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Two questions will decided to your reputation when take a first a meet When a person meets you for the first time they ask themselves two questions. The answers to these two questions will have all sorts of knock-on effects for how they think about you and how they behave towards you.

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  1. Two questions will decided to your reputation when take a first a meet When a person meets you for the first time they ask themselves two questions. The answers to these two questions will have all sorts of knock-on effects for how they think about you and how they behave towards you. Professor Susan Fiske of Princeton University has shown that all social judgements can be boiled down to these two dimensions: 1.How warm is this person? The idea of warmth includes things like trustworthiness, friendliness, helpfulness, sociability and so on. Initial warmth judgements are made within a few seconds of meeting you. 2.How competent is this person? Competency judgements take longer to form and include things like intelligence, creativity, perceived ability and so on. Susan Fiske's research has looked at different cultures, times and types of social judgements, but these two concepts come up again and again in slightly different guises. Not only do we make these judgements about other people, but we frame their behaviour using these two questions. The primacy of warmth and competence may reflect evolved, instinctual reactions to these two questions about others: 1.Friend or foe? Is this person going to hurt me or help me? 2.Capable of hurting or helping? Can this person help me if they're friendly or hurt me if they're not? How warm and competent do other people find you? You probably know quite well how other people view you. 初次见面两个问题决定你的印象分 当别人与你第一次见面,他们都会问自己两个问题。这两个问题所得出答案决定了他们对你的看法和行动。 普林斯顿大学教授苏珊·菲斯克通过研究各种社会性判断,得出这些判断都能被总结成以下两个问题: 这个人有多热情? 热情的定义包括可信度、友好度、有益性、社交性等等。这种最初的热情与否的判断在你与他人见面后几秒钟内就能得到答案。 这个人有没有能力? 能力的判断需要花更长的时间来得出,能力包括了智力、创造力和领悟力等等。 苏珊·菲斯克教授的研究涵盖了不同的文化、不同的时代和不同类型的社会性判断,即使有细微差别,但是这两个问题一再地在研究中出现。我们不但通过这两个问题来判断别人,而且会做出相应的行为动作。 关于热情和能力的最基本的判断会让我们做出直觉的反应,从而引申出下面的两个问题: 是敌是友?这个人是来害我的还是来助我的? 能不能害我/帮我?如果来人是友好的,能不能帮我?如果来者不善,会不会害我? 别人是如何看待你的?有多热情?有多少能力?答案你可能知道得很清楚。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900

  2. Ten things which will delay the efficiency of your life Second Guess Decisions Few decisions cannot be changed later if needed. Better to take action that wallow in inaction。 Waste Time at the Proverbial Water-cooler Some people waste a large percentage of their day “chatting it up” in the workplace. Instead, get your work done, and get out。 Check Email 50 Times I love it when someone asks, “Did you get my email?” Um, when did you send it? “Like 10 minutes ago。” No. No, I didn’t. Check email periodically when it makes sense in your schedule. And turn off those new mail dings and notifications。 Answer the Phone I won’t answer the phone while in the middle of something, meeting with someone else, or especially if I don’t know who is calling。 Wait For the Perfect Plan A good plan now, always beats a perfect plan next week. Circumstances are never going to be perfect. Don’t wait。 Attend Unnecessary Meetings Meetings are the single biggest time-waster in the workplace. Practice the “right to decline” when you do not need to be in attendance。 Work During Meetings I will check my tech at the door during meetings. No open laptops. No phones or tablets. And no, you can’t work during my meeting either。 Put If Off When it comes to the tasks I don’t want to do, I will adopt a “Just Do It Now” attitude. Do those unsavory tasks early in the day and get them out-of-the-way。 Take On Unnecessary Tasks I will say “No” where appropriate to tasks that are outside my domain. After all, you can’t get your work done if you are doing everyone else’s job。 Start Before I Finish I will complete tasks to done, before starting new ones. Better to have finished the few important ones, that to have started lots of little ones。 会拖延你人生效率的十件坏事 举棋不定 决定往往是可以在往后更改的,如果有这个必要的话。所以,与其举棋不定,不如勇往直前。 在茶水间浪费时间 很多人会把一大块工作时间浪费在茶水间里和别人八卦。应该这样做:接完水,转身出门,坐回到位子上去。 不停刷新邮箱 最喜欢别人这样问我:“收到我的邮件没?” 额,你什么时候发的?“10分钟前。”不,我没收到。只有新邮件内容在我的日程安排上很重要时,我才会定时刷新邮箱。关掉新邮件提醒。 随时接听电话 我不会在做正事的半途中接听电话,比如开会、会谈;若来电的是个陌生号码,则更不会接听。 待到万事俱备只欠东风时才行动 今天有一个好计划,远胜于下周可能会产生的更完美计划。周遭环境永远不会变得百分百合心意,所以,还等什么呢?行动吧。 参加不必要的会议 会议无疑是工作中最浪费时间的项目。当面对不必要的会议时,试着学会去合理地拒绝。 在开会时工作 我通常会在会议间隙查看电子设备。开会时,我不开笔记本、不看手机、不用平板电脑。同样,别人在参加我的会议时,也要做到这一点。 拖延症 当遇到我不想做的任务时,我会带着“所幸现在就把它做完吧”的态度去做。把不喜欢的事情迅速解决掉,接下来的时间里你就可以眼不见心不烦了。 接受不必要的任务指派 面对我职责范围以外的任务,我会果断说“不”。毕竟,如果连自己的事都没做好,又怎么能去做别的事呢? 半途而废 一个任务没完成以前,我不会开始做新的。先把最重要的几件事做完,剩下的零碎琐事就好办了。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900

  3. China’s workers succumb to lure of technology The weeks after Chinese new year, celebrated towards the end of January, are typically the busiest period for jobs. But recruiters in this part of the southern industrial city of 8.2m people outnumber potential employees by about four to one. China’s labour market, like the country, is diverse. Electronics companies have no worker shortages. In Fujian province, TPV Technology, a television manufacturer that last year bought Philips’s HDTV business, says hiring is on track. But in Zhongshan, a southern Chinese “factoryville”, like Dongguan, which makes everything from lighting fixtures to shoes, local government officials said this week factories had delayed re­opening because of labour shortages. That trend augurs higher prices in the west for goods from jeans to handbags to shoes. For China, it means a migration of some low-end jobs to countries such as Indonesia and Bangladesh where costs are lower. It does not mean the end of China’s manufacturing dominance in the developing world. China’s clustering of supplier networks and first-world infrastructure means it retains many of these jobs and those in electronics. Employers offer incentives such as air-conditioned dormitories, hot water and better canteen food. In Dongguan, a sign-on bonus of Rmb400 to Rmb600 is common, yet the problem persists. Leji Chengpin Leather in Dongguan raised pay by a fifth this year and recruited more than 60 people. But about 20 left within a week, unsuited to the work or dissatisfied. However, it would be simplistic to assume that double-digit salary increases in China mean a hollowing-out of the manufacturing base, says Stephen Green, a Standard Chartered economist. Labour productivity rose 10 per cent annually from 2000 to 2010, about the same level as wages. The age of staff in China – most factory workers are in their twenties – is also to rise, says Capital Economics, a research company, as more people in their fifties work on. 中国年轻工人的择业取向 春节后的数周,一般是招聘求职最火热的季节。然而,在这个有着820万人口的南方工业城市的运河边,招聘人员竟然比应聘者还多,二者比例大约是四比一。 中国就业市场就像这个国家一样,呈现出多样性。电子公司不存在用工荒的问题。在福建省,去年收购了飞利浦(Philips) HDTV业务的电视机生产商——冠捷科技有限公司(TPV Technology)表示,招工进展顺利。 而在中山,地方政府官员表示,由于工人短缺,本周许多工厂都推迟了开工。中山与东莞一样,属于中国南方的一个“工厂城市”,生产从照明灯具到鞋等各式各样的商品。 这一趋势预示着,在西方,从牛仔裤到手提包和鞋,各类商品都将涨价。 而对中国来说,这意味着部分低端工作机会将流入印尼、孟加拉等成本更低的国家。但这不意味着中国制造业在发展中世界的主导地位即将终结。中国的供应商集群和世界一流的基础设施意味着,中国仍将保有许多此类就业机会,以及电子行业的就业机会。 为吸引工人,用工单位采取了种种激励措施,包括提供带空调的宿舍、供应热水、改善食堂伙食等。在东莞,提供400-600元的签约奖金是一种普遍现象,然而,问题依然存在。东莞市乐吉诚品皮具有限公司今年给工人加薪20%,并新招了60多人。但在一周之内,就因为不胜任或者不满意走掉了大约20人。 不过,渣打银行经济学家王志浩表示,不能就此简单地认为,工资水平以两位数增长,就意味着中国制造业基础将出现空洞化。 从2000年到2010年期间,中国劳动生产率年均增长10%,与工资增长速度大体相当。 研究公司凯投宏观表示,中国工人的年龄也在增长,五十多岁仍在工作的人有所增加。目前在工厂打工的人中,大多数都是二十多岁的年轻人。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900

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