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A word of thanks from the Klein Collins Classes of 2004 and 2005…
A word of thanks from the Klein Collins Classes of 2004 and 2005…
Howdy! I’m Amy Crochet, the proudest member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2009. The transition from high school to college is a difficult one. Thanks to the administrators, faculty, and staff at KCHS, I was ready to meet the challenge. I felt well-prepared academically and socially. I thank you for setting a high standard for KCHS students. Not only do I appreciate you for the lessons you taught me in class, but I thank you for every word of encouragement and praise you so generously gave me. As educators, you have the awesome power to instill in your students that positive attitude that will make them want to succeed. Thanks and Gig ‘Em! Amy Crochet Texas A&M University
My high school teachers gave me the preparation I needed to succeed in my first year of college. While at Collins I was given different responsibilities and work, which made me budget my time wisely. They know what they are doing for students. In college, if you don't have your priorities in order and have poor time management, then all is lost. Taking AP courses and being involved in yearbook gave me many responsibilities. My teachers made life at college easier by simulating college work at Collins. Alex Combe Louisiana State University
Klein Collins Teachers Thank you so much for all your help and guidance during my time at Klein Collins. I was so fortunate to have great teachers to prepare me not only for college, but also my future endeavors. There are many times when I wish the Klein Collins teachers were my professors in college. When I am reminded of my high school days, I have nothing but fond memories and only hope the present students appreciate what great teachers they have. Thank you again for all your support and guidance! Corrie Garrett Klein Collins Class of 2004 Texas A&M University
The second I stepped off the bus for the first day of Basic Training at the Air Force Academy I knew that I would have to put forth everything I had learned at Collins in order to succeed. To become a lieutenant, a cadet must come prepared for the trials ahead. I realize that Klein Collins gave me the tools I needed in order to be successful. Without the hard working staff at Collins, I wouldn't be here in the first place... I wouldn't have gotten this chance and have a promising future. Thanks to everyone at Klein Collins who made this dream possible. I appreciate everything you all have done for me, and I hope to return the favor by proudly serving our Air Force for years to come. Cadet Third ClassAlex Arbuckle United States Air Force Academy
As I walked into a classroom of 500 on the first class day at U.T., I was overwhelmed. The days slowly rolled by, I struggled, but successfully made it through my first year. I strongly believe my success was made possible through my experience at KCHS. My teachers pushed me to think critically and to solve problems on my own. I was taught to work independently and arrive at a solution, even if it is done by trial and error. I was also taught to delve into intimidating subject areas. Throughout my 4 years at Klein Collins, my teachers stretched my potential and expanded the way I think. Thank you for teaching me how to learn, how to think independently, and how to reach for the stars. Without my high school teachers, my freshman year could not have been such a success. Justyna Charytonuik University of Texas
I SURVIVED! My first year at Texas A&M has come and gone; I was faced with many challenges, however I was able to overcome them with the many suggestions and lessons learned at KCHS. While in high school, I learned that I was going to have to earn my grades, and this definitely rang true at A&M. My teachers at Klein Collins challenged me mentally and emotionally. They taught me to have pride in my accomplishments. I had to learn to be self-sufficient. Because my KCHS teachers challenged me, I found it easier to stay afloat amidst the hundreds of students at Texas A&M. Thank you for teaching me lessons I can carry with me through the next three years of my education. I only hope that other graduates from Collins can learn and take away as much as I did. THANK YOU! Rainey Russell Texas A&M University
The thought of going to school in America made me really nervous five years ago. Improving my command of English was the initial priority during my freshman year, and this the teachers of Klein Collins made possible. But the growth that took place in this high school goes beyond personal improvement. Through engaging in the community-- which was encouraged by the staff-- and interacting with a diverse population of teachers, friends, and fellow students, I became aware of the tacit strength that unity and exchange brings. The opportunities offered through public education in the Klein district continues to amaze me. Thanks. Valentina Fontiveros Stanford University
Kenneth Hung – Rice University I would like to thank all the faculty and staff at Klein Collins for giving me a solid foundation of education to succeed in college and life. I am now majoring in biochemistry as a Rice/Baylor medical scholar and ESL coordinator for Rice University. After graduating from Klein Collins, I have done well by maintaining a 4.23 A+ GPA. Thank you for providing me with the tools to build a better future. Have a wonderful school year!
Kyle Grest Trinity University • The first year of college is always the hardest. I had to move to an unfamiliar place, away from my parents. I was always told in high school that I was being prepared for higher learning, and I have to thank all of my teachers for contributing to my preparation for college life. I am currently studying Economics and Math, with a minor in Music at Trinity University. I play varsity football and run varsity track. I am also an officer in the TU economics society and the assistant concertmaster of the TU Orchestra. I would like to thank all of the KC faculty and staff for all of their guidance and friendship throughout my high school years.
When I first came to college I realized that it was very different from high school. It was just going to be a bit more difficult. Fortunately, the teachers at Klein Collins had prepared us so that the transition would be easy. I do appreciate it. Ernie Lowery University of Texas at Dallas
When I first arrived at MIT, I was so excited. That excitement quickly turned to doubt. I wondered if I was up for the rigorous academics at MIT. Gradually, I started to remember the encouragement and nurturing that all my teachers had given me while I was at Klein Collins. I came to realize that although the academic training from KC was great, the most valuable lessons were life lessons that my teachers had wordlessly passed on to me through their daily example. They always encouraged me to have faith, to believe in myself, and to keep working hard. Their confidence in me inspired me and it wasn’t just for my own growth that I sat down to study at night, but also to rise to their expectations. I remembered the words that spoke from the walls of your classrooms: “excellence without compromise”. Lihua Bai MIT
I had a head start on most of my classmates this year in college. It was due, in large part, to the wonderful teachers at Klein Collins who pushed (and shoved, and beat) me into being what I am today; for that I am truly thankful. It was not only the class work KCHS teachers prepared me for, they prepared me for college life and all that it entails. They taught me to believe in myself and focus on the important things. It was because of my amazing four years at Klein Collins that I had an amazing first year at Stephen F. Austin. I can’t thank the teachers enough for all the hard work and dedication they put into making Klein Collins not just another high school, but another home. You probably don’t hear it enough, but THANK YOU for being my teachers. (…and yes Mrs. Squyres, I am doing my homework…) Chris Thacker SFASU
Jordan Michael Estes In high school I was the ham; the class clown. In fact, I am surprised that you guys put up with me for as long as you did. I was a loud kid. Now that I have graduated and moved on, well… I am still pretty loud but I thank you all for all you have done for me. The teachers and faculty I had the pleasure of befriending taught me more than any textbook ever could. I am currently enrolled at SHSU and my pursuit of a career in music is still going strong. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for without the education I received, the knowledge I gained, I couldn’t be the person I am today. Now to end this lightly I must digress: go see body worlds. It was cool.
Laura Lueckenhoff Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would fall in love with a school so much. From the athletic department, to the administration, to the individual teachers, librarians, and secretaries, the extraordinary Klein Collins staff made my high school experience one I will boast about the rest of my life. Attending a big university like Texas A&M, I initially had many doubts. But as I got acquainted with my new life, I could not help but feel grateful for the lessons learned at Klein Collins. Thank you for the impact you have made in my life, and for those lives you will continue to inspire and motivate. Texas A&M University
Katie Lombardi Texas State University I excelled at my first year at Texas State University due to the preparation I received from the KCHS staff that helped me to start a new chapter of my life successfully. My memories at Klein Collins are cherished, and my experience was great due to the remarkable atmosphere the KCHS staff provided. Someone once told me, “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little something extra.” This message was told to me when I was a freshman a KCHS, and today it never fails to help me achieve my goals and follow my dreams. Thanks to all my teachers!
CaseyGrier Southwestern University Thank you so much for preparing me for the academic challenge I face at Southwestern. I entered college not only ready for the classes, but able to balance my busy schedule on my own. Between soccer, art, and sorority, time management is essential to maintaining an A average, and I learned how to do that through my high school experience. Thanks again! I’m loving every minute of college life!
Alice Miller University of Texas Taking the big leap from high school to college was a daunting and exciting experience. I was sad to leave all the friends and wonderful memories that I gained at Klein Collins, but with the support from all the faculty, teachers, and my fellow students I was able to leave Collins with the satisfactory feeling that I was fully prepared to embark on that new chapter of my life. I could not have asked for a better four years of preparation for “the” University or any other college for that matter. I am very grateful for everyone at Collins who was a part of my high school experience, and for all the guidance they gave me that helped shape me into the person that I am today. Thanks again and hook ‘em horns!
Victoria Rduch I truly didn’t know what to expect when I traveled to Massachusetts to go to Amherst; however, I knew that I would be ready for whatever came my way thanks to Klein Collins and its teachers who prepared me. My high school education has helped me to continue getting good grades. Thanks teachers! Amherst
Allison McMullen Texas A&M Gig ‘Em Ags! High School was such a special time to many of us, but it would not have been as special without the investment that each of you made in our lives. You truly have no idea how much you affected my life, simply by taking the time to make sure I was as prepared as I could be for the next phase to come. Texas A&M is amazing, but I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for the teachers who cared about my future. The words ‘Thank You’ just don’t seem to be enough. Have a great year! Your investment in your students does not go unnoticed! A special shout out to Ms. Walters and Ms. Thompson!!
Corban Bates Class of 2004 I am entering my Junior year at West Point. Thank you for all of your guidance and support during my years at Klein Collins.
PAUL TILTON UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS I don’t even know how to begin. For starters, I’m currently studying Chinese in Beijing; otherwise, I’d be right there with you all to thank you in person for everything that you have done for me. To my teachers, Serving in perhaps the most underrated profession, you have no airs about you, and yet you toil… And toil you do; don’t think we don’t know—it’s not easy putting up with the likes of us. And so I thank you for years of early mornings and long afternoons, for the times when it would have been all too easy to withdraw and check out. Because the truth is this: youinvestedinmylife, anditmade a difference.
Lacey Horne Class of 2004 I will always be grateful for those of you who dedicated yourselves to educating and caring for me while I was in high school. I can only hope that other students will learn as much as I did at KC. Thank all of you for everything that you have done to help me reach my goals in life, and to get me where I am today.
“If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I did, I do, and I will.” Thank you so much for all your hard work and devotion. I will take with me many fond memories of you all. Bart Kieschnick Class of 2004 University of Texas