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The Canterbury Tales

Geoffrey Chaucer. 1343-1400BritishHusband, FatherPoetSoldierSurvivor. The Breakdown. Discussion Question:What are some conventional or modern ways of breaking up a novel or story?. General Prologue a.k.a the Portraits. What is a prologue?. pro

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The Canterbury Tales

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Presentation Transcript

    1. The Canterbury Tales By: Geoffrey Chaucer

    2. Geoffrey Chaucer 1343-1400 British Husband, Father Poet Soldier Survivor

    3. The Breakdown

    4. General Prologue a.k.a the Portraits

    5. Character Prologues

    6. You’ve heard of this…

    7. Welcome to SOUTHWARK…

    8. Character Tales

    11. Themes in the Text Medieval Life and its affects on the Pilgrims Chaucer’s voice of what’s acceptable and what’s not Role of Women Arthurian Legends Blue Collar vs. White Collar Religion

    14. The Language

    15. OLD ENGLISH Written in the Vernacular… meaning… the language of the people, such as that which is indigenous to the area… versus a standard or religious language.

    16. Let’s Play…

    17. Discuss with your neighbor what each of these words would be in Modern English Hwćt! Fćder Heofonum Forgyf Weox Ţćt Cyning Frofre What! Father Heaven Forgive Waxed That King Friend

    18. Now for you to become the author…

    19. Do More

    20. Works Cited

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