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“Many Peoples, Many Faiths”. by Ameena Zia. Reflect On. Do you have to be religious to pray? How many of you pray before turning in a paper, for an exam, or quiz? Is there only one way to pray?.
“Many Peoples, Many Faiths” by Ameena Zia
Reflect On • Do you have to be religious to pray? • How many of you pray before turning in a paper, for an exam, or quiz? • Is there only one way to pray?
“Prayer is an effort to communicate with God, or to another deity or spirit, either to offer praise, to make a request, or simply to express one's thoughts and emotions”-Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Judaism * Believe in One God, Yahweh. * Oldest Abrahamic Religion. Q. What is an Abrahamic Religions? * Jews read from the Torah, Old Testament, and Talmud. * The Torah is written in Hebrew. * They rest on Shabbat, Sabbath, begins before sundown on Friday till sunset on Saturday. * do no work: ie. Writing, Driving * Three daily prayers, prayers to say --small * Congregated prayers consist of 10 men.
Christianity • Believe in the Trinity: • Father, Holy Spirit, The Son * “Centered on the life teachings, sayings and actions of Jesus, the Christ.” (wikipedia) * The Bible = Old Testament + New Testament * Congregational Prayers in Services, Sing Hymns (Praises). * “Prayer is communion with God.” * Sunday Day of Rest * Worlds Largest Religion
Islam • Believe in One God, Allah • Source of Guidance: • The Holy Qur’an –revealed in Arabic • The Hadith, Sayings of Prophet Muhammad • Belief in Prophets Adam to Prophet Muhammad • Congregational Prayers, Need two men, own Family • Pray 5 times a day (set times) • Jumu’ah: Friday (not day of rest but services offered in congregation – 2nd Prayer of the Day
Hinduism • No specific founder • Oldest major Religion still practiced Today • Polytheistic: belief in many Gods • Divine: Brahman = Atman • Great God: Vishnu (many reincarnations of Him) • Source: The Vedas • Believe in Wheel of Samsara (reincarnation) • One has a Dharma: Sacred Duty • Born into a Caste – due your duty correctly be reborn higher.
Buddhism • Emerged in 6th B.C.E • Reform of Hinduism • The Buddha: Enlightened or Awakened One • Siddhartha Guatama • Religion and Philosophy of Life based on the Buddha • The Four Noble Truths concern Nature of Life • The Eight Fold Path – live by these instructions • Believe in Samsara too • Achieve Nirvana: True Liberation, the Goal • Meditation – form of prayer
Atheism • “The theory or belief that God does not exist.” (The Atheist and his Atheism) • Consequence of what one knows • How one reasons • Not really a religion, lacks the requirements • Do they Pray? Q. What is their take on Prayer in School?
Food 4 Thought • Is one allowed to pray in school? • Which religion, if any, is effected by this? • Compare and Contrast two religions? • Which religions are Eastern? Western? • What is something new you learned today?
References: • Google for Images • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judaism#Prayers • Religions of the World • http://www.christian-faith.com/bible-studies/prayerteaching.html#defn • http://mwillett.org/athiest.htm • Ellwood, Robert & McGraw, Barbara. “Many Peoples, Many Faiths: Women and Men in the World Religions,Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002. • 6th ed. Exploring Religious Meaning. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003.