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Carbon Footprinting Workshop. 14 th February 2013. Agenda. Introductions. Grab some notepaper Get into pairs Interview your partner. Find out: their name and organisation what their organisation does What it is they want to learn from today’s workshop
Carbon Footprinting Workshop 14th February 2013
Introductions • Grab some notepaper • Get into pairs • Interview your partner. Find out: • their name and organisation • what their organisation does • What it is they want to learn from today’s workshop Make notes - you will be asked to introduce your partner to the group!
Objectives of today's workshop • Explain how to identify and categorise carbon emission sources • Provide information and tools on how to calculate a carbon footprint • Embed knowledge gained through a practical exercise using a case study • Provide best practice tips for reporting a carbon footprint • Explore reporting and data monitoring options
B: Sir David Attenborough A: George Bush C: Bill Clinton D: Al Gore 05 04 03 02 01 00 00 00 00 50 : 50 Who won the Nobel Prize for their work on climate change? D: Al Gore
B: Kyoto Protocol 1997 A: Rio Treaty 1992 C: Copenhagen Summit 2009 D: Montreal Protocol 1987 05 04 03 02 01 00 00 00 00 50 : 50 What was the name of the first international agreement to set binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? B: Kyoto Protocol 1997
B: 750 grams A: 119 kgs C: 0.541 kgs D: 2.1 tonnes 05 04 03 02 01 00 00 00 00 50 : 50 How much carbon dioxide is emitted when we use a kilowatt hour of electricity? C: 0.541 kgs
05 04 03 02 01 00 00 00 00 50 : 50 What is the average annual carbon footprint of a Camden resident? A: 105 kgs B: 4 tonnes C: 7.3 tonnes C: 7.3 tonnes D: 25.7 tonnes
Within the UK it is estimated that business activities account for about half of all emissionsDEFRA SMALL BUSINESS USER GUIDE:Guidance on how to measure and reportyour greenhouse gas emissions
What are greenhouse gases? Gases in the atmosphere that absorb and emit radiation Many greenhouse gases occur naturally Others result exclusively from human industrial processes • Carbon dioxide CO2 • Methane CH4 • Nitrous oxide NO2 • Water vapour • HydrofluorocarbonsHFCs • Perfluorocarbons PFCs • Sulphur hexafluoride SF6 Recommendation: Measure emissions from the six GHGs covered by the Kyoto Protocol where relevant for your organisation
What is a carbon footprint? Carbon footprint - The amount of greenhouse gases emitted that your organisation is responsible for, expressed in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) Usually in tonnes emitted annually
Useful Definitions Carbon Dioxide equivalent – the unit for comparing the ability of other GHGs to change the climate to the ability of CO2 to change the climate, i.e. Methane is 21 times better at absorbing the sun’s energy than CO2 and N2O is about 300 times more effective than CO2. But CO2 is more abundant!
Why measure your carbon footprint? • Legal compliance – CRC EUETS CCA MER • Compensation – offsetting • Win business / funding • Required by potential clients • Motivating for staff – report performance • Don’t measure, can’t manage • To set an overall reduction target • Report to stakeholders • Reputation / publicity
The consumption of electricity The consumption of fossil fuels in owned transport What are the sources of GHG emissions caused by your organisation’s operations? The disposal of waste The consumption of fossil fuels (boilers, furnaces, etc) The use & disposal of water Staff commuting Bio-mass / bio-fuels Travel for business purposes Fugitive emissions – i.e. leakage of refrigerant Embedded carbon in materials Supply chain emissions Process emissions The use of imported heat & steam
Emissions Scopes Scope 1 (Direct emissions): Activities owned or controlled by your organisation that release emissions directly into the atmosphere 1 Scope 2 (Energy indirect): Emissions being released into the atmosphere associated with your consumption of purchased electricity, heat, steam and cooling. Emissions do not occur on site. 2 Scope 3 (Other indirect): Emissions that are a consequence of your actions, which occur at sources which you do not own or control and which are not classed as scope 2 emissions 3
Emissions Scopes Recommendation: Recommended: Measure and calculate emissions that fall into scopes 1 and 2 Discretionary: Measure and calculate your significant scope 3 emissions
Identifying the boundary of your footprint at the organisation level Organisational boundary defines which parts of the organisation will be included in the emissions measurement and how to incorporate emissions from joint venture and subsidiaries. Recommendation: Measure and calculate your organisation’s total emissions on a global basis Option 1: Equity share or % of ownership approach -% of financial stake Option 2: Control approach – regardless of financial stake, take 100% responsibility for emissions. Choose from: – Financial control approach: the ability to control the financial and operating policies of the operation with a view to gaining economic benefits from its activities. – Operational control approach: the full authority to introduce and implement its operating policies. Recommendation: Apply your chosen approach consistently and for most organisations this will be the financial control approach
Identifying the operational boundary of your carbon footprint Defining the operational boundary involves identifying which emission sources within the organisation boundary to include in the measurement. Can be set by schemes such as CRCEES, Carbon Trust Standard, MER, 10:10 campaign, etc
Exercise 1: identifying the boundary • Working in groups • Read the case study • Establish the boundary of the carbon footprint • Establish which emissions sources occur within this boundary • Split the emissions sources into scopes • Answers & Discussion • 10 minutes
Principles Recommendation: Develop a re-calculation policy for when your baseline and emissions will be re-calculated, for example, mergers, acquisitions, discovery of significant errors
Activity Data – some common questions • What data will you need? • How will you get this data? • How can you make sense of energy bills?
What data will you need? • Any data on the things that your organisation does that results in a GHG emission or removal, for example: • Amount of electricity in kWh • Amount of fuel consumed – either in litres (preferred) or using proxy data (vehicle type and mileage) • Scope 3 transport e.g. long haul flight mileage • Try to collect data on volume or mass as its more accurate • Aim to capture at least 90% of your organisation’s carbon footprint
How will you get this data? • Utilities bills (gas, electric, water, waste) • Monitoring utilities use (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly) • Staff surveys (e.g. commuting) • Purchase invoices (e.g. £’s spent on paper) • From appliance model specification (e.g. refrigerant leakage) • Information from contractors – waste and recycling N.B. Data will need to be converted in to correct format
How will you get data? Tips for dealing with Landlords • Legal right to information if Landlord recovers costs via a service charge • Big sites – mandatory half hourly data • Negotiation on lease arrangements (in current climate) • Read your own meters – Landlord should allow access to meter or bills. Elec (kWh) gas (convert from m3 to kWh) • Automatic Meter Readings (AMRs)
Activity Data – some more common questions • What do you do if you have missing data? • What do you do if you have data in the wrong format? • When should you collect data?
What do you do if you have missing data? • Use best guess data – e.g. 2011 data if no 2012 data available • Take an average – e.g. average monthly use if missing a few months data (beware of season) • Worst case scenario take benchmark and multiply by floor area Record any methodology in carbon footprint report and aim for complete data collection next year.
What do you do if you have data in the wrong format? • DEFRA tool accepts different data formats (e.g. miles, Km’s and litres) • Use conversion tables to convert into necessary format (e.g. therms to kWh) • Use proxy data (e.g. miles travelled and vehicle type vs actual fuel consumption)
When should you collect data? • Use the financial year (your organisation’s) • Select the earliest data you can get for your first carbon footprint – your baseline • Beware of time lag for information collection.
Definition Emissions conversion factors The factors that we use to tell us how much carbon has been emitted from our activities, i.e. consuming 1 kWh of electricity emits 0.51694kgs/CO2, or 0.52037kgs/CO2e (2012) Published for the UK by DEFRA, updated annually. These are unique for each country.
Carbon conversion calculation e • Activity • Consumption of • Electricity • Consumption of • Transport Fuel • Unit • kWh Electricity • Litres Diesel • Conversion • 1 kWh X • 0.5204kgs/CO2e • 1 Litre x • 2.584kgs/CO2e / by 1000 to convert to tonnes • Result • Greenhouse • gas emissions • (tnCO2e)
Main activity – Calculating the carbon footprint • In your groups, using the laptop • Open up the link titled ‘DEFRA tool’ • Calculate the consumption figures for each emissions source within the whole organisation boundary and then enter them into the right part of the tool • Deal with uncertainty (there is some missing data) • Add up the total CO2e and record this in the answer sheet provided in your packs (page 3) • Note key decisions in method – these are needed for your report • Answers & Discussion
Tools & Support • Camden Climate Change Alliance - www.camdencca.org; RAFT • Islington Climate Change Partnership – www.islingtonclimatechangepartnership.org.uk • Carbon Trust Website, Tool & Workshops - http://www.carbontrust.com • World Resource Institute’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol- http://www.ghgprotocol.org/most widely used international accounting tool for government and business leaders to understand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions • Defra GHG conversion spreadsheet - http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/business/reporting/conversion-factors.htm
Carbon Footprint Support and Standards • DEFRA - guidance on how to measure and report your greenhouse gas emissions (All businesses) (Free) • DEFRA - SMALL BUSINESS USER GUIDE: Guidance on how to measure and report your greenhouse gas emissions (Free) • Carbon Trust Standard - developed by the Carbon Trust to encourage good practice in carbon measurement, management and reduction by businesses and public sector organisations (Free to obtain a copy of the rules, certification fees apply) • ISO 50001:2011 – International standard in energy management, through the development of an EnMS (preview of guidelines is free but certification fees apply)
Reporting • Consider who the report is for, how will they use it? (this affects what you put in it) – • to make decisions i.e. on investment or project approvals - your report would need to include associated costs and a note on its accuracy • to report performance internally / externally - your report would need to provide the information needed by others and be written in a way that they can follow • for further analysis - your report might need to contain more of the raw data rather than a simple summary • Etc Recommendation: Select and report on a baseline year which should be the earliest date for which verifiable emissions data is available
Reporting cont… • Section 1: Description • Purpose of report and approved uses • Boundaries – organisational and operational • Scope – what’s in, what’s out, why • Time period and frequency of reporting • Section 2: Method statement • The conversion factors and tools you used • Who provided data, what format it came in • What data was missing and why • Any assumptions made, ‘filler’ calculations, etc • Section 3: The Footprint • Totals of emissions by activity, scope, department, site, etc • Comparison with past footprints – how and why has it changed? • Benchmarks – mainly by site • Section 4: Management • Current performance – scenarios & projections – will you meet your target? • Action plan(s) for reduction – key milestones for this year • Action plan for carbon management – training, data improvement, policy & strategy, resources • Section 5: Verification statement (3rd party?) • Other?
Example Corporate Carbon Footprint from DEFRA Recommendation: You should report total GHG emissions as a gross figure in tonnes of CO2e You may report net emissions after offsets and green tarriff You may use an appropriate intensity ratio to compare performance over time
Reporting: the Camden Climate Change Alliance • Annual submissions requested from all members • Absolute footprints (scopes 1 and 2) used to calculate the Alliance’s overall carbon footprint and (hopefully) reduction figure • Companies can submit in variety of different ways: • Their own format (using guidelines we’ve discussed above) • Raw energy usage data • Using the Alliance’s RAFT (Reporting and Footprint Tracker)