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By Professor Jim Norton Freng , sponsored by Amadeus. Professor Jim Norton
By Professor Jim Norton Freng, sponsored by Amadeus
ProfessorJimNorton • FREngBengCdir CITP CengDeng LLD FloD FRSA isimmediatePastPresident of the BCS – theCharteredInstitutefor IT, a boardmember of theparliamentary office of Science and Technology, ChiefExternalExaminerfortheInstitute of Director’sCertificate in CompanyDirection and a trustee of theFoundationforinformationPolicyResearch. • Hispast roles includeChiefExecutive of the UK RadiocommunicationsAgency and Chairman of Deutsche Telekom Ltd. He is a respectedadvisertogovernments, anindependent director and has servedonseveral notable enquires and commissions. He ledtheteamthatauthoredthereporton e-commerceforthe British Prime Minister and was a member of theIPPR’sCommissiononNational Security in the 21st Century. Open for Business: AbouttheAuthor 2
Amadeus IT Groupis a leadingtransactionprocessor and provider of advancedtechnologysolutionsforthe global travel and tourismindustry. Open for Business: About Amadeus • Firstinvestor in R&D forthecomputerservices and travel and tourismsectors (€340m in 2011) 3 • Committedbothto Open Source and tothoughtleadership. • Currentlyusing Open Source in keyprojectslikeAltéaReservations, Inventory, Departure Control System, amongothers. Wehavesponsoredthis new whitepaperthat urges thetravelindustrytoembracethebenefits of open source software (OSS).
In computing, open systemsreferstosystemsbuiltusing OSS standards. Theyoffer a goodlevel of portability and independencefromthe hardware platformsonwhichtheyoperate. Thethreecharacteristics of OSS are openness, availability, and no restrictions. Open for Business: Whatis Open Source Software? • 1.Open • Thestandardmustnotwithholdanydetailnecessaryfortheexchange and use of information. • 2.Available • Thestandardmustbefreely and publiclyavailableunder royalty free terms at a reasonablecost. • 3.Unrestricted • Allpatentsessentialtoimplementation of thestandardmustbelicensedunder royalty free termsforunrestricted use. 4
The concept of open systemsstartedaroundthe late 1960s, wherethefirststepsweretakento link differentcomputersystemstogetheracrosscommunicationsnetworks. Followingthis, attentionturnedtotheattachedcomputersystems. Mostpracticalimplementations lie somewhereonthespectrumbetween open and closedsystems. Open for Business: Fromclosedto open systems • 1.Fromvirtualisationtocloudcomputing • "Virtualisation" means a single mainframe computer can runseparateinstances of thesameoperatingsystem at thesame time; thecreation of "Cloud Computing" fromvirtualisationcamethroughthedevelopment of "orchestration", allowingmany virtual machines tobemanagedacross a range of physical hardware. 5 2.Open systemssuccess Almostall of thesuccessful “Web” businesseslaunched in thelast ten yearshavedrawnonthis base of Virtualised open systems, familiar namessuch as Google, Amazon, YouTube, Facebook and Twitteralloperate in thisway.
Thecombination of virtualised open systems plus sophisticatedorchestration leads tothe concept of purchasingcomputingcapability as a utility: cloudcomputing. Open for Business: Cloud computing 1.Infrastructure Basic virtual machines, virtualisedstorage and networkaccess are madeavailabletousers. 4.Business Process Complete suite of applicationstoperform a majorbusinessfunction. 6 2.Platform Thisadds a pre-configuredoperatingsystem and middleware. 5.Growth of thecloud Cloud Computing isthefastestgrowingservicetype in theoutsourcingmarket (+48% growthlastyear, with total spending of $5bn). 3.Software Responsibilityfortheapplication software istransferredtothecloudserviceprovider
AltéaCustomer Management System At theoperatingsystemlevel, Amadeus issuccessfullytransitioningfromproprietarysystemsto Linux torunitsleadingAltéaCustomer Management Systemforairlines. Open for Business: Howdoes Amadeus use open systems? Amadeus leading online innovations Leadinginnovations online, including e-Retail, DynamicWebsite Manager and Extreme Searchhavebeenbuiltwithextensive use of open sourcecomponents in waysthatwouldnotbepossibleusinglegacycomponents. 7 Amadeus open sourceframework Amadeus ARIA™ Templates – the framework upon which Amadeus IT Group’s web solutions are based – has recently been made open source, allowing third party developers to use it without charge.
Faster responses tochangingrequirements Customerengagement and involvement and theinfluence of social networks place furtherdemandsonimmediacy of process. Access to a range of costeffectivedevelopmenttools, abilitytoscalerapidly and accessto a global knowledge base, allfavourthe use of the "open" approach. Access togreaterinnovation Thecombination of open source software, open systemsinteroperability and open standards has created a community of sharedresearch and development and a pooling of creative ideas. Thosethat show promise in testing and development are implemented and adopted more quickly Multi-systemsupport Business organisations use a widevariety of currentlegacysystemsall at differentstages of theirlifecycle. Theability, through open systems, todrawonanextensiverange of standards and interfaces shared and developedover 20 years can be a keydifferentiator. Open for Business: Advantagesforthebusinesscustomer 8
Access to skilled, motivated and innovative staff: A whole generation has grown up with access to both the Internet and open source. They want to work freely with these systems and tools. Rapid adoption of new technology developments: New developments in hardware, network based storage and software are a regular occurrence. It is important to have timely access to these innovations which the open source community offers. Open for Business: Advantagesfortheprovider Drawing on the global community: The open source community now numbers in the millions, and includes software architects, analysts, designers, programmers and key universities. There are extensive opportunities for collaboration. Avoidance of dependencies: Open Source limits restricted dependencies on single sources and therefore limits the pricing power. 9 Lower total cost of ownership: Open Source is generally free to obtain, but in order to compare costs we have to consider the total cost of ownership (TCO) over the lifetime of use of the software. Industry lore is that a TCO saving of around 20% is achievable. Full visibility and confidence on the source code: Extensive public review and correction of the code can minimise the avenues for attack and offer a more rapid response and defense against attacks.
Greater choice and depth of services Open source both enables greater (as well as faster) innovation and additionally makes it possible to deliver services that would not be financially viable under the economic model of proprietary software. Open for Business: Advantages for the traveller Democratisation of services Functionality that would otherwise only be viable to provide on a limited scale or at a high price point – as it would be supported either by proprietary software or by manual activity – can be offered widely when supported by open source software. 10
OSS is now applicable in the most demanding real-time processing environments. Benefits for the business customer: o Greater innovation o Faster response to change o Ability to support heterogeneous systems. Open for Business: Key findings Benefits for business providers: o Access to motivated and skilled development and support staff o Reduced cost of ownership and independency from Monopily suppliers o Faster exploitation of new technology developments o Higher visibility and trust in the source code 11 Benefits for travellers: o Greater choice and depth of services o Democratisation of services The transition from closed to open systems represents a major integrity and fitness. Where key functions can move between countries or continents on demand, new approaches and working relationships are required. OSS and cloud computing will have a great impact in computing and informatics
Find out more about Open Source Systems (OSS) on our corporate Blog, where you'll find a series of posts from different authors on this topic. Open for Business: For your information You can also follow Amadeus on: 12 Click on each icon to access the links