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Elucidate :. Part of Speech – verb Definition – To make clear or lucid; to throw light on; explain. Word Root – luc - light
Elucidate: Part of Speech – verb Definition – To make clear or lucid; to throw light on; explain. Word Root – luc - light Sample Sentence – Haley was able to eloquently elucidate the mysterious gravitational influx constant at the event horizons of black holes to the scientists from NASA, so that they were finally able to build a spaceship that can travel at speeds faster than light. Great job, Haley!
Macrocosm: Part of Speech – noun Definition – the great world or universe Word Root –macro – great/large cosm – world/universe Sample Sentence – Jasmine often sat at her desk during 8th period pondering the vastness of the macrocosm that could hold so many wonderful galaxies, stars, planets, UFOs, and herself. Let’s reel it back in, Jasmine.
Megalomaniac: Part of Speech – noun Definition – a person suffering from mental illness marked by delusions of greatness, wealth, etc. Word Root –mega – large mania - madness Sample Sentence – Claudia engaged in hand to hand combat with and defeated an evil dictator that was a megalomaniac intending to take over the world with an army of militarized ballpoint pen soldiers. We owe you one, Claudia!
Melancholy: Part of Speech – noun Definition – a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged Word Root –melan – black (…sad) cholia – bile (yummy) Sample Sentence - On Mondays, Shubhit always has a melancholy attitude that he demonstrates by crying at his desk, pouting, and a great deal of sighing. Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays! Cheer up, Shubhit!
Melodrama: Part of Speech – noun Definition – a dramatic form that exaggerates emotion Word Root – melo – black or ‘melos’ – song drama – to act as in a play (save it for your mamma) Sample Sentence – Ben pleaded, “If you do this, my life will be ruined, my future will be reduced to ashes and dust; the hardship will be unbearable. Please don’t!” “It’s just a tardy, Ben. You are the king of melodrama.” responded Mr. Wheatley. “Nice try though, Ben.”
Microcosm Part of Speech – noun Definition – a little world; a world in miniature Word Root –micro – small cosm - world Sample Sentence – Lindsey was introduced to the microcosm of the human cell when she was zapped by Colonel Sanderzorg’s Autoshrinkerometric laser. While inside the cell she had to fight off a nasty endoplasmic reticulum, deadly mitochondria, rogue RNA and one mean Golgi apparatus. Yikes! Keep up the good fight, Lindsey!
Immutable: Part of Speech – adjective Definition – not mutable; unchangeable; changeless Word Root –im – not mut - change Sample Sentence – Although the warrior-king, Kartik the Great, faced the vast hordes of zombies; his courage was immutable. Although he was alone, he was brave and wiped out thousands in a single swing. His face was defiant, his gaze was steady, and his blade was ready. Way to destroy the flesh-eating undead, Kartik!
Metacognition: Part of Speech – noun Definition – higher-order thinking that enables understanding, analysis, and control of one’s cognitive processes, especially when engaged in learning. Word Root – meta – after, along, beyond cognito - think Sample Sentence – “Consider the ways you learn vocabulary best. Is it by listening, seeing, physically participating?” asked Professor Kulsoom. “When you’ve figured out which works WAY best for you, you have participated in metacognition!” Thanks Professor Kulsoom! We totally understand what you just said.
Circumnavigate: Part of Speech – verb Definition – to sail or fly around Word Root –circum – around nav - ship Sample Sentence – The Dread Pirate Katie the Blonde circumnavigated the ancient seas in her deadly pirate ship The Stranger. Supposedly she retired from the pirate life to own and operate a string of successful Chuckie Cheese restaurants. Yo-ho, yo-ho, Chips Ahoy, Arrrrrrr, Katie!
Paternal: Part of Speech – adjective Definition – a characteristic of or befitting a father; fatherly Word Root –pater - father Sample Sentence – While visiting the local McDonalds, Matt found the silently strong figure of Ronald McDonald on the bench comforting. He finished his McNuggets in the secure embrace of the red-haired paternal figure. Those Golden Arches rock, Matt!
Pendulum: Part of Speech – noun Definition – a body so suspended from a fixed point as to move to and from by the action of gravity and momentum Word Root – pend/pens – to hang Sample Sentence – As she was chasing the dangerous art thieves, Angela’s shoelaces came undone and snagged on a nail causing her to fall off the side of the Louvre. Fortunately, her titanium alloy laces held strong and she only swung upside-down and back and forth like a pendulum of justice. Have a swinging time, Angela!
Impending: Part of Speech – adjective Definition – about to happen; imminent Word Root –im – without pend - hanging Sample Sentence – Tulsi aggressively revved her BMW’s engine while anticipating the impending green light that would begin her career as an illegal street racer. She left her competition in the dust. Go, Speed Racer Tulsi, Go!
Physiology: Part of Speech – noun Definition – the organic processes or functions in an organism or any of its parts Word Root –physi-nature/body ology – study of Sample Sentence – Maya really enjoyed Professor Portobello’s lecture on the physiology of mushrooms as it relates to liquid distribution. She plans on taking his class next semester too. He’s a fun guy, Maya!
Cosmopolitan: Part of Speech – noun / adjective Definition – belonging to all the world; not limited to just one part of the world Word Root –cosm, world polis, city Sample Sentence – Allie is quite cosmopolitan because she spent the summer traveling to Red Hot Chili Pepper concerts in India, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Spain, Italy, and Chicago. Desecration Smile, Allie!
Supercilious: Part of Speech – adjective Definition – haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression Word Root –super – above cilium - eyebrow Sample Sentence – The know-it-all teacher superciliously asked, “Which one of you mere students can give the correct answer?” Triumphantly, Brandon replied, “The answer is 42.” With that response, the teacher screamed, “Nooo! I’m melting,” and was reduced to a steaming clump of arrogance on the floor. You’re our hero, Brandon!
Subordinate: Part of Speech – adjective Definition – placed in or belonging to a lower rank; of less importance Word Root –sub – below ordin – rank/order Sample Sentence – Joe was able to quickly prioritize his homework. The grammar was subordinate to his chemistry because the chemistry test was the next day. Chem it up, Joe!
Quintessential: Part of Speech – adjective Definition – the pure and essential essence of something Word Root –quint – five essentia - essence Sample Sentence – Audrey is the quintessential crime fighter. She’s courageous, smart, intimidating, inspiring, has tremendous physical strength, catches criminals during her sleep and rescues kidnapped sheep. No crook is going to pull the wool over your eyes, Audrey!
Posthumous: Part of Speech – adjective Definition – arising, occurring, or continuing after one's death Word Root –post – after humare – to bury Sample Sentence – The famous author, Archibald Nectarhead, had several works published posthumously after he passed. His agent, Riana, was given all the profits to which she then gave to a cat orphanage. Awwwww! That’s nice, Riana.
FinitePart of Speech: Adjective Definition: Having boundaries or limits, measurable. Word Root: fin, end Sample sentence: Many math geeks will study finite math. Humans have a finite time to live.
ForbearPart of Speech: Verb Definition: To refrain or abstain from; to keep back; withhold Word Root: fore, front/before Sample Sentence: Students forbear taking notes, because they think they will remember everything.
ProgenyPart of Speech: noun Definition: descendants, offspring Word Root: gen, kind/origin Sample Sentence: Children are the progeny of their parents, often carrying similar personalities whether they like it or not.
Ingrate: Part of Speech – noun Definition – an unthankful person Word Root –in, not grat, pleasing Sample Sentence – Antony was a lousy ingrate who didn’t appreciate what Brutus did for him.
NeologismPart of Speech: Noun Definition: A new word, meaning, usage or phrase Word Root: neo, new ism, condition Sample Sentence: A neologism that adults wouldn’t understand that teenagers do is “swag.”
Circumspect: Part of Speech – adjective Definition – watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent. Word Root –circum, around spect, look Sample Sentence – “Fearing potential danger, he entered the dark alley with very circumspect behavior.”
AntithesisPart of Speech—noun Definition—the direct opposite Word Root—anti, against (thesis) Sample Sentence—The antithesis of right and wrong. She fled; her behavior was the antithesis of bravery.
Recapitulate: Part of Speech – verb Definition – 1. To repeat in concise form; to make a summary (recap). Word Root – re-, again capit, head ate, to make Sample Sentence – “After the teacher gives her lecture, she always asks a student to recapitulate.”
VerdictPart of Speech—noun Definition—a judgment or decision (usually pertaining to the judgment of a jury) Word Root: dict, speak/say Sentence Sample: The verdict was in; no one liked Bob’s shirt.
DogmaPart of Speech—noun Definition—an official system of principles or tenets concerning faith, morals, behavior…often pertaining those of a church. Word Root: dog, opinion/praise Sentence Sample: Matthew Harrison Brady, asks Rachel, “Has Mr. Cates every tried to pollute your mind with his heathen dogma?”
EpitomePart of Speech—noun Definition—a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class Word Root: epi, upon/beside/among Sample Sentence: He is the epitome of goodness.
Loquacious: Part of Speech – adjective Definition – tending to talk much; talkative Word Root –loqu, speak ous, full of Sample Sentence – “A new teacher might have trouble dealing with a loquacious group of students.”
compulsion • Definition: to force or drive, especially to a course of action • Part of speech: noun • Roots: com-together, uncommon pul- urge • Sample Sentence: During the basketball game, I had a sudden compulsion to scream and yell. • Synonym: obsession
contravene • Definition: To act contrary to an order, or fail to conform to a regulation. To deny the truth of something. • Part of speech: verb • Roots:contra- opposite, against ven-come • Sample Sentence: The overcrowded dance club contravened safety regulations. • Synonym: violate
expurgate Definition: to amend by removing words or passages deemed offensive or objectionable Part of speech: verb Sample Sentence: The Disney version of fairy tales is an expurgated version of Grimms' fairy tales. Synonym: delete
insomnia • Definition: inability to obtain sufficient sleep, especially when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep • Part of speech: noun • Roots: in-in, into somn- sleep • Sample Sentence: Mild insomnia may be treated by improving sleeping conditions or through traditional remedies such as warm baths, milk, or relaxation. • Synonym: sleeplessness
zoomorphic • Definition: representing using animal forms • Part of speech: adjective • Roots: zoo-animal life morph-form • Sample Sentence: His art work is highly stylized or zoomorphic. • Synonym: form of an animal