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Gene Ontology (GO) http://www.geneontology.org/.
Gene Ontology (GO) http://www.geneontology.org/ The Gene Ontology (GO) project is a collaborative effort to address the need for consistent descriptions of gene products in different databases. The GO collaborators are developing three structured, controlled vocabularies (ontologies) that describe gene products in terms of their associated biological processes, cellular components and molecular functions in a species-independent manner.
Molecular Function Biochemical activity or action of the gene product. MF describes a capability that the gene product has and there is no reference to where or when this activity or usage actually occurs. Examples: enzyme transporter ligand cytochrome c: electron transporter activity
Biological process A biological objective to which the gene product contributes. A biological process is accomplished via one or more ordered assemblies of molecular functions. There is generally some temporal aspect to the process and it will often involve the transformation of some physical thing. Examples: cell growth and maintenance cytochrome c oxidative phosphorylation, induction of cell death
Cellular Component A component of a cell that is part of some larger object or structure. Examples: chromosome nucleus ribosome cytochrome c: mitochondrial matrix, mitochondrial inner membrane
structure of GO terms GO:0003673: Gene Ontology GO:0008150: biological process GO:0016265: death GO:0019835:cytolysis GO:0012501: programmed cell death GO:0006915: apoptosis GO:0009626: hypersensitive response GO:0005575: cellular component (S.G.Lee, 2004)
GO parent-child relationship “Child” terms are more specific than “parent” terms “is-a” or “part-of” A mitotic chromosome is a chromosome A telemere is part-of a chromosome
Some remarks Genes to GO terms: many to many GO itself has no reference to genes GO specifies terminology and relationship between terms GO’s real power comes from annotation of genes at different GO terms Each annotation is supported by certain evidence, e.g. TAS, IEP, ISS
Are there any GO terms over represented in our list? Hypergeometric distribution N balls, m white, N-m black Draw k balls from N, X out of k balls are white P(X=i) = iCm (k-i)C(N-m) /kCN (xCm (k-x)C(N-m) /kCN) P-value =
148022 5928 4938 9168 10482 5893 90362 623 5187 5211 7480 9699 4826 64743 656 7320 4430 84679 3141 8310 10218 26009 3676 23072 9607 29927 51491 158 10059 6565 4687 57244 7748 10292 332 4089 7779 2277 5286 6721 6890 10097 5786 1463 26206 6597 3883 10211 2805 11258 9842 5537 221395 10133 5582 4967 4111 8766 5598 9580 317 529 3762 9937 788 4236 6812 3199 10965 23515 9908 10552 1044 3991 4913 6599 79646 7784 9002 3192 596 1559 610 6564 11224 534 398 25939 7270 26 8639 55922 506 6612 4973 6712 11339 26109 7318 55653 library("GOstats") library(hgu95av2) GOHyperG(myLL, lib="hgu95av2", what="MF“) $pvalues GO:0015198 GO:0015197 GO:0015333 GO:0015295 GO:0005427 GO:0008122 1.486752e-06 2.899886e-05 1.320697e-04 1.320697e-04 1.320697e-04 3.932356e-04 $goCounts GO:0015198 GO:0015197 GO:0015333 GO:0015295 GO:0005427 GO:0008122 GO:0008131 3 6 2 2 2 3 5 $numLL [1] 6309 $numInt [1] 73
Gene: zinc finger protein 261 [Homo sapiens] Chromosomal location Xq13.1” PubMed, PMID “10486218”“9205841”“8817323” Gene symbol “ZNF261” GenBank accession # “X95808” LocusLink, LocusID “9203” Affymetrix identifier HGU95A chips “41046_s_at” GO: "GO:0003677" "GO:0007275" "GO:0016021"
Ensembl project www.ensembl.org
GenMAPP: more biology http://www.genmapp.org/ GenMAPP provides users with a tool for visualizing gene expression data along pathways (called MAPPs), creating new pathways and identifying global biological associations within an expression dataset.