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GARBAGE IN. GARBAGE OUT. GARBAGE. GARBAGE. It is what we generate in our day-to-day activities like we throw: Wrapper of tins, biscuit, chocolate, plastic bags & etc. Broken toys, old clothes, shoes or slippers. Pencil flakes, vegetable peels, papers. ?. ?. ?.
GARBAGE • It is what we generate in our day-to-day activities like we throw: • Wrapper of tins, biscuit, chocolate, plastic bags & etc. • Broken toys, old clothes, shoes or slippers. • Pencil flakes, vegetable peels, papers.
? ? ? What if the garbage is not removed from our homes & surrounding??????? ? ? How this will harm us?????? ? where does the garbage go and what happens to it????? ? ? Is it possible for all of this garbage to be changed into something that will not harm us?????? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Do you know how to deal with this garbage??????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Lets do an activity • Collect the garbage in home or school in two different dustbins.So that they have: DUSTBIN 1 DUSTBIN 2 DUSTBIN 1 DUSTBIN 2 Garbage from the kitchen like fruits, egg shell, tea leaves, newspaper etc. Piece of clothes, polythene bags, aluminum wrappers, old shoes and broken toys etc.
DUS TB IN1 • Now put both the contents of dustbin 1 & dustbin 2 into the plastic bags and tie them. DUS TB IN2
Put both plastic bags into the soil and leave it for 4 days.
AFTER 4 DAYS • Remove the soil and observe the changes in the garbage. A black colour and no foul smell indicates that rotting of garbage is complete. • Do not remove and burn the garbage that did not rot. • If the garbage was found to rot completely and did not smell, mix it in the soil where you sow your favourite plants. This would provide nutrients to the plants.
laNDFILL • In the same way SAFAI KARAMCHARI, collects the garbage in truck and take it into a low lying open area called LANDFILL.
dealing WITH GARBAGE • There the part of the garbage that can be reused is separated out from the one that cannot be used as such. • Garbage sorting is done to separate the useful & non-useful garbage. • Useful component of garbage are converted into “Compost”.
What is Compost ?????? The rotting and conversion of useful garbage into manure is called “Composting”.
? • ? • ? ? ? • ? WHAT WITH THE garbageheaps of dried leaves ON theroadside? ? ? • ? • ? ? ? • ? • ? ? • ? • ? ? ? ?
Most of the time these are burnt. • Burning of these, produces smoke and gases that are harmful to our health. • These wastes could be converted into useful compost. Burning of leaves produce harmful gases
vermicomposting • Method of preparing compost with the help of Redworms is called “Vermicomposting”. • Redworms help in making manure from the Garbage. • This method of making manure is called “ best out of the waste”. VERMICOMPOSTING
RECYCLING OF PAPER Paper recycling is the process of recovering waste paper and remaking it into new paper Products.
PLASTIC RECYCLING Plastic recycling is the process of recovering scrap or waste plastics and reprocessing the material into useful products, sometimes completely different from their original state. For instance, this could mean melting down soft drink bottles then casting them as plastic chairs and tables.
Plastic – Boon or Curse • There are hundreds of varieties of plastic, all of which are suitable for plastic recycling • Recycled plastic can be made into a wide variety of products
What can we do to minimise over useof plastics and deal with garbage? • 1. We make a minimum use of plastic bags. We re-use the bags whenever it is possible to do so without any adverse affects. 2. We should use paper bags. 3. We do not use plastic bags to store eatables. 4. We do not throw plastic bags here and there, after use. 5. We never burn plastic bags and other plastic items.
What can we do to minimise over useof plastics and deal with garbage? • 6. We do not put garbage in plastic bags and throw it away. • 7. We use vermicomposting at home and deal with our kitchen waste usefully. • 8. We recycle paper. • 9. We use both sides of the paper to write. We use a slate for rough work. We use blank sheets of paper left in our notebooks or rough work. • 10.We make our family, friends and others to follow proper practices for disposing different kinds of wastes.
? • ? • ? ? ? • ? Lets have a Question Answer Round…… ? ? • ? • ? ? ? • ? • ? ? • ? • ? ? ? ?
Q) What is vermicomposting??? • Ans)The process of preparing compost with the help of redworm is called vermicomposting
Name an organism which takes food equal to its weight????? • Ans) A Redworm can eat food equal to its own weight, In a day
What is landfill? • Ans)Landfill is an area where the garbage collected from the city or town is dumped.The area is later converted into a park.
What is composting? • Ans)Converting plant and animal waste including waste from the kitchen, into manure is called composting.
Which type of garbage is not converted into compost by the redworm? • Ans)Polythene bags, plastics, metal pieces and glass are not converted into compost by redworm.
IS it possible to reduce the problem relating to disposal of the garbage? • Ans) Yes,we can reduce the problem if we follow proper practices for the disposing different kinds of waste.
Is garbage disposal the responsibility only of the govt.????? • Ans) No,it the responsibility of every person to generate less waste.
What do you do with the food leftover at home? • Ans) We can make compost pit and cover the put the left over food in it and cover the pit.In this way we make manure which can be used by the plants.
If you and your friend are given the chance to eat in am plastic or banana plate at the party, which one would you prefer and why? • Ans) we prefer banana leaf because it can undergo the process of composting.
Fill ups • 1)________ are called farmer’s friend. • 2)________ is used for composting.
Fill ups • Earthworm are called farmer’s friend. • 2) Redworm is used for composting.