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Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition. Helpu plant ifanc sydd ag Anghenion Lleferydd, Iaith a Chyfathrebu (ALIC) i baratoi ar gyfer ysgol uwchradd – Afasic/BIPBC grwpiau trosglwyddo Helping young children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) to
Symud o’r Cynradd i’r UwchraddPrimary to Secondary Transition Helpu plant ifanc sydd ag Anghenion Lleferydd, Iaith a Chyfathrebu (ALIC) i baratoi ar gyfer ysgol uwchradd – Afasic/BIPBC grwpiau trosglwyddo Helping young children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) to prepare for High School – Afasic/BCULHB transition groups Helen Wright, Hayley Gibb a/and Kathryn Seeney
Pam gwneud gwaith trosglwyddo efo plant ag ALIC? Meddyliau a theimladau negyddol ynghylch trosglwyddo Agweddau positif ddim yn amlwg Rhaid ailadrodd gwybodaeth a phrofiadau i blant ag ALIC Why do transition work with children who have SLCN? Negative thoughts and feelings about transition Positive aspects not seen Children with SLCN need repetition of information and experiences Symud o’r Cynradd i’r UwchraddPrimary to Secondary Transition
Pam fod ysgol uwchradd yn gymaint o sialens ? Creu perthynas newydd Athrawon newydd Rheolau ysgol newydd Maint yr ysgol Ymdopi â’r gwaith What makes secondary school so challenging? Relationships New teachers New school rules Size of the school Coping with the work Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Sgiliau iaith angenrheidiol yn yr Uwchradd: Brawddegau cymhleth ‘Geiriau allweddol’ sy’n benodol i bwnc Deall dywediadau bob dydd (e.e. idiomau, trosiadau, siarad sarcastig) Language demands in high school: Complex sentences Subject specific ‘keywords’ Understanding everyday sayings (e.g. idioms, metaphors, sarcasm) Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Cyfathrebu cymdeithasol yn yr Uwchradd: Perthynas â chyfoedion Defnydd cymdeithasol o iaith (e.e. sgwrsio, dweud jôcs, hel clecs) Cyfathrebu drwy dechnoleg (e.e. gweplyfr, negeseuon testun) Social communication in high school: Relationships with peers Many social uses of language (e.g. chat, jokes, gossip) Communication by technology (e.g. facebook, text messages) Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition Strategaethau ymarferol Practical Strategies 04/06/2014 6
Strategaethau ymarferol: Sgiliau gwrando Sgiliau trefnu Sgiliau cyfeiriadedd Sgiliau geiriadur Strategaethau dysgu Strategaethau hunan -gymorth Practical Strategies: Listening skills Organisation skills Orientation skills Dictionary skills Strategies for learning Self-help strategies Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Sgiliau gwrando: Edrychwch Gwrandewch Eisteddwch yn llonydd Arhoswch/ Cymerwch eich tro Meddyliwch Listening skills: Look Listen Sit still Wait/ Take turns Think Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Cof clywedol: Datblygiad normal Cofio dilyniant o ddigidau Oed Nifer y digidau 5 4 6 5 8 6 11 7 Oedolion 7 +/- 2 Auditory memory: Normal development Digit Repetition Age No. of digits 5 4 6 5 8 6 11 7 Adults 7 +/-2 Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Strategaethau ymarferol: Ailadrodd Dychmygu Ymarfer Cydgysylltu (synnau, gweledol, personol, symud/ actio) Crynhoi Mnemonig Siarad amdano! Practical skills: Repetition Visualisation Rehearsal Association (sound, visual, personal, movement/acting) Summarising Mnemonics Talk about it! Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Sgiliau trefnu a chyfeiriadedd: Amserlen (côd lliwiau) Bag ysgol (Beth ydw i ei angen?) Darllen map Sgiliau geiriadur: Yr wyddor Organisation and Orientation skills: Timetable (colour coding) School bag (what do I need?) Map reading Dictionary skills: Alphabet knowledge Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Strategaethau dysgu: Cynllunio stori Mapiau meddwl Olwyn geiriau Gemau geiriau Cynllun tasg/ gweithgaredd Learning strategies: Story planner Mind maps Word wheel Word games Task/ Action plan Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition • Cynllunio stori/ Story Planner Pwy / Who? Yn lle / Where? Pryd / When? Beth / What? (Dechrau/ Canol/ Diwedd) (Beginning/ Middle/End) Pam /Why?
Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition Mapiau meddwl/ Mind maps (Buzan) Lluniau/ Pictures a/and neu/or Geiriau/ Words Pwnc / Topic Categori/ Categories Adolygu/ Revision
Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition Map Geiriau Elklan Word Map www.elklan.co.uk
Gemau/ Games: ‘Word wise quickie’ Elklan www.elklan.co.uk Think of a meaning Put it into a sentence Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Grwpiau trosglwyddo Afasic CymruAfasic Cymru Transition Groups Cynllun dasg/ gweithredu / Task/ Action plan Amcan dysgu/ Learning objective (Yr her/ The challenge) Beth ydw i ei angen?/ What do I need? Beth mae angen i mi wneud?/ What do I need to do? Beth sydd eisiau ‘wneud nesaf?/ What do I need to do next? Gwobr/ Reward Amser Dechrau/ Start time a/and Amser Gorffen/ Finish time
Strategaethau gymorth hunan: Gofyn am help: Sut i…. (ymadroddion fel: ‘Dywedwch hynny eto’. ‘Ysgrifennwch i lawr o.g.y.dd’.). Adeiladu hyder. Ddatblygu annibyniaeth. Self-help strategies: Seeking help: How to…. (set phrases e.g. ‘Please say that again’. ‘Please write it down’.). Building confidence. Developing independence. Grwpiau trosglwyddo Afasic CymruAfasic Cymru Transition Groups
Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition Sgiliau Bywyd:agweddau cymdeithasol ac emosiynol Life skills: social and emotional aspects
Dan sylw: Gwahaniaethau yn yr Uwchradd Teimladau a phryderon am yr Uwchradd Emosiynau Ffrindiau Sylwadau canmoliaethus Bwlio Seiberfwlio Teithio a datrys problemau Areas covered: Differences about high school Feelings and worries about high school Emotions Friendship Giving compliments Bullying Cyberbullying Travel and problem solving Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Gwahaniaethau yn yr Uwchradd: Trafod fel grŵp Syniadau ynghylch sut i reoli’r gwahaniaethau yma e.e. mwy o waith cartref ond bydd amserlen gwaith cartref ar gael e.e. amserlen – ymarfer darllen ac addasu Differences about high school: Brainstorm as a group Brainstorm ideas about how these differences can be managed e.g. more homework but will have homework planner e.g. timetable – practise reading and adapting Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Teimladau a phryderon : Weithiau does ‘na ddim gan y disgyblion! Trafod teimladau/pryderon Trafod sut allwn ni ddelio â nhw – gobeithion am yr wythnos Feelings and worries: Sometimes the pupils don’t have any! Brainstorm feelings/worries Brainstorm how we can address them – hopes for the week Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Emosiynau: Trafod teimladau, yr enwau amdanyn nhw ac ati. Gweithgaredd ‘Sut fyddet ti’n teimlo?’ Gweithgaredd ‘Sut ydw i’n teimlo go iawn?’ (tôn/mynegiant wyneb/iaith corff) Chwarae rôl Emotions: Discuss feelings, names for them etc. ‘How would you feel?’ activity ‘How do I really feel?’ activity (tone/facial expression/body language) Role-plays Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Ffrindiau: Gweithgaredd ‘Disgrifiwch ffrind’ Holiadur Ffrindiau (ar sail senario) Chwarae rôl gwneud a chadw ffrindiau (oedolyn yn arwain a disgybl yn cymryd rhan) Friendships: ‘Describe a friend’ activity Friendship questionnaire (scenario based) Role play ways to make and keep friends (adult led with pupil participation) Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Sylwadau canmoliaethus: Trafod ‘beth ydy sylw canmoliaethus?’ (edrychiad, personoliaeth, nodweddion, eiddo) Trafod effaith dweud rhywbeth da wrth rywun Trafod ymateb addas i ganmoliaeth Ymarfer rhoi sylw canmoliaethus i aelodau’r grŵp Compliments: Discuss ‘what is a compliment?’ (looks, personality, attributes, possessions) Discuss how compliments make people feel Discuss appropriate responses to compliments Practise giving compliments to group members Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Bwlio: Adnoddau Black Sheep ‘Talk About Friends’ a ‘Talk About School’ Gosod senario a chwarae rôl Disgyblion yn dehongli sefyllfaoedd ac yn awgrymu beth i’w wneud ym mhob sefyllfa Bullying: Black Sheep ‘Talk About Friends’ and ‘Talk About School’ resources Scenarios and role plays Pupils interpret situations and make suggestions for what to do in each situation Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Seiberfwlio: Cyflwyniad a DVD Taflenni Trafod senarios ac awgrymiadau ar beth i’w wneud Cyfle i ddisgyblion drafod eu pryderon/profiadau a gofyn cwestiynau Cyberbullying: Presentation and DVD Leaflets Discuss scenarios and suggestions for what to do Chance for pupils to discuss their worries/experiences and to ask questions Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Teithio: Trafod sut y bydd bob plentyn yn teithio i’r ysgol Cyflwyno senarios (beth allai fynd o’i le) – trafod sut i’w datrys nhw/beth i’w wneud Ymarferoldeb teithio (cerdyn bws, amserlenni ac ati) Travel: Discuss how each pupil will be getting to school Present scenarios (what could go wrong) – brainstorm how to solve them/what to do Practicalities of travel (bus pass, timetables etc) Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Datrys problemau: Senario teithio Senario ysgol Senario ffrindiau Cyfle i adeiladu ar sgiliau a ddysgwyd drwy gydol yr wythnos Ymarfer senario/sgript (trip) Annibyniaeth a hyder! Problem solving: Travel scenarios School scenarios Friendship scenarios Chance to build on skills learnt throughout the week Rehearse scenario/script (trip) Independence and confidence! Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Gwerth Grwpiau Trosglwyddo: I’r plentyn Mwy o hyder Llai pryderus Problemau penodol yn lleihau Gwybodaeth a phrofiad o ddefnyddio strategaethau fydd yn helpu Gweithio efo cyfoedion sydd hefyd ag ALIC mewn amgylchedd diogel The value of Transition Groups: For the child Increased confidence Fewer worries Specific concerns are reduced Knowledge and experience of using strategies that will help Working with peers with SLCN in a safe environment Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Gwerth Grwpiau Trosglwyddo: I rieni Mwy o hyder yng ngallu’r plentyn Llai o bryderon Problemau penodol yn lleihau Ymwneud â’r broses – fforwm yn trafod eu pryderon The value of Transition Groups: For parents Increased confidence in the child’s abilities Fewer worries Specific concerns are reduced Involvement in the process – forum to discuss their concerns Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition
Symud o’r Cynradd i’r Uwchradd Primary to Secondary Transition “Y rhain oedd yr holl bethau yr oeddwn yn poeni amdanyn nhw o ran fy mhlentyn” [Rhiant disgybl a fynychodd yn 2011] “This is everything I was worried about for my child” [Parent of a pupil who attended in 2011]