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Peer Grading for Error Detection in Bibliography Cards

Improve your skills in identifying and correcting errors on bibliography cards with peer grading. Follow instructions to earn maximum points and enhance your research accuracy. Make use of the provided rubric and guidelines to ensure thorough error detection and correction process.

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Peer Grading for Error Detection in Bibliography Cards

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Presentation Transcript

  1. It is your job to catch all the errors. If you do, you’ll get max points, if you don’t, you lose points…….bummer!! Bibliography Card CheckYou find……they fix!

  2. PAPER WORK!! • Fill out the PEER GRADER’s side of the rubric. • When you are done peer grading, add up each correction and place the total number of corrections at the bottom of the PEER GRADER’S rubric: • Total: 23

  3. Highlight errors on each card!! • 1. Index Card Size • 2. Hanging Indent • 3. Minimum 8 Cards • 4. Call Number/Library in upper corners • 5. Period at the end of each citation.

  4. Now for content…………. • 6. Verify the kind of source that’s being cited. • 7. Underlined writing indicates italics • 8. Check for all required information (look at the source or ask your peer “gradee” where the source came from. • 9. Check all Punctuation (periods, colons, commas) • 10. Check for capitalization (titles, authors, etc.) • 11.If the card is missing a date or a sponsor, double check the source.

  5. If you can’t read the card because the handwriting is not readable, tell your “gradee” to…. Write the card again!!!

  6. Revise and correct your errors. • You have 15 minutes to erase and correct your errors. It’s ok if the highlight remains on the card. It’s NOT ok if you haven’t revised the highlighted correction. I will count it as two full points. Yikes!!

  7. Submit! • Follow these instructions to receive: 2 FREE bonus points!! If you have rewritten your card, please staple the NEW card to the old card. • Fill out your side of the rubric-each field • Funky Fold it (like a diaper) so that your name appears on the front. • Turn in to your teacher • Check off your name on the class roster.

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