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Teaching Tools that support the reading strategies. For Increasing Comprehension and Expanding Vocabulary. Essential Questions. What are the effective comprehension and vocabulary tools in the KCLM? How do these tools relate to the reading strategies outlined in the model?
Teaching Tools that support the reading strategies For Increasing Comprehension and Expanding Vocabulary
Essential Questions • What are the effective comprehension and vocabulary tools in the KCLM? • How do these tools relate to the reading strategies outlined in the model? • How can these tools help struggling students? • How can I use these tools in my daily teaching practice?
Learning Targets • I can explain the comprehension and vocabulary tools of the KCLM. • I can explain the reading strategy that each tool supports. • I am able to embed the tools in unit and lesson planning to aid student learning.
Most Important Word? MostW?ord Understanding is one of the most cherished goals of education. Teaching for understanding can bring knowledge to life by requiring students to manipulate knowledge in various ways. For instance, understanding a historical event means going beyond the facts to explain them, explore the remote causes, discuss the incident as different people might see it from their own perspectives, and skeptically critique what various sources say.
Seven Reading Strategies for Highly Effective Thinkers and Readers • Monitor/Clarify Understanding of Text • Connect to Prior Knowledge and Develop Schema • Draw Inferences and Predict • Ask Questions Before, During and After Reading • Determine Importance and Summarize Text • Visualize and Create Sensory Images • Synthesize and Retell
Reading Strategies in the KCLM V PK S/R S I/P M/C Q
Monitoring/Clarifying Understanding of Text
Proficient Thinkers/Readers….. Monitor/Clarify understanding of text
Read, Retell, Reread • Students should spend time reading—not rushing through a text. • Students need to make meaning of text in various ways-never one and done. • Students should READ, RETELL, and REREAD.
Reading Strategies in the KCLM V PK S/R S I/P M/C Q
CONSIDERATIONS • Read the entire text. • What ideas in the text do you want students to note? • What ideas are worth the students consideration? • About which ideas may students already have opinions? • What ideas are important to understanding of the text? • What will help students comprehend the text?
Proficient Thinkers and Readers Connect to Prior Knowledge and Develop Schema
Note-taking Using Both Sides of the Brain
Wordstorm • Effective pre-teaching activity • Students predict how words will be used in context • Enhances students’ connections with technical or specialized vocabulary
What is the word? Combustion Write the sentence from the text in which the word is used. • Combustion includes many chemical reactions. What are some words that you think of when you see this word? • explosionfireheat Do you know any other forms of this word? • combustiblecombustibilitycombustive Name three people who would use this word. • firemenchemistrocket builder Can you think of any other words that mean the same thing? • flamingburningvisible oxidation Write a sentence using this word appropriately. Make sure your sentence tells us what the word means. • Combustion is a chemical reaction that gives off heat and light. Klemp, R.M The Reading Teacher(1994)
Application of Word Storm • Find the article “7 Traits That Create a Lifetime of Success” • Choose a word from the article • With a partner, complete the Wordstorm template • Be ready to share out
Reading Strategies in the KCLM V PK S/R S I/P M/C Q
Proficient Thinkers/Readers Draw Inferences and Predict Inferring is the process of creating meaning by connecting what is in the reader’s head with what is in the text.
Two core sources of information: In My Head Background knowledge comes into play. In the Book (or video, photo, text…) The answer is there.
QAR Question/Answer/ Relationships • QAR is a framework that offers an approach to reading comprehension instruction. • It clarifies for students where to find information needed to answer questions.
Reading Strategies in the KCLM V PK S/R S I/P M/C Q
Proficient Thinkers/Readers Ask Questions They generate questions BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER reading.
people who dig up things to show how people lived in the past finding things to show what the past was like. -ology appears in biology-the study of life The class trip they took to the cave dwellings made the students feel like archaeologists. burying or hiding things. So when I hear the word-because someone found rare stuff like jewels; I’ll know what it is. Caves, deserts ruins. In magazines, Indiana Jones, titanic, Disc. Channel An archaeologist is like a human shovel.
Application of Word Questioning • Think about the word LITERACY • Complete the word questioning graphic organizer • Be prepared to share with the group • Discuss implementation uses
Reading Strategies in the KCLM V PK S/R S I/P M/C Q
Proficient Thinkers/Readers Determine Importance and Summarize Text I found it!
Summary Frames What would be the advantage of using Frames?
Reading Strategies in the KCLM V PK S/R S I/P M/C Q
Proficient Thinkers/Readers….. Visualize and create sensory images as they read.
Ways to Visualize • Create graphic representations • Draw pictures or pictographs • Generate mental images • Make physical models • Engage in kinesthetic activities
Create a Pictograph The Principle of Sowing and Reaping Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny. --Samuel Smiles
Visualizing: Use Pattern Graphic Organizers to Represent Knowledge
Visualizing: Use Pattern Graphic Organizers to Represent Knowledge
Example: Descriptive Pattern Organizer Cyclone Eyewall Categorized by wind speed Spin counterclockwise In Northern Hemisphere Spin clockwise In Southern Hemisphere Seasonal Move heat from equatorial region to higher latitudes
Example: Time-Sequence Pattern Organizer Space Shuttle Program NASA returned to flight on with successful launch and re-entry of Discovery. Shuttle Discovery was also the first orbiter to fly after the Challenger accident. President Richard M. Nixon announced NASA would proceed with development of reusable low cost space shuttle system. Vision of a reusable space craft to service International Space Station Challenger was lost during launch. The Shuttle program was grounded until. Columbia was lost during re-entry, once again grounding the shuttle program First fully functional orbiter, Columbia launched. 1960s January 2, 1972 April 12, 1981 January 28, 1986 February 1, 2003 July 26, 2005
Example: Process/Cause-Effect Pattern Organizer Vietnam split into North (Communist) and South (Non-Communist) US Troops moved in to fight Vietnam Conflict Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Civil War in Vietnam U.S Support of South Vietnam U.S. Destroyer Maddox attacked in Gulf of Tonkin
Example:Episode Pattern Organizer Discovery of the New World: Santa Maria Pinta Atlantic Ocean Nina Aug. 3, 1492 – Oct. 12, 1492 Aug. 1492 Colonization of the New World Seek a shorter, Western Route to India Discovery of New World Christopher Columbus Queen Isabella Of Spain King Ferdinand of Spain
Example:Problem/Solution Pattern Organizer PROBLEM = AIR POLLUTION
Reading Strategies in the KCLM V PK S/R S I/P M/C Q
Proficient Thinkers/Readers Also… Synthesize and Retell