1. ???????????????? ???:? ? ?
2. ? ?
3. ??????????(???) ?????
4. ??????????(???) ?????
5. A Piece of Haiku for dementia patients Maple leaves shining
Gorgeous colors turn misty
Fading into void
6. ???????????
??,?????? “uninsurable”
?? Commercially uninsurable
???????????? insurable(??????) ??
7. In Money We CAN’T Trust…
In kindness Can We Trust?
8. ????? ????????!(Cool! Isn’t it?)
“In God We Trust” vs. “In Each Other We Trust”.
9. ????? ???????????????
????? “Come back to the basics”?
11. ??????
13. ???????????Money as We Know It ???????????????????,?????????(??)?
?????,??????,????????,the one and the only – ???
Gill Seyfang (1999) The Euro, the Pound, and the Sell in Our Pockets: Rationales for Complementary Currencies in a Global Economy, New Political Economy, 5(2).
14. ????????? ??(??????)???,??:
Exchange Trading Scheme (LETS)?
Gill Seyfang (1999) The Euro, the Pound, and the Sell in Our Pockets: Rationales for Complementary Currencies in a Global Economy, New Political Economy, 5(2).
15. ???????????? ?????,???????,???????
(?? homogeneous,??? universal)
Gill Seyfang (1999) The Euro, the Pound, and the Sell in Our Pockets: Rationales for Complementary Currencies in a Global Economy, New Political Economy, 5(2).
16. ???????Selected Alternative Currencies LETS (Local Exchange Trade System):??????,??????????????,????????????????
Ithaca Hours:????????????,????????????????
Toronto Dollars:??????????
Time Dollars: ?????,?????????????????
17. ???????Why Alternative Currencies? ????????????????,????????
18. “Work” ??????(SPC) Labor to glorify God
Labor of love
Labor of (Marxist) Alienation
19. ??“Economy” (SPC) Monetary Economy: the Economy as we know it! ???????,??????????????????????GNP (Gross National Product)?
Living Economy:???????,????????????????????:GNH (Gross National Happiness)
20. ??????
21. ????????? “You know it when you see one.”
22. ??????? ?????????;
(Mendez, 2003)
23. ?????? –
24. ? ? Edgar Cahn ?????????,????????????No More Throw Away People: The Co-Production Imperative. Essential Books: Washington, DC (2000).
?:??????? voluntarism ????
25. Edgar Cahn ?? ????????,????????????
Hunger USA
Time Dollars
No-More Throw away People
Our Brothers’ Keeper
The Indian in White America
26. Edgar Cahn ?? II ?????????,?????????????????,???????????????????????????????,??????????????,??????????????????????(??)????????????????????
27. Time Dollar Youth Court Respondent youths hear respondent youths
Each hour of jury duty earns a time dollar, and they can use the dollars to purchase (such as) recycled computers, to apply to the college.
Changes subculture by peers (positive )pressure (90% of the black males will be otherwise in jail by 30)
Community service as a real work
Partnership of the court and community
E. Cahn, (2000) “The Time Dollar Youth Court: Salvaging the Throw-Away Juveniles,” Criminal Justice Magazine, 15(1).
28. ? ? ????????????? (voluntarism)??????,?????????????
??,????,???????????????,??????????????????,?? Bill Gates, ??? Soros
29. ?????? –
30. ???? s/HMO ???:? Medicare ??????? HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)
?? S/HMO ???????????????????????????????????
??? M2M (Member to member) ,????,? Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ???
31. ???? ?????????
????? HMO ?????
??????????????,?????60% ???????????????
32. ?????? –
33. ????????NHS Raised Confidence and self-esteem by blurring the distinction between the giver and receiver;
Expanded social network;
Increased access to preventive care as opposed to merely reactive care
Saved NHS costs.
NEF(2002), Keeping the GP Away: A NEF Briefing about Community Time Bank and Health.
34. ????????? ?????????????
The New Economics Foundation Report to the King’s Fund on Time Bank Development Programme
35. ??????????? ????
36. ? ? ????
37. ?????? –
38. ? ? Pioneer systems (started by women):
1950 Teruko Mishima “Volunteer Labor Bank”
1975 1000 members
1983 200+ brnaches
Hotta-san’s Fureai Kippu (“caring relationship ticket”)(1995)
Kato-san’s Eco-Money(???????)
39. ????????Fureai Kippu Seido ????????;
??300 ?400????,??????
40. ??????????? “Peanut”: ?????? 5% ????? Peanut ??????????,?????????,????????”Amigo!”(????????)
“Rabu” (Love): ??????IC?,???????????????
“Dan-Dan” (Thank you) : ??????,??????????????,??????????
42. ???????????? ????????,????????????WWII????!??????????????????
Bernard Lietaer, Complementary Currencies in Japan Today:History, Originality and Relevance.
43. ? ? ?????????????,???????????????????????,????????,?????????
Eco-money ?????????????????
44. ? ?:What Goes Around Comes Around
45. ???????? ???????????????????
46. ????– ???? ????????
47. ??????? ????????????????,???????????;
48. ????? ???? (Time Bank)
??????(Human Time Bank)
??????(Service Credit Bank)
?????? (Service Credit Book)
???? (Benevolence Book)
49. ?????!!!