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U.S. IOOS ® National Glider Network

U.S. IOOS ® National Glider Network. Zdenka Willis Director, US IOOS Program Office. U.S. IOOS: Program Overview. WHO. WHAT Observation Data Management Modeling & Analysis Research & Development Education. WHY: 7 Societal Goals, 1 System Predictions of climate change and weather

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U.S. IOOS ® National Glider Network

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  1. U.S. IOOS® National Glider Network Zdenka Willis Director, US IOOS Program Office

  2. U.S. IOOS: Program Overview WHO WHAT Observation Data Management Modeling & Analysis Research & Development Education • WHY: 7 Societal Goals, 1 System • Predictions of climate changeand weather • Safety and efficiency of maritime operations • Forecasts of natural hazards • Improve homeland security • Minimize public health risks • Protect and restore healthy coastal ecosystems • Sustain living marine resources WHERE Global Coastal (EEZ to tidal waters) Enables Decision making and Science

  3. US Efforts • Navy: 150 Gliders Operational; Glider Operation Center, Naval Oceanographic Office • Office of Naval Research: Research efforts through University partners: Rutgers, Scripps, University of Washington • NOAA: 2 offices (NCCOS, Climate Observation Division) fund university partners; Scripps, MOTE, USF • US IOOS Program Office (in NOAA); funding data management effort, national glider plan, and IOOS Regional Associations • NSF: Ocean Observatory Initiative and other University Partners, primarily WHOI and University of Washington • Environmental Prediction Agency: Funding US IOOS- MARACOOS • NASA: Calibration of Aquarius satellite; university partners • BOEM: Supports US-IOOS AOOS/University of Alaska glider operations; also some Gulf of Mexico work

  4. Why IOOS: A Growing Enterprise * Glider Days provided with support from Federal Agencies including NSF, ONR, NOAA, EPA, state and local governments and private foundations.

  5. Glider Missions Climate/Ecosystem/Fisheries Management/Water Quality HAB Fish Tracking CalCOFI The SoCal Niño Index Response to Oil Spill Hurricane Forecasting Deep Water Horizon Alaska

  6. National Science Foundation – Ocean Observatories Initiative Coastal Node Gliders

  7. HMS Challenger Mission Rutgers Plan for the Challenger Mission: International Education Program for Sustained at-Sea Robotic Global Omni-Presence Slibo – Drifter Challenger – back in action Rutgers University/IOOS Partner

  8. National Glider Network Where are Gliders deployed today! V1 Comments being Adjudicated

  9. Data Management • Will stand up a DAC in 2013 • National standards to ease exchange of data from regional glider operators • Real-time distribution • Quality control • Archiving

  10. Data Management Efforts • NetCDF file format: • GROOM/EGO; IMOS;IOOS - similar completely harmonizing is achievable • IOOS optimized for web services distribution via THREDDS Data Server • Trajectory CF Discrete Sampling Geometry – a must for IOOS baseline • IOOS is also working TrajectoryProfile Discrete Sampling Geometry. • Proposal: Volunteers from each of the major groups to harmonize the file formats where possible • GTS Distribution • IOOS formed working group to address a BUFR template • Funding NDBC to write encoding software for GTS distribution in two phases: 1) netCDF to TESAC (the older Traditional ASCII Code form which is set to expire 2014) 2) BUFR based on a TBD template created by the JCOMM Task Team on Table Driven Codes • Derrick is a member of TT-TDC and has asked the Chair, Dave Berry from Southampton Oceanography Centre to consider Gliders as a top priority. • Bob Keeley, former head of JCOMM Data Management Programme Area and TT-TDC is on contract to NOAA/CPO/COD and COD has agreed to lending some of Bob’s time for consultation and advice • Proposal: Request commitment to this effort and participation. Require interfacing the IMOS/GROOM/IOOS and the GTS responsible nodes at the national weather services (BoM/UKMET/NDBC respectively).

  11. Glider Integration is Possible “Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things … and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Opportunity to forge a new path by harmonizing our data efforts

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