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Two tabs with album covers, clicking on Album will take you to album view<br>page with selected image larger view and others in thumbnail.<br>http://goo.gl/ExBHg9

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  1. support@oscprofessionals.com Skype : osc_support Album Gallery Magento Extension User Guide www.oscprofessionals.com

  2. support@oscprofessionals.com Skype : osc_support Table of Content 1) Introduction------------------------------------------- 1.1) Description............................................................. 1.2) Features................................................................. 1.3) Extension URL...................................................... 1.4) Demo URL............................................................ 2) Admin Configuration--------------------------------- 2.1) General Setting...................................................... 2.2) Manage Album...................................................... 2.3) Create Album......................................................... 2.4) Type of Album....................................................... 3) Front-End Display--------------------------------------- 3.1) Album Gallery......................................................... 3.2) Product Gallery....................................................... www.oscprofessionals.com

  3. support@oscprofessionals.com Skype : osc_support 1.1) Description: Two tabs with album covers, clicking on Album will take you to album view page with selected image larger view and others in thumbnail. Magento Editions Compatibility: Magento Community: 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x 1.2) Features: • Create photo gallery with multiple album levels. • Manage multiple photos in albums. Support: 90 Days 1.3) Extension URL http://www.oscprofessionals.com/magento-commerce/album-gallery- magento-extension/ 1.4) Demo URL http://www.oscprofessionals.com/demo/magento/magento- modules/albumgallery/ www.oscprofessionals.com

  4. support@oscprofessionals.com Skype : osc_support Configuration: 2.1)It's a general setting page of the admin, wherein we can enable or disable “Gallery Photo Title” by clicking Yes/No drop-down option. We can also be defined some other image & their size related functionality on this page. Navigation & screenshot are as follows: Admin -> System -> Configuration -> General -> Album Gallery www.oscprofessionals.com

  5. support@oscprofessionals.com Skype : osc_support 2.2) To create a New Album follow the below stated navigation Or Screen shot : Admin -> Gallery -> Manage Album -> Add Album. www.oscprofessionals.com

  6. support@oscprofessionals.com Skype : osc_support 2.3) For added New Album need some of those required fields which are as given in the bellow screenshot: www.oscprofessionals.com

  7. support@oscprofessionals.com Skype : osc_support 2.4) Select a Type of Album as per below screen shot: www.oscprofessionals.com

  8. support@oscprofessionals.com Skype : osc_support 3.1) Front End View of Album Gallery: www.oscprofessionals.com

  9. support@oscprofessionals.com Skype : osc_support 3.2) Front End view of Product Gallery: www.oscprofessionals.com

  10. support@oscprofessionals.com Skype : osc_support Thank you! If you have any Queries or FeatureSuggestions, please contact us at: http://www.oscprofessionals.com/contact-us/ Skype: osc_support Your feedback is always welcome! www.oscprofessionals.com

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