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UNIT 1C. interminable. - endless; so long it seems endless. We had an interminable wait on the hot, crowded bus . Question: What have you experienced that seemed interminable ?. UNIT 1C. interrogate. to ask questions; examine by questioning.

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  1. UNIT 1C interminable - endless; so long it seems endless We had an interminable wait on the hot, crowded bus. Question: What have you experienced that seemed interminable?

  2. UNIT 1C interrogate to ask questions; examine by questioning Two detectives interrogated the suspect about the crime. Question: Who would you interrogate and why?

  3. UNIT 1C recompense My mom was happy to recompense the little girl for finding her lost dog. The landlord offered all of the tenants one month of free rent as recompense for the fire damage. Question: Who would you recompense for doing your chores? to pay back; to give a reward; OR a payment for a loss, service, or injury

  4. UNIT 1C renovate to repair or restore to good condition; to make new again Next year, workers will renovate the first floor of Donegal Junior High School. Question: What other building in your town could be renovated?

  5. UNIT 1C résumé a brief summary of a person’s education, work experience, or qualifications for a job The young woman gave her résumé to the employment agency. Question: What work experience would you put on a résumé?

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