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Muon Reconstruction Only with Current Bunch Hits from TGC ( instead of nominal three bunches). Koji Sato ATLAS MTSG Meeting Jan 27, 2014. Outline. This is my first presentation about my authorship qualification task. Thanks to Masato Aoki for help. Motivation
Muon Reconstruction Only with Current Bunch Hits from TGC(instead of nominal three bunches) Koji Sato ATLAS MTSG Meeting Jan 27, 2014
Outline This is my first presentation about my authorship qualification task. Thanks to Masato Aoki for help. • Motivation • Why want to read out only 1 bunch from TGC? • Outline of this analysis • Data processing • Analyzed dataset • Definition of muon selection • Comparison between muon reconstruction using TGC hits of 1 vs 3 bunches • Comparison of distributions • Difference of parameters of reconstructed muon in each scheme (event by event comparison) • Summary and Plans
Motivation • TGC ROD busy caused a lot of downtime in 2012. • Significant amount (0.35 fb-1) of collisions were lost due to this problem. • Summary of 2012 Downtime: • Total: 1.6 fb-1 • Start/end of run: 0.6 fb-1 • Deadtime: 1.0 fb-1 • Luminosity in 2012: • Delivered: 23.3 fb-1 • Atlas Recoded: 21.7 fb-1
RunNumber 215473 EventNumber39074754 CAL Burst Event ② TGC + CAL RPC + TGC + CAL MDT + RPC + TGC + CAL From Masato’s slides: TDAQ Week, 8 July 2013
TGC problem in 2012 • TGC ROD busy caused a lot of downtime • 0.35fb-1 of online data was lost Frequency of ROD busy later 2012 A-side 2012 pp runs 2013 pPb runs C-side From Masato’s slides: TDAQ Week, 8 July 2013
Motivation • TGC ROD busy caused a lot of downtime in 2012. • Significant amount (0.35 fb-1) of collisions were lost due to this problem. ↓ • Track down the source of the problem (→electrical disturbance). • Implement a scheme to reject events with burst of noise to the trigger system. • Minimize data size, and allow more events in the readout buffer. • TGC read outs hits from 3 bunches: • Previous, current and next bunch • Does the muon quality degradate, if we only read out the current bunch? (1 bunch readout) • I show a study of offline muon properties this time. • How the change affects the trigger is under study.
Analysis Outline • All the processing done by Reco_trf.py. Modified code to kill hits from adjacent bunches. Thanks to Susumu Oda for instruction and help. RAW data 1 bunch readout 3 bunch readout ESD ESD AOD AOD NTUP_SMWZ NTUP_SMWZ NTUP_TRIGMU NTUP_TRIGMU MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonTGC_CnvTools/src/TgcRdoToPrepDataTool.h and .cxx were modified.
Analysis Outline • All the processing done by Reco_trf.py. Modified code to kill hits from adjacent bunches. Thanks to Susumu Oda for instruction and help. RAW data 1 bunch readout 3 bunch readout ESD ESD AOD AOD Compare NTUP_SMWZ NTUP_SMWZ NTUP_TRIGMU NTUP_TRIGMU Compare MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonTGC_CnvTools/src/TgcRdoToPrepDataTool.h and .cxx were modified.
Analyzed Dataset • data12_8TeV.00215433.physics_Muons.merge.RAW • Total events: 3.5M • Run 215433: • Fri Nov 30 2012 18:15:03 − Sat Dec 01, 03:02:06 • Luminosity information: • Good run list: data12_8TeV.periodAllYear_HEAD_DQDefects-00-01-00_PHYS_StandardGRL_All_Good.xml
TGC Hits in Adjacent Bunches • sl_nvariables in NTUP_TRIGMU are zero for prior and next bunches. tgc_currentBC_sl_n Updated after meeting, I had attached an wrong stat window. tgc_nextBC_sl_n tgc_priorBC_sl_n
Muon Selection • Following MCP Guidelines. • Analyzed combination of MUID/STACO/MUONS and CB/CB+ST/Muons for High Pt Searches. • Results are similar across different muon selection. • Today, I show results on MUONS, CB+ST selection.
MUONS Selection • medium+ selection && !(isStandAloneMuon) • has good ID hits • nPixHits>0 • nSCTHits>4 • nSCTHoles<3 • n>5&&nTRToutliers<n for 0.1<|eta|<1.9 • with n=nTRToutliers+nTRThits • |d0_exPV|<1. • |z0_exPV|<10. • Pt>7 GeV MCP guidelines from analysis web page
Detector Region of Muons • Endcapmuon: • Has >=3 hits in each of EI/EM/EO MDT layers. • Has >=2 CSCUnspoiledEtaHits and >=3 hits in EM/EO. • Central muon: • Has >=3 hits in each of BI/BM/BO MDT layers. muon eta
#Reconstructed Muons in Run 215433 Number of reconstructed muons are consistent within <~0.1 %.
Blue: 3 bunch Red: 1 bunch Distributions of # TGC Hits Plotting Endcapmuons only! nTGCPhiHits nTGCEtaHits #TGCPhiLayers with >=1 Hits #TGCEtaLayers with >=1 Hits #TGChitsis slightly smaller with 1 bunch scheme.
Blue: 3 bunch Red: 1 bunch Kinematic Distributions endcapmuon Pt # endcapmuons Plotting Endcapmuons only! endcapmuon eta endcapmuon Phi No noticeable difference in kinematic distributions.
Blue: 3 bunch Red: 1 bunch Mass Distributions Muon Pt cut raised to 30 GeVfor these plots. Endcap-Endcap All Regions (both muons) Dimuon mass Dimuon mass Other-Endcap Central-Endcap Dimuon mass Dimuon mass Slight difference.
Blue: 3 bunch Red: 1 bunch Low Stat. Distributions 1 Using ~1% of Run 215433. Plotting Endcapmuons only! endcapmuon Pt # endcapmuons endcapmuon eta endcapmuon Phi Very slight difference is seen at low statistics.
Event-by-Event Comparison • Compared muons reconstructed in each schme in the same event. • For each reconstructed “3 bunch muon”, look for the “1 bunch muon” closest by . • Consider the pair originate from the same “truth muon” if . • 0.25% of analyzed muons did not have a match. Analyzed 3 bunch muons: 739318 Analyzed 1 bunch muons: 739230 3 bunch muon matched to 1: 737343 Not matched nMu(1bunch)-nMu(3bunch)
Difference in Reconstruction Algorithm • Some muons go through different reconstruction algorithms in the two schemes: <~0.1% of analyzed muons. Authors used in Medium+ selection: author(1bunch)-author(3bunch)
Difference in # Hits nTGCEtaHits (3bunch-1bunch) nTGCPhiHits (3bunch-1bunch) #TGCPhiLayers with >=1 Hits (3bunch-1bunch) #TGCEtaLayers with >=1 Hits (3bunch-1bunch)
Difference in Reconstructed Momentum • 99 -1 1 1 -1 Zoom Zoom Agreement within 0.2% for 99.84%of muons. Agreement within 0.2% for 99.62%of muons. 0.02 0.02 -0.02 -0.02
Difference of Pt • The tail in the distribution of Pt difference is from low Pt muons. • Muons with >0.2% difference are those with Pt<20 GeV. Zoom GeV
Matched Muons with Different Authors Muons which the two schemes used same authors for. Muons which the two schemes used different authors for. • The tail of difference distributions cannot be explained only by matched muons with different authors.
Note on Results on Other Muon Categories • I showed results on MUONS, CB+ST selection. • Pdf files for distributions are available for MUID/STACO/MUONS and CB/CB+ST/Muons for High Pt Searches at: • http://hepsg3.px.tsukuba.ac.jp/~doraemon/AtlasMuonTrigger/bunchReadoutStudy/muonBunchStudy_run215433/run215433.html • The difference plots other than MUONS,CB+ST are not ready.
Summary • Reading out only current bunch instead of 3 from TGC can minimize the data size. Such a readout scheme is worth exploring for future prevention of downtime due to burst of noise hits. • Processed RAW data of run 215433, using TGC hit information from 3 and 1 bunch for muon reconstruction. • Presented comparison of distributions of offline reconstructed muon variables between the two schemes for MUONS CB+ST: • # TGC Hits is smaller with 1 bunch scheme than 3 bunch. • Z mass distribution shows a slight difference. • Kinematic distributions show tiny difference at low stat. • Further performed a matching study of reconstructed muons between the two schemes: • <~0.1% of analyzed muons were reconstructed by different algorithms between the two schemes. • Pt agrees within 0.2% for 99.84%of muons. Pzagrees within 0.2% for 99.62%of muons.
Plans • Study trigger performance in the 1 bunch readout scheme. • Run trigger simulation. • Study the properties of trigger muons and trigger efficiency. • Planning to use MC events for the beginning. • Data used in today’s presentation had bunch spacing of . • Redo the same analysis using MC events with bunch interval.
data12_8TeV.00215433.physics_Muons.merge.RAW • Total events due to AMI: 3452295 • Total events in my NTUPLE: 3512939 • 1.76% events double counted?