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Pixel. What is Pixel. Pixel is an education and training agency. Where is Pixel. Pixel and Quality. Pixel has received the following certifications: Certified Quality System in compliance with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. Accreditation by the Ministry of Education
What is Pixel Pixel is an education and training agency.
Pixel and Quality Pixel has received the following certifications: • Certified Quality System in compliance with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. • Accreditation by the Ministry of Education • Accreditation by Tuscany County Council • Accreditation by the Ministry for Health for Continual Education in Medicine.
Mission Promote an innovative approach to training and education.
Pixel in Figures Founded in 1999 Staff 15 Trainers 150 Students / year 300 • Adult learners: 250 • Young learners: 50 On going projects / year 20
Target Groups Pixel trains around 300 people each year. Among these: • 40% are employed by private and public companies • 30% are teachers and trainers • 20% are public officers • 10% are post diploma students
5 Types of Training activities Teachers Training Training for Public Officers Post diploma training Other Training Initiatives In Company Training New Technologies for business New Technologies for education European project Planning New Technologies Italian for Foreigners Business Management European project Planning New Technologies Foreign languages Continual Education in Medicine Foreign languages for business Foreign languages Foreign languages Business Management Quality Issues Focus on: Art, History, Sciences Focus on: Tourism, Craft
Activity 1:In Company Training • More thanm 1.000 companies in Tuscany were trained by Pixel. • Most of the participating companies belongs to the tourism and craft sectors. • Courses focus on IT, business management and language learning • Both financed by the ESF and the companies.
Activity 2:Teacher Training • Pixel has trained teachers of around 500 schools and Universities from all over Europe. • 60% of the teachers trained are from secondary schools, 40% are university professors. • Courses focus on: IT for education, language learning, European cooperation.
Activity 3:Training for Public Authorities • Pixel trained public officers from about 300 public institutions in all Europe. • Most of the courses focus on European cooperation • Use of a blended learning approach.
Activity 4:Post DiplomaTraining • Pixel has trained around 1.000 unemployed individuals with a diploma or a university degree. • Courses focus on: IT, language learning and business management • 80% of these individuals have found work within 3 months of the end of the course
Activity 5:Italian for Foreigners Organisation of personalised Italian language courses developed ad hoc in response to the training needs of each individual student o small groups of students. Examples of courses: Italian for tourism; Italian for art; Italian for marketing etc. http://www.italiancoursesflorence.com
Activity 5:Continual Education in Medicine Organisation of training courses and of educational conferences aimed at medical personnel.
Transversal activities Organisation of International Conferences Organisation of Grundtvig Courses European Cooperation Support eLearning Materials Database
Transversal Activity 1: Organisation of Conferences Pixel has organised a number of international conferences in the field of European Cooperation for education and traiing. Pixel’s staff is often invited to participate as a speaker in international conferences. For more information please visit Pixel web site http://www.pixel-online.net Under the section: Who we are > References > Seminars and Conferences
Transversal Activity 2: Grundtvig Courses Pixel has organised several Grundtvig courses on the following topics: - European Cooperation (9 Editions carried out) - New Technologies for Education (8 Editions carried out) For more information please visit Pixel web site http://www.pixel-online.net Under the section: Training > Grundtvig Courses
Transversal Activity 3: European Cooperation Support InfoFunding service provides personalised information on how to successfully access to EU Funding opportunities: • Funding programmes active in the current year • European Calls for proposals • The practical procedures for presenting an European project European Project Planning Courses: • Funded by Grundtvig 3 Programme http://www.infofinanziamenti.net
Transversal Activity 4: eLearning Material Database 1/3 The Language eTeachers Servicesonline database provides access to several elearning based products for the teaching of foreign languages at all levels. http://www.leonardo-lets.net/database/
Transversal Activity 4: eLearning Material Database 2/3 The Multimedia History Memorialonline database provides access to several elearning based products for the teaching of history at secondary school level. http://www.socrates-mhm.net/database/
Transversal Activity 4: eLearning Material Database 3/3 The Art-Netonline database provides access to several elearning based products for the teaching of arts. http://www.elearning-art.net/database/
EU Programme: Socrates Minerva The project aimed to promote the use of ICT for the teaching and learning of contemporary art. Around 30 art schools from 7 European countries were involved. European Projects for Schools in the field of Art “Arte” http:// www.pixel-online.net/arte
EU Programme: Socrates Minerva The project aims to promote the use of multimedia and new technologies in the art creation process. Around 40 art schools from 9 European countries are involved. European Projects for Schools in the field of Art “MultimediArt” http:// www.multimediart.net
EU Programme: eLearning The project aims to develop a multimedia platform for the exchange of material for the teaching and learning of artistic subjects. European Projects for Schools in the field of Art “Art-Net” http://www.elearning-art.net/
EU Programme: Socrates Comenius The project aims to promote the knowledge of contemporary history and in particular the Second World War, by means of cooperative analysis of war documents by the schools involved. European Projects for Schools in the field of History “Mankind Memorial” http://www.mdm-project.net
EU Programme: Socrates Comenius The project, coordinated by Pixel, aims to spread the knowledge of contemporary history through a comparative analysis of the different national media sources. European Projects for Schools in the field of History “Multimedia History Memorial”
EU Programme: Socrates Minerva The project has the aim to promote an exchange between secondary schools on the topic of European citizenship European Projects for Schools in the field of Humanities “Citizen E” http://www.atit.be/management.php?id=14
EU Programme: Socrates Minerva The project aims to promote transnational cooperation between schools in the field of biology and chemistry teaching. European Projects for Schools in the field of Science “EurEau Action” http://www.ulg.ac.be/cifen/inforef/expeda/eureau/
European Projects for Schools in the field of Science “Clim@tic” EU Programme: Socrates Minerva The project aims to promote transnational cooperation between schools in the field of science teaching. http://www.ulg.ac.be/cifen/inforef/projets/climatic/
EU Programme: Socrates Minerva The project, promoted by Pixel, aims to spread the knowledge of robotic science in European secondary schools. European Projects for Schools in the field of Robotics “Edu Robot” http://edurobot.edulife.com
EU Programme: Socrates Minerva The project aims to create a network of teachers of mathematics to promote the sharing of methodologies and approaches. European Projects for Schools in the field of Mathematics “EMMA” http://www.statvoks.no/emma
EU Programme: Socrates Comenius The main aim of the project is to train European teachers to implement elearning solutions and methods in a teaching and learning context, making full use of advanced interactive and multimedia solutions. European Projects for Schools “The Learning Game”
EU Programme: Safer Internet The project created an “open source” software which allows schools who use the Internet to avoid students’ access to unsuitable websites (violence, pornography, racism etc.) European Projects for Schools “Poesia” http://www.poesia-filter.org/
EU Programme: Socrates Minerva The project is addressed to students with learning disabilities and aims to experiment with a methodology for learning French using Alfonic. European Projects for Language Learning “Je Parle” http://www.ulg.ac.be/cifen/inforef/projets/jeparledoncjecris/
Programme: Leonardo da Vinci The project created an introductory CD-Rom based on the use of computers for language learning. European Projects for Language Learning “CATT” Sito Web: http://www.fi.enaip.it/catt
EU Programme: Socrates Minerva The project created a CD-Rom for teaching English to nursery school children. European Projects for Language Learning “Kid-Net” http://www.pixel-online.net/kidnet/
EU Programme: Socrates Lingua The project aims to create a database of language learning products available on the European market, with particular attention to lesser widely spoken languages. European Projects for Language Learning “eLancenet” http://www.elancenet.org/admin/index.php
EU Programme: Socrates Lingua The objective of the project is to provide easy access to information for the general public and to language professionals on topics concerning linguistic diversity and language learning resources. European Projects for Language Learning “eEuroInclusion” http:// www.eEuroInclusion.org
EU Programme: Leonardo da Vinci The aim of the project is to create a language training portal for the learning of 4 foreign languages. It is specifically addressed to secretaries and administrative assistants European Projects for Language Learning “E.L.S.” The Project was awarded the European Label for Innovative Language Teaching and Learning in October 2006 http://www.eurobusinesslanguageskills.net//
EU Programme: Leonardo da Vinci The aim of the project is to create a training package addressed to trainers to give them the tools for the development of e-learning based language teaching tools. European Projects for Language Learning “LeTS” http://www.leonardo-lets.net/
EU Programme: Socrates Grundtvig The objective of the project is to promote cooperative learning for the language training of adults. The project will result in the publication of a handbook on this topic. European Projects for Language Learning “COLLT” http://www.statvoks.no/coltt/index.html
The project has the aim of identifying the efficiency of Distance Training compared to more traditional training systems. European Projects on Educational Research “ODL Net in Europe” EU Programme: Socrates Minerva
EU Programme: Leonardo da Vinci The aim of this project is to develop a model for the vocational training of youth workers and leaders. European Project for Young People “Yo-Pro” http://yo-pro.pixel-online.org
EU Programme: Leonardo da Vinci The project aims to define the professional profiles, that are increasingly requested by companies at European level in the sector of new technologies. European Project for Young People “Requal” http://www.crea.es/innovacion/createl/
EU Programme: eLearning The project aims to create a thematic portal for small businesses, based on the themes linked to knowledge management. European Project for Business Management “Createl” http://www.crea.es/innovacion/createl/
EU Programme: Leonardo da Vinci The project aims to generate economic and social development through enterprise, education and training. European Project for Business Management“Einet” http://www.einet.org
EU Programme: Socrates Grundtvig This project foresees the training of women who are successfully returning or (entering) the work market in order to equip them with the skills to enable them to become mentors for other women. European Projects for Equal Opportunities “E.W.P.” http://www.stockport.ac.uk/Departments/EWP/
EU Programme: Socrates Grundtvig The aim of the project is to carry out research and comparative analysis at European level of the services and available for disabled individuals and the effectiveness of these services. European Projects in the field of disabilities “I.P.L.D.” http://www.ipld.cku.sopot.pl/index.html
EU Programme: Leonardo da Vinci The aim of the project is to create a training package addressed to those who take care of the elderly. European Projects in the field of disabilities “EuroCare” Website not available yet