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Scope of Work. Develop and perform initial testing of detailed technical measure specifications for measure concepts identified by the PQA in the areas of:Adherence/PersistenceEfficiencySafetyDiabetesRespiratoryCardiovascular. Process and Timeline. April 2007Project Kick-OffTechnical Expert Panel (TEP) AssembledMay-SeptemberMeasure Specification DevelopmentTesting Plan DevelopmentInstitutional Review Board (IRB) ApprovalAugust-November Measure Testing Report Preparation.
Donna Pillittere Dugan, MS, Director, Performance Measurement, NCQA Kimberly McDonough, PharmD, President, APC
November 30, 2007
3. Process and Timeline April 2007
Project Kick-Off
Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Assembled
Measure Specification Development
Testing Plan Development
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval
Measure Testing
Report Preparation
4. NCQA/APC Team National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA):
Assembled and facilitated technical expert panel (TEP)
Developed detailed technical specifications
Prepared final report
Advanced Pharmacy Concepts (APC)
Offered technical expertise in the development of measures and medication lists based on experience with pharmacy databases and pharmaceutical claims
Conducted field test
5. Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Diverse expertise benefited performance measure development activities
Data sources
Provided input on the development of measure specifications and testing plan and on interpretation of pilot test results on behalf of PQA membership
6. Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Membership
Co-chair: Julie Kuhle, PharmD, IFMC
Co-chair: Brad Tice, PharmD, Chief Clinical Officer, PharmMD
Emily Cox, PhD, Express Scripts
Ajit Dhavle, PharmD, MBA, SureScripts Systems
Debra Dullinger, PharmD, Medco Health Solutions
Cathy Graeff, RPh, Vice President, NCPDP
David Medvedeff, PharmD, MBA, Informed Decisions
Jay Nadas, PharmD, Walgreens
David Nau, Ph.D., R.Ph., CPHQ, University of Kentucky
Matt Palmgren, PharmD, Humana
Darren Triller, PharmD, IPRO
Alan Zillich, PharmD, Purdue University
7. Measure Specification Development Developed detailed technical specifications
Eligible Population (Denominator)
Calculation algorithms
Comprehensive medication lists
Measurement areas identified by PQA:
8. Measure Specification Development Limited to the use of pharmacy data only
No centralized Rx dispensing file
Limitations based on source
Although quality goals are focused on individual pharmacy/pharmacist performance, claims data does not always contain necessary fields
9. The pros and cons of Rx claim data Advantages
Standardized format for claims
Broad range of fields
Drug, patient, pharmacy, pricing, clinical
Electronic controls verifying data integrity with claim submission
10. The pros and cons of Rx claim data Disadvantages
Sources impact scope of analysis
PBM, Health Plan, pharmacy, other
Diagnosis, eligibility must be inferred
Data inconsistently populated, retained or may be modified by sources depending on business needs
May not represent valid claim history for population: OTC, samples, medical claims, pets, etc
11. Considerations when using data Source of data affects scope of evaluation
Comprehensive reflection of internal operations
May not reflect comprehensive patient Rx activity
Health plan
Eligibility system can affect patient identification
Benefit limitations impact drug processing
Unique member ID, member plus dependent factors
Provides access across multiple benefit programs
FDB vs Medispan
Generic status, therapeutic class
Data fields limitations
12. Deferred Measures Initial measure development revealed that some measures were not feasible or presented conceptual challenges that required refinement.
Speed to Uptake of New Generic Opportunities
Date of availability highly variable; not comparable across years as list of available generics changes regularly; ability to use a new generic depends on factors outside the pharmacist’s control.
Medication Therapy Management, Comprehensive Medication Review
no standardized definition of MTM
13. Deferred Measures (cont.) Drug-Drug Interactions (severity level 1 DUE alerts)
DUE and DUR information in most claims databases is of questionable validity
Potentially Contra-indicated Medicine in Heart Failure Patient: NSAID & Warafrin
Measure not supported by solid clinical evidence at this time.
Dosing of ACEI/ARB in Heart Failure
Guidelines refer only to LVSD, not all heart failure. Not well supported given lack of clear diagnostic data or other factors.
14. Measure Testing Data Sources
Pharmaceutical claims (retail and mail order)
3 heath plans and 1 national prescription drug plan
Enrollment ranged from approximately 3,330 to nearly 1.7 million members across plans
Commercial, Medicaid and Medicare populations included
15. Measure Testing Examples of Research Questions
How do we verify continuous member eligibility in the absence of eligibility files?
How many pharmacies per plan have enough eligible patients per measure?
Distribution of rates across pharmacies per plan and across plans?
Evidence of Variation
Potential for improvement
16. Proportion of Days Covered-ACEI/ARB Measure Description
Denominator: All patients who filled a prescription for a ACEI/ARB or ACEI/ARB combination any time during the measurement period.
Numerator: The number of patients who met the PDC threshold (80%) during the measurement period.
17. Proportion of Days Covered-ACEI/ARB
18. Adjusted Generic Efficiency Measure Description
Denominator: Any generic medication or brand name medication available as a generic dispensed to a patient in the measurement period.
Numerator: Any generic medication dispensed to a patient
Exclusions: Patients with prescriptions that are indicated to be dispensed as written.
19. Adjusted Generic Efficiency
20. Measure Readiness Pilot test results looked promising for:
Proportion of Days Covered (80%)
Gap in Therapy (30 days)
Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly
Diabetes Medication Dosing
Diabetes Suboptimal Treatment
Suboptimal Asthma Control
Absence of Controller Therapy
21. Measure Readiness Pilot test results show the following may not yet be ready for prime time:
Lack of variation and potential for improvement
Generic Efficiency & Adjusted Generic Efficiency
Drug-Drug Interactions
Therapeutic Duplication
22. Measure Readiness Pilot test results show the following may not yet be ready for prime time
Current lack of data to support medication based algorithm for Heart Failure
Potentially Contraindicated CCBs in Patients w/HF
Not an good indicator of poor quality prescribing, counseling or adherence
Adverse Events due to Inhaled Corticosteroids
Data interpretation difficult; lack of meaningfulness
Use of High Risk Medications in the Elderly-Intensity of Exposure
23. NQF Endorsement Therapeutic Drug Management Initiative
Expected timeline:
Open call for measures- early December-Jan
14 measure recommended for submission
Completion of measure submission/rationale forms by NCQA
Documentation of Meaningfulness, Scientific Soundness and Feasibility.
24. Process for inclusion in HEDIS® Evaluation by NCQA panels
Meaningfulness, scientific soundness and feasibility at the health plan level
Quality gap, evidence base, opportunity for improvement, variation, field-test results
30-day public comment for approved measures
NCQA Committee on Performance Measurement (CPM) vote
Implementation into HEDIS
First-year measure status
Public reporting
25. Potential Uses for Measures Medicare comparison of PDP plan quality
Health plan evaluation of pharmacy performance
Pharmacy internal quality improvement programs
Identification of patient education/intervention opportunities
26. Insights/Next Steps/Key Considerations Reporting of data testing: what worked, what didn’t and why
How to increase scope of pharmacies for whom valid testing can be achieved
Data aggregation across pharmacies and plan sponsors
Improving methods to determine patient diagnosis
27. Questions