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The Woman Roman Catholism Pope seeks new order Headline Pope seeks ‘new order’ Headline DT 2 January Event
Pope seeks new order • Headline Pope seeks ‘new order’ Headline DT 2 January Event The world needs a “new international order” to ensure peace, the Pope said in his New Year’s Day address at the Vatican. It should be based on “the dignity of human beings, integrating society, solidarity between rich and poor countries and sharing resources”, he said. • Comment We know that a new world order is exactly what this Pope and all other Pope’s before and after are trying to bring about. A human kingdom based on human laws in direct opposition to the coming kingdom of God. We know for certain that the woman that is riding the beast in Revelation 17 is the false religion of Rome. Both launch war against Christ at his return. We should watch for more of this “new order” language from this man. Bible Quote – Revelation 17 18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Vatican welcomes Rabbis • Headline Vatican welcomes Israeli rabbis Headline BBC News online 16 January • Event The Pope has described a meeting with Israel’s chief rabbis on Friday as “a sign of great hope”, and a chance to improve understanding and co-operation. Following a month of contacts between Rome and Jerusalem, the rabbis accepted Wednesday’s formal invitation to meet the Pope. A Papal Concert of Reconciliation representing the 3 Abrahamic faiths will take place on Saturday night. • Comment We must realise the significance of this visit and interfaith meeting between the chief rabbis and the Pope. We know that the false religion of Rome is an abomination to God (Revelation 17:5), and here are the 2 chief rabbis paying homage to him and attending an interfaith meeting. Imagine if we (Christadelphians) were to do this. Reconcile ourselves to the Babylonian Harlot. God would judge us severely. There must be something the Jews do finally that brings God’s judgement upon them. • Bible Quote – Jeremiah 25 6 And go not after other gods to serve them, and to worship them, and provoke me not to anger with the works of your hands; and I will do you no hurt.
Vatican concert unites faiths • Headline Vatican concert unites faiths Headline BBC news online 18 January http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/3406773.stm • Event Pope John Paul II, Israel's two chief rabbis and leading Muslim clerics were among the audience for a first performance of a new choral work by an American composer. The Vatican says the musical evening was intended to promote the commitment to peaceful co-existence among all the children of Abraham. Comment We mentioned this visit of the chief rabbis last week. It was the first visit of its kind by the chief rabbis. We must not be taken in by these events. It all sounds so plausible. Everyone living together in peace – all faiths uniting. However as we know this religion of Rome is a harlot. A prostitute religion. She will never except anything less than she is the “Mother” church and all others are her daughters. • Bible Quote – Revelation 18 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Synod debates Popes supremacy • Headline Synod to debate Pope’s supremacy Headline DT 19 January • Event The Church of England is being asked to take its biggest step towards accepting the primacy of the Pope and the concept of infallibility since Henry VIII broke from Rome 450 years ago. A joint Roman Catholic and Anglican report arguing that the Pope should be recognised as the "universal primate" is to be debated by the General Synod next month. Comment A universal primate!! This man calling himself the “Holy Father”. Infallible. Trying to establish a human kingdom in direct opposition to Gods coming kingdom. Addressed in services at the Vatican as “Lord God the Pope”. With direct links back to Babel and Babylon worshiping and praying to Mary who can forgive your sins. Deceiving millions, persecuting true believers throughout all ages. We should look on in horror at these events and resolve to “come out of her”. • Bible Quote – Matthew 23 9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
EU must rediscover Christian heritage Headline European Union must rediscover Christian heritage Headline CWNews.com 8 May Event On the day after 10 new nations entered the European Union, Pope John Paul II repeated his insistence that Europe must rediscover its Christian heritage. The Holy Father remarked: "The unity of European peoples, if it is to be lasting, cannot be just economic and political." Speaking from the window of his apartment in the apostolic palace, the Pontiff said that Europe's "identity cannot be understood without Christianity." If Europe does not acknowledge her heritage, the Pope said, Europe will be based on uncertain foundations. He argued that "only a Europe which… rediscovers its Christian roots can meet the great challenges of the third millennium." Comment This is precisely what the Bible describes. The false religion of Rome (the Harlot) riding the European beast. There is a continued acceptance of his authority from other religions. The Vatican has enormous diplomatic clout and maintains one of the largest diplomatic representations of any country. Bible Quote – Revelation 17 7 …I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her
Williams visits Marian shrine Headline Practise three Rs for peace, says Williams Headline DT 1 June Event The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, called on Christians yesterday to practise the three Rs of religious life – “relate, relinquish and receive”. Dr Williams was preaching to churchgoers from all parts of Britain at the annual Anglican pilgrimage to the Marian shrine in Walshingham, Norfolk, which was recently voted England’s favourite spiritual place in a poll of BBC Radio 4 listeners. Referring to the Magnificat he said “We need to hear Our Lady’s challenge;she sings for the insulted and injured everywhere” Comment Dr Williams was asked recently what was more important truth or unity. He replied “unity”. His actions speak of that as well. For where is the truth behind worshipping at a Marian shrine. This is idol worship that goes back to the time of Babel with Nimrod and Semeramis. It emerged again in Babylon and is once again prominent in this world. The worship of Mary has been promoted more than ever by the current Pope and now by the head of the Protestant church of this country. Bible Quote – Ephesians 6 NB spiritual wickedness in high places 12 For we wrestle …. against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Bush visits Pope Headline Bush is given Papal lecture on Iraq Headlines DT 5 June Event The Pope sharply rebuked President George W Bush yesterday over his policy in Iraq as tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Rome to demonstrate against the presidential visit. Speaking from an ornate wheelchair in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace, with Mr Bush sitting stern-faced to his right, the Pope said that the president was making his visit at a time when there was "great concern" over the instability of the Middle East. The blunt message was the price Mr Bush paid for being seen next to one of the world's greatest moral authorities - and a harsh critic of the Iraq war - only months before the presidential election. Comment Surely we are seeing before our very eyes a “king of the earth” committing “fornication” with the “great whore”. It is vile language to describe the vile situation. We know that Rome is the false religion spoken of in Revelation. The Pope declares himself to be the Holy Father. And here is the world’s most powerful man wanting to be seen with him to try to secure a few more Catholic votes in the up and coming presidential elections. Bible Quote – Revelation 17 1 the great whore .. 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication,
Pope, Vatican mourn Reagan Headline Pope, Vatican mourn Reagan Headline Catholic World News 7 June Event A statement released by the Vatican after the President's death saluted "the contributions of President Reagan, who influenced the lives of millions of people, especially in Europe, but also in his own country." Navarro-Valls added that the Pope was praying for the deceased American-- with whom he had reportedly enjoyed a particularly warm personal rapport. Vatican officials pointed out that it was during the Reagan Administration that the US first established full diplomatic relations with the Holy See. They also pointed to the late President's enormous influence on recent European history, and especially the end of the Cold War. Comment We are reminded with the death of President Reagan, of the influence that he and the Pope had in bringing about the collapse of communism. It has been reported in many places that these 2 men were responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union. This is why the Vatican states that Reagan “influenced the lives of people in Europe”. And so we saw only a few weeks ago, ex communist countries joining up to the beast. The harlot (Rome) worked to bring this about and used a US president to help her!! Bible Quote – Revelation 17:18 .. the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Cardinal sees “true reunification” of Europe Headline Austrian cardinal sees "true reunification" of Europe Headline Catholic World News 14 June Event Vienna's Cardinal Christoph Schönborn sees the entry of 10 new countries into the European Union as "a true act of reunification for our continent." Cardinal Schönborn recalled that Pope John Paul II , in a speech delivered in Vienna in 1998, insisted that the European community would not be complete without the nations of the former Soviet empire. As the European Union shapes its political agenda, Cardinal Schönborn said that the task of the Church is to ensure that politicians "do not follow a merely secular vision," . Comment Interesting that these remarks are made days before EU leaders meet to decide on a new EU constitution. The Cardinal reminds people that this unification of Europe that has occurred was the Pope’s idea! Also that politicians need to remember this is a religious as well as a political project. In his words this is the “task of the church”. We know this is the task of the church. Revelation says the woman rides the beast. Behind the scenes and sometimes publicly we see how true this is. Bible Quote Genesis 3:1 woman deceived by beast / woman deceives Adam Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, …..the deception of mankind continues today
Pope apologies for crusades Headline Pope says sorry for crusaders' rampage in 1204 Headlines DT 30 June Event – The Pope delivered an emotional apology to Orthodox Christians yesterday for the Catholic plundering of Constantinople eight centuries ago, saying it caused him "pain and disgust". He made his comments during a visit to the Vatican by Bartholomew I, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and head of the world's 300 million Orthodox Christians. Comment It was interesting that Bush was in Istanbul (previously Constantinople) in Turkey calling for Turkey to be admitted to the EU. And the same day the Pope is apologising for the plundering of Constantinople in 1204. In essence trying to bring into the fold the Orthodox church. The Pope has made reconciliation with the Orthodox church a focal point to his reign. But one thing is certain. Reconciliation if it happens is done on Rome’s terms. She is the ‘Mother’ church and all others are hers daughters. We are still viewing today the split of the Roman Empire into its Eastern and Western parts. We know that both East (Russia) and West (Europe) will unite in battle against Israel. Bible Quote – Revelation 17 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
UN confirms Vatican role Headline UN confirms, expanded Vatican participation Headline Catholic World News 4 July Event The UN General Assembly, in a unanimous vote, has confirmed the status of the Holy See as a "permanent observer," and expanded the rights of Vatican representatives to participate in UN debates. The UN resolution gives representatives of the Holy See the right to participate in debates of the General Assembly without seeking permission, the right to reply to other interventions, and the right to circulate documents.The UN resolution confirms the status that the Vatican has now enjoyed for 40 years as a "permanent observer," able to participate in UN debates but not cast votes at the General Assembly. Comment This is the ONLY religion in the world that has the right to participate in debates of the General Assembly of the UN – “without permission” and circulate documents among other nations. The Holy See is effectively the political government of the Catholic Church and this ruling just shows the incredible influence of this religion over the nations of the world. The kings of the earth are committing fornication with the whore. They are deceived by the ‘false prophet’ and gathered to Armageddon. Bible Quote Revelation 17 – see also Revelation 16:13-14 1 great whore that sitteth upon many waters: 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication whore = Vatican / Holy See Kings of the earth / UN
Vatican to stop Kerry taking communion Headline Don’t allow Kerry to take communion, Vatican chief tells US Catholic Bishops DT 11 July Event American Catholic bishops are trying to defy secret advice from Rome that Communion should not be given to John Kerry, the Democratic presidential candidate. The advice contained in an explosive memo – clearly directed at Sen Kerry – was from Cardinal Ratzinger, the Pope’s doctrinal adviser. The memo was sent to the US Catholic Bishop's conference last month. With formidable clarity and force, it states that pro-abortion Catholic politicians should be warned they are not eligible for Communion. Comment We see here how the Vatican is trying to influence the US presidential elections in a most dramatic way. By refusing communion to Senator Kerry they hope to persuade Catholic voters to reject him. This is odd when Kerry is a Catholic and Bush is a Methodist. Remember just a few weeks ago the Pope had an audience with Bush which delighted the President. We see the Harlot in action here. Influencing the kings of the earth and even backing someone of a different religion if it suits their long term purposes! The Pope is backing Bush in the next election. Bible Quote – Revelation 19 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her,
Pope explains Marian pilgrimages Headline Pope explains Marian pilgrimage plans Headline Catholic World News 2 August Event At his regular Sunday audience on August 1, Pope John Paul II said that on his August 14-15 pilgrimage to the Marian sanctuary at Lourdes, he will ask the Virgin Mary to guide all Christians along the path of sanctity. The Pope said that he would seek Mary's intercession not only during his trip to the French shrine, but also when he travels to Loreto, Italy on September 5. Comment This Pope is the most Marian Pope in history according to a Catholic publication “Inside the Vatican”. He has entrusted his pontificate to the “Virgin Mother of God.” His stated purpose is to encourage widespread devotion to Mary. We know that Marian worship has its roots in Babel and later in Babylon. The worship of Semiramis and Nimrod her god incarnate son were part of the religious worship of Babel. Interestingly they called Semiramis ‘Baalti’ which means ‘My Lady’. Mary is known as ‘Madonna’ which also means ‘My Lady’. This religion is resurrected Babylon. Bible Quote – Revelation 17 – NB Babylon written on woman’s head. 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
Pilgrim Pope at Lourdes Headline Pilgrim Pope joins the sick at Lourdes shrine Headline DT 16 August Event Pope John Paul II began a two day pilgrimage to the French mountain shrine of Lourdes yesterday. The 84 year old pontiff who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, said that that he “wanted to be close to the millions of pilgrims who visit Lourdes each year” and that the shrine inspired “great emotion”. He was greeted by Jacques Chirac, the French president, who called the Pope “a universal pastor and a man of peace”. Comment This shrine is dedicated to Mary and draws 6 million visitors a year often seeking cure from illness. This visit by the Pope was to mark the 150th anniversary of Pope Pius IX’s 1854 proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. This dogma declared that Mary was without sin and was herself born miraculously. This is idol worship. It has its roots back in Babel. The worship of the “mother” is part of the abomination associated with the Catholic religion. We see here the woman (Rome) meeting with the beast (Europe – French leader). Despite the French president’s comments the Pope is in fact a man of destruction. Bible Quote 2 Thessalonians 2 Perdition = destruction 3 …that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,
Locust plague Headline Locusts plague home of Gibson's Christ Headline DT 26 August Event The humble town of Matera in southern Italy had been hoping for a tourist boom after Mel Gibson made his film The Passion of Christ there. Instead it has been hit by a biblical plague of locusts. The millions of locusts have driven the tourists away and are doing untold damage to crops. The town's economy has suffered so badly that businessmen are calling for a state of emergency. Comment A biblical plague of locusts! Many times in the scriptures God talks of using locusts as a plague on the people. I do not look upon this plague as coincidence but the hand of God. It was at this very place that “The Passion of Christ” was made and now we have a plague upon it. Why? This film, (endorsed by the Pope), follows the Catholic faith and values in respect of the crucifixion of Christ. They do NOT remember Christ at Mass but believe it is his real body and real blood. He is permanently dieing and suffering. Therefore this brutal and violent film is all about the “fear” element and keeping our Lord on the cross forever. Once more the Catholic Church has found a way to reach millions of people with it’s message. A plague is coming upon it. Bible Quote – Galatians 1:9 If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Pope comment on Europe “Although without armies, navies and super hydrogen bombs, the Vatican has more power at its disposal than if it had the greatest military capability. The Pope’s government is as important as that of the USA, of Russia or China except that territorially and spiritually it is far larger and it exerts more influence than the three combined.” A. Manhattan: Vatican Imperialism in the 20th Century Headline Europe needs to recover Christian perspective, Pope says Headline Catholic World News 30 September Event In a message to participants in the annual "Social Weeks" in France, Pope John Paul II said that European society should look to its Christian heritage, to find "new paths of collaboration, fraternity, and peace." The Pope's message emphasized the importance of Christian involvement in political affairs. The faithful, he said, should "not run away from their mission" in the world of public events, but should do their best to bring the political world into line with Christian principles. Comment So the Pope’s mission (and all the faithful) he says is to bring the political world into line with Christian principles. Or you could say… it is the Vatican’s ambition to influence European politics and exert it’s “moral authority” upon it. Thereby increasing it’s own power and influence over millions of people. Or you could say….. The woman wants to direct the course of the beast! This has always been the Vatican’s ambition. It continues to tell us that this is what it wants to do. The influence the the Vatican already has over the politics of Europe is immense. Bible Quote Revelation 17 3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
Blair ready to convert to Catholicism Headline Blair is ready to convert, says Catholic priest Headline DT 15 October Event A priest who regularly conducts Mass for Tony Blair and his family refuelled speculation yesterday that the Prime Minister intends becoming a Roman Catholic. Mr Blair, a High Church Anglican, regularly attends Mass at Chequers with his wife Cherie and three children, who are Catholics, and he took part in a private service in the Vatican during a recent visit to Rome. Comment We may wonder why this is worth noting. In my opinion, Tony Blair, sums up in almost every way the terrible situation this country has got into. From a political point of view he wants to be in Europe but he ends up following the US. From a religious point of view he wants to be a Roman Catholic but ends up staying with (officially) the Church of England. He is torn in two! But though he ‘lusts’ after Europe and Rome he cannot (for lots of reasons) join either! And one of the reasons surely must be the hand of God. Britain’s place is not with Europe and Rome in the final war as foretold by Daniel, Ezekiel and in Revelation. Britain’s place is NOT with the woman and beast. However judgement is coming on Britain for her worship of both. Bible Quote – Isaiah 23 also Ps 48:7, Isa 23:1 / describe judgment of Tarshish 6 Pass ye over to Tarshish; howl, ye inhabitants of the isle.
Catholic / Jewish statement Headline Catholic, Jewish leader urge respect for Jerusalem Headline Catholic World News 19 October Event A three-day meeting of Catholic and Jewish officials has concluded with a joint statement urging political leaders to respect the sacred character of the city of Jerusalem. The group issued a three-part statement. It began with a clear commitment to continuing the inter-religious dialogue: "We are not enemies, but unequivocal partners in articulating the essential moral values for the survival and welfare of human society. The statement went on to affirm that "Jerusalem has a sacred character for all the children of Abraham." The third point of the joint statement was directed at religious leaders, asking them to "protest publicly" against "actions of disrespect toward religious persons, symbols, and holy sites." Comment All 3 parts of this statement are false. 1. They are enemies. (God does not ask for Inter-religious dialogue but for separation from false religions) 2. Jerusalem is not sacred for all the children of Abraham. (God specifically made the promises through the line of Isaac and Jacob) 3. God does not ask for public protest from religious leaders. The Vatican will not rest until Jerusalem is no longer sovereign to the Jews. Bible Quote Psalm 132 The Vatican do not realise that Jerusalem is God’s city 13 For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation.