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Technology and Teaching Linda L. Jordan The Center for Highly Effective Teaching Technology: Guiding Questions How do you use it as a teacher and an individual? What is available to you? How do you stay current? Info Byte 2,800,000,000:
Technology and TeachingLinda L. JordanThe Center for Highly Effective Teaching
Technology: Guiding Questions • How do you use it as a teacher and an individual? • What is available to you? • How do you stay current?
Info Byte 2,800,000,000: This is the number of people who are connected by handheld communication devices – 40% of the world’s population. Enter the Mobile Wallet, a technological advance that allows cell-phone users to buy products and services over their cell phones. Mobile Wallet, the study says, “are projected to grow significantly, to 1.4 billion by the year 2015.” Delta Sky Magazine, February 2009
Info Byte 357 texts 352% is the increase, according to the Nielson Company, in how many text messages were sent between April and June 2008 compared with the same period in 2006. What’s more, 2008 was the first year in which text messages surpassed calls in terms of frequency Maybe you don’t send or receive the average 357 text messages per cell phone per month? If not, look to the 13-to-17-year-olds you know. The typical mobile teen subscriber sends/receives and average of __?__ per month. Delta Sky Magazine, February 2009
High-Tech Revolution The high tech revolution is redefining how we: • Communicate • Reach people • Influence people • Exert political and social exchange • Glimpse into the lives of co-workers, neighbors, celebrities, and politicians. • Young minds tend to be the most exposed
High-Tech Revolution • This revolution has also plunged us into a state of continuous partial attention, described as continually staying busy-always scanning for contact • Differs from multi-tasking where we have a purpose for each task and are trying to improve productivity
Loss of Face-to-Face Social Discourse • Internet is replacing TV as prime source of brain stimulation. • We rely on the Internet and digital technology for entertainment, political discussions, and even social reform as we chat with friends and co-workers. • As the brain evolves and shifts its focus toward new technological skills, it drifts away from fundamental social skills such as reading facial expressions during conversation or grasping the emotional context of a single gesture
Research/Studies • 2007 University of Texas: study of more than 1,000 children found that on a typical day 75% of them watch TV, 32% watch videos/DVDs-total exposure? One hour 20 minutes. For 5-6 year olds, an additional 50 minutes is spent in front of the computer. • Kaiser study: young people ages 8 to 18 expose their brains to 8.5 hours of digital and video sensory stimulation each day (most spent passively-watching TV/videos/DVDs, listening to music, video games, and using the computer)
Digital Natives vs. Immigrants • Who is comfortable with technology? • Who has had it as part of their life since birth? • Students vs. Teachers
Receiving information quickly and from multiple multimedia sources Parallel processing and multitasking Processing pictures, sounds and videos before text. Interact/network simultaneously with many others Learning that is relevant, instantly useful and FUN! Slow and controlled release of information from limited sources Singular processing and single or limited tasking Provide text before pictures, sounds and videos. Students work independently rather than to interact/network Teach to teach to the curriculum guide and standardized tests Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants
Texting Queen • 13-year-old Morgan Pozgar was crowned the National Texting champion on Saturday after she typed "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from "Mary Poppins" in 15 seconds. The competition was sponsored by drug companies hoping to market arthritis medications for kids.
Safety • Your Safety & Your Students Safety • http://www.anywho.com/ • MS/HS/College/Job Hunting • Cyber Bullying • http://www.netsmartz.org/index.aspx • http://www.ikeepsafe.org/
Money Spent • Math Blaster & Oregon Trail vs. technology as a teaching tool Games Integrated into lessons Entertainment Learning Fun Information Tool to help teach
Web Site Information November Learning http://novemberlearning.com/resources/information-literacy-resources/ Author of web sites Example: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. http://martinlutherking.org/ Finding the Publisher of a web site www.easywhois.com
Social Networks • Facebook • My Space • Linkened • Create your own (voice thread)
Tools • Smart boards • Wireless boards • Live Scribe Pens • Turning Point Technologies • Elmo/Document Cameras • Flip Cameras • Video • i-pad • Smart phones
Rethinking Homework • Wolfram Alpha http://www.wolframalpha.com/ • Google http://www.google.com/
Software • Google • Open Source • Moodle • Power Point http://www.actden.com/pp/
Uses of Technology in the Primary Classroom • TuxPaint www.tuxpaint.org • Math http://funbrain.com/funbrain/cashreg/
Using Technology in the Middle School & High School Classroom • Social Networking http://voicethread.com/about/k12/ • Second Life http://secondlife.com/?v=1.1
Great Web Site Examples • United Streaming www.unitedstreaming.com • MEL http://mel.org/SPT--BrowseResourcesNewMeL.php • 4teachers.org http://www.4teachers.org • Teacher Tube http://www.teachertube.com/ • Ideas and Resources for Teachers http://www.sabine.k12.la.us/vrschool/intwebcl.htm • Instructional Strategies http://www.beesburg.com/edtools/glossary.html
Great Web Sites Cont. • TED Talks • Moodle • Open Source Software • Google Educator http://www.google.com/educators/index.html • You Tube • A Vision of Students Today • You Can’t Be My Teacher
Technology What is yet to come? X-Box: "Project Natal" (pronounced nuh-TALL) Memristor: allows computers to make decisions by understanding past patterns of data it has collected, similar to human brains collecting and understanding a series of events. ?????:
The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Alvin Toffler, author of Future Shock
Schools Exceeding Expectations2011 National Professional Development Conference“From Ordinary to Extraordinary”Excellence in EducationConference Dates: April 28-30, 2012Pre-Conference: April 27, 2012Location: Columbia, SCGUEST SPEAKERS:Susan Kovalik, Founder of the HET ModelHoracio Sanchez, Pres. Resiliancy, Inc.ON-SITE SCHOOL VISITS: Richland Two District, Columbia, SCTwo Strands: Breakout SessionsFor more information, go to:http://www.thecenter4learning.com/html/events/2011/see.htmContact: Debora Schweikl at 1.253.815.8800