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SMEs in university-business collaboration

SMEs in university-business collaboration. 12 th March 2014. Overview. Background on the National Centre Understanding the innovation ecosystem Challenges, barriers and opportunities for SMEs UK-wide intelligent brokerage tool. NCUB Vision, Mission & Method. Vision

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SMEs in university-business collaboration

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  1. SMEs in university-business collaboration 12th March 2014

  2. Overview • Background on the National Centre • Understanding the innovation ecosystem • Challenges, barriers and opportunities for SMEs • UK-wide intelligent brokerage tool

  3. NCUB Vision, Mission & Method Vision Increasing the prosperity and wellbeing of the UK through world-leading university and business collaboration. Mission By effective collaboration, nurture the right talent, innovation and expertise for the UK’s future growth. Method The NCUB will facilitate, integrate and communicate, but will never duplicate or substitute successful work already being undertaken by others.

  4. Summary of Operations Areas of operation Inventiveness into innovation and prosperity Talent, Expertise and Attributes SMEs Brokerage (IP, Chatham House events & internships) Corporates Universities Government & Devolved administrations Analysis (measure performance) Inspiration (best practice & case studies) Action (Practical projects) Types of operation Evangelising(Selling the UK to the world) Target Audience and Partners International & Inward Investment

  5. NCUB Websitencub.co.uk Twitter: @ncubtweets Facebook: National Centre for Universities and Business

  6. Innovation ecosystem • Enhancing Value Task Force • Importance of investing in R&D for new market opportunities, product development and out performing competitors. • World-leading research base • UK repeatedly punches above its weight above on research excellence • Increasing focus on impact of research and exploiting research opportunities

  7. Business engagement • Engagement in the publicly funded innovation ecosystem traditionally the preserve of large corporates: • Capacity to interface effectively with universities • More practised at commercialisation of research • Ability to manage whole innovation pipeline • In 2011, less than 4% of R&D in the UK conducted by independent SMEs

  8. Barriers to engagement • Issues remain for smaller companies: • Fewer resources • Less time • Narrower portfolio • Lack of awareness of opportunities to engage • Lack knowledge of how to engage • Issues remain for research base • Economies of scope versus scale • Commonality of objectives (time scales and language)

  9. Success stories Twitter: @ncubtweets Facebook: National Centre for Universities and Business

  10. Role for the National Centre • To showcase, disseminate and promote (including those showcased today) • To analyse and provide robust and impartial evidence base on extent of collaboration • To bring universities and businesses together to tackle issues and barriers • To look at ways to make it easier for small businesses to engage with research base

  11. Opening up access • Where to go and who to approach? • Numerous websites/online platforms contain relevant information about innovation assets (e.g. research expertise, projects, IP, equipment) • No single place that presents a UK wide picture • Results will often provide a result that is not immediately useful or too many options are provided or too complicated and too specific/technical

  12. UK-wide intelligent brokerage tool Undertaking scoping with small businesses • Quickly and efficiently match the host of collaboration opportunities • Encourage and support better communication between small businesses, universities and big corporations across the UK • Complement and add value to existing brokerage approaches (including face-to-face) • Provide opportunities for businesses to engage with undergraduate and postgraduate talent across the full range of possible quality work experiences

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