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Planning of an E ngineering programme

This experience details the establishment of the "Integrated Engineering" programme at Tallinn University of Technology. The programme aims to integrate various engineering disciplines and prepare graduates for further master-level education. The curriculum structure, industry expert involvement, and global programme comparisons are highlighted. Learning outcomes emphasize communication skills, technological proficiency, and project management abilities. The curriculum comprises modules in social sciences, mathematics, information technology, mechanics, design, and more. Students gain expertise in designing, engineering, and problem-solving, utilizing CAD systems and understanding industrial design principles. This programme provides a solid foundation for future engineering professionals.

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Planning of an E ngineering programme

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  1. Planning of an Engineering programme Experience from Tallinn University of Technology Prof Tauno Otto

  2. Positioning the study programme group

  3. Study programme „Integrated Engineering“ and its development • Opening of a study programme of Integrated Engineering to be taught in English was strategic decision at university level to enhance internationalisation in engineering bachelor level, but also to integrate different areas of engineering for building a broader base for further master level education. • It is the first English taught bachelor level study programme at the university amongst engineering faculties. • The study programme was prepared starting 2013, whereas into initiative group was involved representatives from all different engineering faculties.

  4. Study programme „Integrated Engineering“ and its development • During development of study programme different similar interdisciplinary programmes in all over the world were analysed and corresponding matrice of disciplines was created, so the study programme is compatible with other programmes of Integrated Engineering. • It was also designed to enable further graduates to proceed in different master level programmes of all engineering faculties of TUT. • Heads of three associations of industy (Association of Estonian Engineering Industry, Estonian Plastics Association, Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications) were involved as experts and their opinions were collected and analysed.

  5. Similar programmes in other universities • In development of study program similar programmes in other universities worldwide were analysed, thus making the program compatible. • The similar programmes which were analysed are at • Cardiff University (UK) http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/engin/degreeprogrammes/undergraduate/integrated/; • Souther Utah University (USA) http://suu.edu/prostu/majors/ciet/integratedengineering.html; • The University of Dublin (Ireland) http://www.tcd.ie/courses/undergraduate/az/course.php?id=DUIEG-ENGI-1F09 ; • University of Bath (UK) http://www.bath.ac.uk/catalogues/2012-2013/ee/UEXX-AFB02.htm; • University of British Columbia (Canada) http://www.igen.ubc.ca/ ; • University of Windsor (Canada) http://www.uwindsor.ca/bengtech/ .

  6. Curricula structure   

  7. Composition of IE curriculum(diferent colors are uesedforvisualgrouping)

  8. Year 2

  9. Year 3

  10. Learning outcomes of the curriculum • The graduate: - is able to express itself in speciality in written and oral manner and is able to communicate at least in one foreign language; - has knowledge how to use contemporary means of information technology and teamworking in everyday work; - is able to take into part in engineering projects both in industry and R&D; - can design new competitive environment friendly products, meeting the customers' expectations; - knows how to use specific models to specify a system or process on the level of technological parameters, while creating and assessing alternative designs; - has knowledge how to use the results obtained by the physical model for creation of an actual system or a process which would also comply to effective production requirements; - has ability to critically assess the developed systems used in industry as well as own professional capability, and to plan the needed additional training.

  11. MODULES  • Social and economic sciences  23.0 ECTS credits (General studies) • Mathematics         19.0 ECTS credits  (Basic studies) • Information technology     15.0 ECTS credits  (Basic studies) • Exact and natural sciences     20.0 ECTS credits  (Basic studies) • Mechanics    22.0 ECTS credits  (Core studies) • Technology and manufacturing    21.0 ECTS credits  (Core studies) • Energy and its applications     22.0 ECTS credits  (Core studies) • Design     15.0 ECTS credits  (Special studies) • Integrated Engineering    8.0 ECTS credits  (Special studies) • Free studies    7.0 ECTS credits  (Free choice courses) • BSc thesis    8.0 ECTS credits  (Graduation thesis)

  12. Learning outputs: Design and Engineering    15.0 ECTS credits  (Special studies) The student - using models, can analyse relations and behaviours between systems and entities; can explain the purpose of the algorithms and methods applied; - understands role of industrial design and realises conceptual design tasks; - knows the methods and tools for creating engineering applications; - is able to use different parametrical 3D CAD Systems; - masters the specialist terminology used in the field and has an overview of CAD/CAM/FEM systems' possibilities for solving different product development subtasks. - an ability to formulate the problem statement and the list of criteria. The knowledge of methods of creative problem solving and the ability of applying it. - an ability to provide market and customer analyses and to evaluate the risks in product development environment. The capability to outline the product marketing strategy and shape the product price in the context of product life cycle cost.

  13. Learning outputs : Integrated Engineering    8.0 ECTS credits  (Special studies) Upon completion of this course student will be able to: - work in multidisciplinary development teams, e.g. in topics as Industrial Engineering & Management; Design & Engineering; Mechatronics; Materials and Processes for Sustainable Energetics; Distributed Energy; Software Engineering; Cyber Security; - work with conceptual solutions and develop R&D solutions; - tie visions with social, cultural and technological trends; - visualize ideas and use different rapid research methods; - use different specific methodologies for understanding problems; - conduct and evaluate experiments; - self-critically analyse the outcome of the work; - verbally and visually present the results of his work.

  14. Learning outputs : Free choice courses    8.0 ECTS credits  (Free choice courses) • Knowledge and abilities connected to student special interests according to the future specialisation preferences

  15. Learning outputs : Bachelor thesis    8.0 ECTS credits  (Graduation thesis) -experience and skills for formulating engineering problems and for compiling a work plan; - ability to compile a set of technical documentation for engineering problem solution; - ablility to apply theoretical knowledge for engineering problem analysis and solution synthesis.

  16. Identifying needs of the working life • Cooperationcouncil of enterpriserepresentatives, discussing: • Study programm development; • Practiceplaces in enterprises; • Scholarships; • Topicsforthesis; • R&D; • Vocationalcoursesforindustry; • Co-operationprojects.

  17. Assessment and feedback - Key Performance Indicators • One of theobjectiveswecan monitor in theverybeginning of study programme isstudyefficiency, and rate of cancelling of studieshasbeenlow. • Satisfactionwithcourses and professorsismonitored at the end of every semester. • Thespecialstudy programme committegatherstwice in a semester and discusses relevant problems. • Accordingtothestudentsfeedbackthestructure of study programme alreadywaschanged, swiftingElectronicsintolater, introducingIntroductionintoIntegratedEngineering instead tothefirst semester. • Alsoelectivecourses of teachingmakingpresentation, or Estonian language and cultureweremoreclearlydifferentiated.

  18. Regional share of students attended to IE in 2014

  19. Trends in engineering study programmes development (1) 1. Strongbase in Math, Physics, etc. 2.Wide range of skills and knowledge: -Communicationskills (forworkinginterdisciplinaryteams); -Entrepreneuralattitude and skills; - Globalisationaspects (forworking International companies); -Creativity and innovation.

  20. Trends in engineering study programmes development (2) 3. Experience in practical engineering (from the first semester). 4.Problem-oriente, probleem-based learning (in solving real world engineering tasks). 5.Multidisciplinary learning experience (implementation „soft“ skills in context of solving technical tasks). 6. Active learning (labs, discussions, seminars) prevalving over lectures.

  21. Trends in engineering study programmes development (3) 7.Interdiscilinary study – combining two or more subjects into single cours or networking course set. 8.Larger courses (≥ 5 ECTS). 9.Flexible study programs ensuring students’ freedom in creation own study path.

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