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Regional Research Planning for the New York Bight to support Ecosystem-based Management Progress Report May 20, 200

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Regional Research Planning for the New York Bight to support Ecosystem-based Management Progress Report May 20, 200

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    1. 1 Regional Research Planning for the New York Bight to support Ecosystem-based Management Progress Report May 20, 2009 Nancy Balcom, Associate Director Connecticut Sea Grant

    2. Geographic Scope - New York Bight region Cape Cod, MA to Cape May, NJ: Buzzard’s Bay Long Island Sound New York Harbor New Jersey shore 2 5-6 miles out to sea5-6 miles out to sea

    3. Background Project coordinated by Connecticut Sea Grant (Sylvain De Guise) in partnership with… Paul Anderson, Maine Sea Grant Chrys Chryssostomidis, MIT Sea Grant Barry Costa-Pierce, RI Sea Grant Judy McDowell, WHOI Sea Grant Program Jonathan Pennock, NH Sea Grant James Ammerman, NY Sea Grant Peter Rowe, NJ Sea Grant Coordinating efforts with Gulf of Maine regional planning initiative 3 Principal Investigators Principal Investigators

    4. Approach & Time Frame Appointment of Regional Ocean Science Council (Year 1) Review of existing Plans and Documents (Year 1) Identification and Prioritization of Issues (Year 1) Regional Website (Year 1) Ecosystem-based Thematic Workshops (Years 1 & 2) Regional Ocean Research and Information Plan in support of Ecosystem-based Management (Years 2 & 3) Design a Plan to Secure Funding (Years 1-5) Implementation of the RORI Plan (Years 3-5) Outreach and Training Programs (Years 3-5) Reporting (Years 1-5) Evaluation & Review (Year 5) 4 Establish ROSC to guide development of a Regional Ocean Research and Information Plan in support of ecosystem-based management Literature review of existing plans, documents and other regional initiatives aligned with the Oceans Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy Preliminary identification of issues in literature review, design web survey to further identify issues, meetings with stakeholder groups to further identify issues and begin prioritizing, final web survey and ROSC selection of top 4 issues/topics Design website to share information, publications and keep stakeholders updated on project progress and news Thematic workshops throughout the NY Bight region based on priority topics to further development of a RORI plan focused on ecosystem-based management Establish a process for coordinating and sharing information in the region, to support wise decision-making that protects resources and economic growth and provide information tailored for policy makers, legislators and local government to evaluate activities in the context of ecosystem-based management Collaborate with other regional programs to develop a strategy for securing funds to develop Regional Ocean Councils and implement RORI plans, preparation of budgets and timeline Provide access to existing data sets Communication plan prepared and information formatted for training sessions based on technical data and information Annual reports, workshop reports, sent to National Sean Grant Office and others to inform of ongoing efforts and accomplishments and communicate regional issues Stakeholder review to measure the success by public and political awareness and involvement and by coordinating research and monitoring activities Establish ROSC to guide development of a Regional Ocean Research and Information Plan in support of ecosystem-based management Literature review of existing plans, documents and other regional initiatives aligned with the Oceans Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy Preliminary identification of issues in literature review, design web survey to further identify issues, meetings with stakeholder groups to further identify issues and begin prioritizing, final web survey and ROSC selection of top 4 issues/topics Design website to share information, publications and keep stakeholders updated on project progress and news Thematic workshops throughout the NY Bight region based on priority topics to further development of a RORI plan focused on ecosystem-based management Establish a process for coordinating and sharing information in the region, to support wise decision-making that protects resources and economic growth and provide information tailored for policy makers, legislators and local government to evaluate activities in the context of ecosystem-based management Collaborate with other regional programs to develop a strategy for securing funds to develop Regional Ocean Councils and implement RORI plans, preparation of budgets and timeline Provide access to existing data sets Communication plan prepared and information formatted for training sessions based on technical data and information Annual reports, workshop reports, sent to National Sean Grant Office and others to inform of ongoing efforts and accomplishments and communicate regional issues Stakeholder review to measure the success by public and political awareness and involvement and by coordinating research and monitoring activities

    5. Regional Ocean Science Council 8 Sea Grant directors (ME to NJ) Mario Del Vicario (EPA Region 2) David Conover (SUNY / NY Ocean & Great Lakes Ecosystem Conservation Council) Jim O’Donnell (UCONN/LISICOS/NERACOOS/MACOORA) Pat Augustine (Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission) Grover Fugate (RI Coastal Resources Management Council) Adam Whelchel (The Nature Conservancy) Ellen Mecray (NOAA North Atlantic Regional Team) Andrew Voros (NY/NJ Clean Ocean & Shore Trust) Sharon Marino (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, NY Bight Office) Chris Zeppie (NY NJ Port Authority) PROJECT SUPPORT: Nancy Balcom, Bob Pomeroy, Chet Arnold, Jenna Castle 5

    6. Regional Website Website in development 6

    7. 7 Status: Review of Previous / Existing Efforts

    8. 8

    9. Literature Review 9 0f 29 issues 0f 29 issues

    10. Ecosystem Health and Management Results 10

    11. Human Effects Results 11

    12. Technology Results 12

    13. Pollution Results 13

    14. Survey Priorities Developed by Council Living Resource Management Habitat Management & Restoration, Ecosystem Health, Invasive/Nuisance Species, Threatened Wildlife, Public Health, Wetlands, Fisheries & Aquaculture Water Quality Hypoxia/Eutrophication, Toxic Contaminants, Pathogens, Floatables/Marine Debris, Non-point Source Pollution, Brown Tide/Harmful Algal Blooms, Public Health Coastal & Land Use Hazards Land Use & Development, Public Access & Recreational Use, Natural & Coastal Hazards, Public Health, Wetlands Energy & Marine Infrastructure Marine Operations & Transportation, Dredging, Aquaculture, Renewable Sources of Energy Overarching Topics: Climate Change, Economic Sustainability 14

    15. Survey Process To gather initial input on regional research needs and priorities from a broad spectrum of “stakeholders” – using Survey Monkey Email addresses identified (~375; 121 responses) Link on SurveyMonkey.com was advertised; written surveys also available Issues of Concern on the New York Bight 15 (read intro, background and issues paragraph from survey) (read intro, background and issues paragraph from survey)

    16. 16 Survey Results As of 04/06/2009

    17. Please indicate your agency’s or organization’s top two issues concerning Living Resource Management for the New York Bight region. 17

    18. Please indicate your agency’s or organization’s top two issues concerning Water Quality for the New York Bight region. 18

    19. Please indicate your agency’s or organization’s top two priorities concerning Coastal Land Use & Hazards for the New York Bight region. 19

    20. Please indicate your agency’s or organization’s top two issues concerning Energy & Marine Infrastructure for the New York Bight region. 20

    21. 21

    22. “Lessons Learned” from GOM regional planning Discussed how to interpret results & distill priorities for workshops Workshop themes should: Focus on research in support of management Allow innovations Be impact rather than approach-oriented Emphasis on bringing together right people to create innovative partnerships and shed new light on conventional topics Workshop goals: 1) further define topics and 2) move towards implementation 22

    23. Workshop Concept One-pagers Living Resource Management: How does the NY Bight work, and how can changes in ecosystems be quantified and connected mechanistically to management actions? Water Quality: What are the results and impacts of nutrient control on hypoxia in different systems? Coastal Land Use and Hazards: What are the science and education needs to address the threats of climate change and sea level rise on local land use from the global to the local scale, including implications on forecasting, advice to towns, and storm surge strategies? Energy and Marine Infrastructure: Planning for renewable energy infrastructure, environmental impacts and impacts on other sectors 23

    24. Additional Stakeholder Input Presentations to NEP, NERRs, NGOS, others to seek additional refinement of priorities Individual presentations to specific groups at their meetings “Come one, Come all” meeting in each state for anyone interested 24

    25. 25 Questions? Other issues not included? Other relevant documents of interest? Comments? Suggestions? Other issues not included? Other relevant documents of interest? Comments? Suggestions?

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