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Relativity. Lorentz transformation 4-vectors and 4-tensors Relativistic kinematics Electromagnetism. y. y’. = v/c in x direction. S. S’. x. x’. z. z’. Lorentz Transformation.

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  1. Relativity • Lorentz transformation • 4-vectors and 4-tensors • Relativistic kinematics • Electromagnetism Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati.

  2. y y’ • = v/c in x direction S S’ x x’ z z’ Lorentz Transformation • Principal of special relativity relates two “standard frames” of reference S and S’ that coincide at time t=0: • Lorentz transformation: ct’ = g(ct - bx) x’ = g(x-bct) y’ = y z’ = z Where b = v/c and g = (1-b2)-1/2 Linear transformation consistent with observed speed of e/m radiation = c in both frames Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  3. Lorentz Transformation • Inverse transformation (b –b) ct = g (ct’ + bx’) x = g (x’ + b ct’) y = y’ z = z’ • Can generalize: • Origin of S’ need not coincide with that of S when t’ = 0 • S’ may be differently oriented wrt S • However, many problems can be solved using the standard frames: Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  4. Example • The velocity of a particle is u’ in the x’-direction in S’. What is its speed as seen in S? In S’ distance moved is Dx 0 =u ’Dt ’ in time. In S (use Lorentz transformation): Dx = g(Dx’ + bcDt ’) cDt = g(c D t ’ + bDx’) sou = Dx / Dt = g(Dx’ + bcDt ’) / {gc(c D t ’ + bDx’)} u = (u ’ + v) / (1 + u ’v/c2) • Note u < u’ + v Ltv!c (u) = c Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  5. More Examples • Length contraction: A line of length L’ in S’ has one end at the origin, the other at x’=L’. What length is recorded in S? • Solution: • Both ends of the line must be observed at the same time in S, say at t=0. • These times will NOT be the same in S’ • “Other end” will be observed at ct’ = g(ct-bx) = - gbL • Define two events in space-time in each frame – one for each end: S’S One end of line: (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0, 0) Other end: (ct’ = -gbL, L’, 0, 0,) (0, L, 0, 0) So measured length in S is L = g(x’+bct’) = g(L’-b2g L)  L = L’/g Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  6. More Examples • Time Dilation: A clock in S’ is at the origin. It records a time T’ (from t’ = 0 to t’ = T’). What time is recorded in S? • Solution: • Define two events in space-time in each frame: S 0S Start event: (0, 0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0, 0) Stop event: (cT 0, 0, 0, 0,) (gcT 0 , bgcT 0, 0, 0) • NOTE – Stop event is at different place in S So elapsed time in S is gT0 Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  7. More Examples • m§lifetime: If a m+ travels at speed v = 0.996 c towards Earth, how far can it travel in its lifetime t =1.6£ 10 -6s ? • Solution: Consider m+ to be the clock (at rest at origin of S’). Earth observer is at rest at origin of S. Then problem is as above with T’ =t since t is time measured by the m+. So distance moved in S is bgct where b = v/c and g=(1-b2)-1/2 In the present example: b = 0.9996, g = 35.36 so bg ct = 16.965 km Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  8. 4-Vectors • Convenient to define coordinates by x0 = ct, x1 = x, x2 = y, x3 = z and use 4-vector notation for point xm in space-time: • Then the Lorentz transformation can be written as (NOTE - summation over repeated indices) Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  9. Lorentz Transformations • Obvious properties of Lorentz transformations: • If axes of S’ are rotated wrt S with Euler angles (q, f, y) then generalized Lorentz transformation is: is a 4-dimensional representation of the rotation operator Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  10. Invariant, Contra- and Co-variant • The space-time interval between two points evaluated in S is s = (Dx0)2 – (Dx1)2 – (Dx2)2 – (Dx3)2 • This is equal to the identical quantity evaluated in S’ s’ = (Dx0’)2 – (Dx1’)2 – (Dx2’)2 – (Dx3’)2 a requirement from the principle of special relativity. • A neat way to write this is s = gmnDxn Dxm(sum 03 over repeated indices m and n) This is an example of an “invariant” Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  11. Invariant, Contra- and Co-variant • The signs of the terms requires that gmn be defined as • An even neater notation is to define Dxm = gmnDxn. Then s = DxmDxm • Vectors with lower (upper) indices are “contra-” (“co-”) variant • Any 4-vector product k = am bm = am bm is also an invariant Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  12. The 4-Velocity • A 4-vector must transform as given by (1) • Easy way to obtain a new 4-vector is to multiply an old one with a constant factor (or by an invariant). • One useful constant is dt the time elapsed in the rest frame of a particle at rest in S’. • In an arbitrary frame S, this is dt = gdt • Example of 4-vector: Um = dxm / dt 4-velocity (gc, gdx1/dt, gdx2/dt, gdx3/dt) Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  13. D’Alembertian Operator • Derivative operator ( m\equiv¶m = ¶ /¶xm ) is a 4-vector: • Summary Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  14. Relativistic Tensors • 4-vectors transform according to • These are tensors of rank one (Scalars are rank zero) • They have 4 components • Tensors of rank 2 – each index must transform as above • These have 4x4=16 components Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  15. Relativistic Tensors Rank 2 • Example – “vector product” Fmn = AmBn – AnBm Is a 4-tensor of rank 2. • Proof: Transform Fmn • Similarly, Fmn and Fmnare also 4-tensors of rank 2 Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  16. Relativistic Kinematics Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  17. 4-momentum (m0gc, m0g dx/dt) The 4-Momentum • The rest mass of particle m0 is constant. So we can define another 4-vector: Pm = m0 Um • Three kinds of energy: • Total relativistic energy E = m0g c2 i.e. P0 = E/c • The “rest energy” (when b = 0) is E0 = m0 c2 • Kinetic energy (due to motion) T = E – m0 c2 Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  18. The 4-Momentum • In agreement with classical mechanics when b<<c: • Binomial expansion for b << c : E = m0g c2 ¼ m0c2 (1 + ½b2 + 3/8b4 + …) ¼ m0c2 + ½ m0 v2 T¼ ½ m0 v2 • Leads to concept of invariant mass: Relativistic mass m m = m0g ; Relativistic 3-momentum p p = m dx/dt (as in classical mechanics, but m  m0) “Invariant mass” m: m2c2 = pmpm (same in all frames)= (m0g c)2 – p2 = E2/c2 – p2 Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  19. Units and c • Factors of c are tedious (or even confusing). • So, in relativistic kinematics, it is common to use units • eV (energy) • eV/c (momentum) • eV/c2 (mass) • Then we write • E2 = p2 + m2 • Pm = (E, p) • Um = (g, gu) … etc. • Kinetic energy T = E - m0 Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  20. Collisions and Decays • Total energy and 3-momentum are conserved in all collisions • Relativistically, this means that all 4 components of Pm are separately conserved • Rest masses can change, so kinetic energy can : • decrease (endo-thermic) • increase (exo-thermic) OR • remain the same (elastic) Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  21. g qa p p qb g Examples: • A beam of protons with momentum 3 GeV/c along the +x axis collides with a beam of 1 GeV/c anti-protons moving in the –x dierction to make two photons. Compute the maximum energy a photon can have. • Solution: The reaction is p+ + p- ga + gb Energy conservation: E- + E+ = pa + pb (NOTE – Ea = pa, Eb = pb) = (32 + 0.9382)½ + (12 + 0.93822)½ = 4.5145 (GeV) Momentum conservation: pa cosqa + pb cosqb = 2 (GeV/c) pa sinqa - pb sinqb = 0 (GeV/c) Maximum energy of photon is for collinear collision (qa= 0, qb= p):  pa = 3.2573 (GeV) - this is the maximum energy  pb = 1.2573 (GeV) Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

  22. Examples: • A r0 resonance (meson) decays into two pions r0 p+p- • Compute the momentum pp of each pion in the r0 CMS. • Solution: Work in the r0 CMS where E = mr – the rest mass of the r0 and 3-momentum sum is zero: Momentum conservation: p+ = p- = pp (GeV/c) Energy conservation: mr = Ep+ + Ep- = 2 (pp2 +mp2) ½ So using mr = 0.752 (GeV/c2) andmp = 0.1396 (GeV/c2) pp2 = mr2 / 4 – mp2  pp = 0.349 (GeV/c) Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati

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