characterization. See handout for description of rhyme scheme and meter style. Due first class of next week!

  5. Let Me Tell You a Story 1. Who are the people in your group? You may be your real selves, or you may create fictional personas. • You and the rest of your group are in a bus on a five-hour trip. You do not have any music or books with you, your cell phone isn’t working, and you do not feel a bit sleepy. To pass the time, you decide to tell stories, and the best one will win the storyteller a prize. 2. Quietly plan your individual story. Then take turns sharing stories with group members. Briefly record the contents of the tales in the chart above. One chart per group. 3. Decide who is the winning storyteller, and explain why.

  6. Class Competition Each group winner will tell his/her story. Write the name of who you think was the best on the strip of paper provided and put it into the box. And the winner is…

  7. The Pardoner’s Tale: Pg. 140 • What is it? • An Exemplum, otherwise known as an anecdote told by a clergyman to make his point. It is Latin for “example.” • Specifically, the Pardoner’s tale is an exemplum against greed, which helps make the Pardoner’s point that love of money is the root of all evil. • Literary Elements: • archetypal narrative elements • needed in an exemplum because it must be easy to understand and easily remembered by the “simple folk” who listen to it, they are basic storytelling patterns found in folk literature around the world. • things that come in threes • a test of characters • mysterious guide • a just ending where people get what is coming to them

  8. The Pardoner’s Tale : Pg. 141-150 • The Pardoner has a prologue before his tale in which he informs the other pilgrims of some interesting facts that further illustrate how corrupt the Pardoner is and how his tale is ironic. • What are these interesting facts? • The Pardoner then begins to tell his tale. • What sins does the Pardoner rail against in his tale? • Identify the different archetypal narrative elements in the following chart (also found on pg. 151):

  9. Homework finish character cube, due next class work on writing assignment, due first class of next week study for The Canterbury Tales Test

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