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Radford University: Leslie S. Daniel, Kenna M. Colley, & M. Bradley Powers Muskingum University :

Expanding the impact of co-teaching: The Wisdom and the Practice July 21, 9:45-10:45 AM Presenters and Affiliations. Radford University: Leslie S. Daniel, Kenna M. Colley, & M. Bradley Powers Muskingum University : Linda Morrow, Halle SchoenerRandles, & Pamela Lear University of Cincinnati :

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Radford University: Leslie S. Daniel, Kenna M. Colley, & M. Bradley Powers Muskingum University :

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Expanding the impact of co-teaching:The Wisdom and the PracticeJuly 21, 9:45-10:45 AMPresenters and Affiliations Radford University: Leslie S. Daniel, Kenna M. Colley, & M. Bradley Powers Muskingum University: Linda Morrow, Halle SchoenerRandles, & Pamela Lear University of Cincinnati: Stephen Kroeger, Jonathan Breiner, & Simon Jorgenson

  2. UC: Urban Contextual Factors • At first we attempted to place our candidates in co-teaching settings in student teaching placements, however… • Students were unsure about how to collaborate • Cooperating teachers had little experience • Ah ha! We need to model the practice! • We began co-teaching our methods courses • We began inservice training for our cooperating teachers

  3. University Co-teaching

  4. Simon Jorgenson • Put principles before personalities • Try teaching one another’s content • Build the foundation together: the syllabus • Be prepared to compromise • Communicate early and often • Be honest about what’s not working • Use the Collaborative Assessment Log (CAL)

  5. Muskingum University • Developing and Supporting Sites for Co-Teaching Placements: Geographic Challenges • Rural region with many local school districts • Field placements made in five rural counties • Schools range: from 200 to 2000, some with only 1-2 special educators.

  6. Strong Regional Collaboration • Strong collaborative networks • University supports reform & transformation • Some view teacher education candidates as a resource rather than a requirement • Many teachers and administrators were prepared through our licensure programs • “Pockets” of schools/districts in region began to embrace co-teaching

  7. Developing Partnership Schools and Districts to Support Co-Teaching – What Does it Take? “Proactive Professional Partnership Schools (P3) • Common goals and thinking out-of-the box • Administrative support • Belief that all benefit • Establishment of a P3 Leadership Team • Commitment of resources • Co-teaching as a “big rock” • On-going accountability

  8. How is being a P3 District Making a Difference? • What does the administration say? • What do the principals say? • What do the co-teachers say? • What do the students say? • What does the data say? • What does the Muskingum faculty say?

  9. RU: Moving from Elementary to Middle and Secondary School Co-Placements • Three years of co-placing education interns in elementary settings • Spring and summer 2009, planned for co-placements at one middle and one high school • Spring semester 2010, planned co-placements • Two university supervisors and two cooperating teachers at each site. • Ancillary co-placements occurred

  10. Middle School Co-placement: The Parr and Powers Show • Matt Parr: Middle School Education Intern • Expertise in math education • Brad Powers: K-12 Special Education Intern • Expertise in instructional strategies and classroom management • Fall 2009: Attended Marilyn Friend conference with: • One university supervisor (general education) • Two middle school teachers (GE and SE) • Two interns (GE and SE who would be co-placed in spring)

  11. Co-Planning • Retro-fitting • In person before school, in situ, and after work • On the phone while driving (safely) • Google documents

  12. Co-teaching Methods Used • One teach one assist • Parallel teaching • Alternate teaching • Station teaching • Supportive instruction

  13. Questions and Discussion Contacts: • Leslie S. Daniel, ldaniel10@radford.edu • Simon Jorgenson, jorgensn@ucmail.uc.edu • Steve Kroeger, Stephen.kroeger@uc.edu • Linda Morrow, lmorrow@muskingum.edu • Halle Randles, hrandles@muskingum.edu

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