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Stress in Early Pregnancy: The Role of Endocrine Immune System and Management Noor Pramono Noerpramana Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro Actual Management in Complicated Pregnancy FK. Universitas Sebelas Maret , Surakarta 15 Juli 2012. Contents. Stress Hypothalamus hormones
Stress in Early Pregnancy:The Role of Endocrine Immune System and ManagementNoor Pramono NoerpramanaFakultas Kedokteran Universitas DiponegoroActual Management in Complicated PregnancyFK. Universitas Sebelas Maret ,Surakarta 15 Juli 2012
Contents • Stress • Hypothalamus hormones • Pituitary anterior hormones • HPA • HPG • Thyroid hormones • ADH • Stress CRH (HPA), GnRH (HPG), TRH, GHRH • Desidual prolactin, circulation prolactin • Stress Th1, Th2, immune system • Pregnancy failure, fetal programming • Management stress in early pregnancy
Stres • Stres : Proses adaptasi • Stres : - Aksis hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) - Aksis hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) - Sistem imun
Hormone of the anterior pituitary • The hormone secreted by anterior pituitary are large peptides ( about 200 amino acid residues) or glycopeptides • The six main hormones are • Growth hormone (GH) • Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH also called thyrotrophin). • Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) • Luteinizing hormone (LH) • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) • Prolactin (PRL)
Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland and their receptive target organs
HPA : Hormonal regulation of cortisol.(ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone;CRH,corticotrophin releasing hormone)
HPG : Regulasi hormon FSH , LH, Prolaktin, Estrogen, Progesterone
prolactin Hormonal regulation of the thyroid hormones. (T3, Tri- iodothyronine; T4,thyroxine;TRH,thyrotrophin;releasing hormone; TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone
Hormonal regulation of plasma osmolarity by antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
HPA Stress Hypothalamus CRH ACTH Adrenal Cortex Medula Glucocorticoid (cortisol), mineralocorticoid, androgen Catecholamin : adrenalin. noradrenalin Metabolic effect • Immune system : • Immune activity • Cytokines • Inflammation
S t r e s s • Growth • Anabolisme Prolactin Stimulate LH progesterone Inhibit 20α-HSD progesterone • Immune • System • Regulation • cytokine • - IL10, IL12 Corpusluteum Reproductive Function
Desidua (Maternal) • Prolaktin didalam Desidua : 1. Implantasi dan plasentasi - Deferensiasi sel epitel - Pertumbuhan trofoblast - Angiogenesis - Regulasi Immun 2. Gen yang berbahaya untuk kehamilan dilawan (termasuk IL6 dan 20α-HSD) • Prolaktin didalam Sirkulasi : Efek pada desidua ?
Pregnancy Stress Progesterone PIBF Progesterone Receptor Fetomaternal Interface Th 1 Th 2 Dendritic Cells ( IL2, 12, 18, IFNγ, TNF ) ( IL4, 5,6, 10, 13) Note : Glucocorticoid ( cortisol ) & 11β-HSD Decidua Progesterone, Prolactin ??
Diagram gangguan keseimbangan hormonal maternal akibat stres
Managemen Stres pada Kehamilan • Stres : 1. Berupa fisik, psikik, hormonal, lingkungan 2. Bersifat berat/ringan, akut/kronis • Penyakit (kelainan) mental : akibat dari rangsangan stres yang cukup kuat dan lama.
Managemen Stres pada Kehamilan • Terapi Stres : 1. Prinsip menghindari stres 2. Dukungan sosial 3. Konseling 4. Psikoterapi 5. Medikomentosa (untung rugi efek samping)
Ringkasan • Stres interaksi kompleks sistem neuro–endokrin-imun (HPA-HPG-Imun). • Stres awal kehamilan : 1. Progesterone 2. PIBF 3. Prolactin 4. Th1 cytokines : Th2 cytokines 5. GC (Glucocorticoid / Cortisol) ? • Berakibat : kegagalan pregnancy or fetal programming
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