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Plant Propagation by Cuttings

Plant Propagation by Cuttings. a. Kinds of cuttings 1) Stem cuttings 2) Leaf-bud cutting (single-eye) 3) Root cuttings 4) Leaf cuttings b. Totipotency -The ability of an individual cell to reconstitute the entire plant part and functions

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Plant Propagation by Cuttings

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  1. Plant Propagation by Cuttings a. Kinds of cuttings 1) Stem cuttings 2) Leaf-bud cutting (single-eye) 3) Root cuttings 4) Leaf cuttings b. Totipotency-The ability of an individual cell to reconstitute the entire plant part and functions c. Dedifferentiation-The capability of previously developed, differentiated cell to return to a meristem

  2. Plant Propagation by Cuttings 1. Stem cuttings 2. Leaf-bud cutting (single-eye) 3. Root cuttings 4. Leaf cuttings

  3. 1. Stem Cuttings • Softwood Cuttings • Semi-Hardwood Cutting • Hardwood Cuttings • Herbaceous Cuttings

  4. Softwood Cuttings

  5. Shoftwood Cuttings - Hydrangea Butterfly cutting (top) Double-eye single node cutting (middle) Single-eye single node cuttings (bottom)

  6. Softwood Cuttings-Peach - Actively growing shoots are used - Softwood cuttings are taken during spring and summer

  7. Influence of IBA on Semi-Hardwood Cuttings - Cordia 1-Control, 2-50% ethanol, 3-100 ppm, 4-1000 ppm, 5-2000 ppm, 6-4000 ppm, 7-6000 ppm, 8-8000 ppm, 9-10000 ppm IBA

  8. Semi-Hardwood Cuttings - Jojoba Treating cuttings in IBA Solution (top) Sticking IBA-treated cuttings in root substrate (bottom)

  9. Bottom Heat System for Cutting Benches

  10. Temperature Differential Helpful for Root Formation • Rooting requires carbohydrates (energy), auxin (growth hormone), and rooting cofactors (enzymes) • Temperature differential (10 oF) between the ambient air and root zone is helpful for faster rooting Ambient Temp 60 oF Root zone Temp 70 oF

  11. Good sanitation is important Cutting on the left was infected with Alternaria and did not root Cutting on the right was healthy and rooted well

  12. Cutting Propagation in Jojoba • Regular Stem Cuttings • Use 4-5 nodes • Semi-hardwood cuttings • Single Node Cuttings • Double-eye single node cuttings • Single-eye single node cuttings

  13. Rooting of 3 Different Types of Cuttings in Jojoba Regular Cuttings Single Node Cuttings Double Eye (DE) Single Eye (SE) 5-node

  14. Single Node Cuttings Double-Eye Single Node Cutting (DE) - Healthier than SE - Less disease attacks Single-Eye Single Node Cutting (SE) - Largest no. cuttings/plant - Slower development - Higher mortality

  15. Clonal Selection of Jojoba from Native StandsPima Canyon, Tucson, AZ

  16. Clonal Selection from Cultivated Field

  17. Rooting jojoba cuttings in bundles with a bottom heat system

  18. Jojob Cutting Propagation House

  19. High Pressure Fogging(1000 psi pressure)

  20. Cuttings rooted under high-pressure fogging

  21. Use of Plant Bands for Rooting

  22. Hardening of rooted cuttings under a shade house

  23. Clonally Propagated Jojoba FieldBakersfield, CA

  24. An orchard of clonally propagated citrus plants, Bakersfield, CA

  25. Commercial Cutting Operation

  26. Bagged Cuttings are Stored in Cold

  27. Trimming Cuttings

  28. Trimming Cuttings

  29. Growth Regulator (IBA) Treatment on Cuttages

  30. Rooting Cuttings of Pacific Yew

  31. Outdoor Rooting Facility-Monrovia Nursery

  32. Herbaceous Cuttings-Chrysanthemum

  33. Herbaceous Cuttings

  34. Carnation Cutting Harvest

  35. Steam Sterilizing Beds

  36. pH Adjustment of Carnation Beds

  37. Planting Rooted Cuttings

  38. Typical Carnation Benches

  39. Poinsettia Plant Grown in Mexico

  40. Commercial Propagation of Poinsettia Paul Ecke, Sr. – Developer of modern day poinsettias

  41. Herbaceous Cuttings-Poinsettia

  42. Leaf Cuttings-African Violet, Piggyback Plant

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