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Where To Go Looking For Funds Other Than Underneath The Couch Cushions! Sheri Upper, MSW RSW Spinal Cord Injury Ontario s heri.upper@sciontario.org January 23 rd 2014. Funding challenges. Ever-shrinking resources Lack of consistency across regions Low income thresholds
Where To Go Looking For Funds Other Than Underneath The Couch Cushions! Sheri Upper, MSW RSW Spinal Cord Injury Ontario sheri.upper@sciontario.org January 23rd 2014
Funding challenges Ever-shrinking resources Lack of consistency across regions Low income thresholds Timely responses to meet client need Everybody wants to be considered “the funder of last resort”
Funding solutions There is no one solution – it is about knowing the resources that are available across the board and within our own specific geographical area. It involves homework and hard work on our part.
FUNDING NEEDS Equipment Home Renovations Miscellaneous needs e.g. medications, eyeglasses, dental work
Funding for equipment Assistive Devices Program (ADP) Funds a range of devices and equipment including wheelchairs and communication aids Some eligibility restrictions depending on age or medical criteria, but not income Depending on the item, ADP will provide 75% of the cost of the item, a fixed dollar amount, or a grant
Funding for equipment Challenges with ADP: The non-ADP portion of an item can still be a significant dollar amount ADP does not consider an applicant’s income with the exception of Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Access to an authorizer
Funding for equipment Challenges with ADP: Delays in application processing, lost applications Many items which are prescribed for our clients, such as shower commode chairs, lifts, hospital beds, and therapeutic mattresses are NOT covered
Funding for equipment Ontario March of Dimes Assistive Devices Program (OMOD ADP – www. marchofdimes.ca) Eligibility criteria include: - ongoing physical limitation - financial need - over the age of 19 - permanent resident of Ontario Anyone can complete application Response time of 45 days
FUNDING FOR EQUIPMENT Challenges with OMOD ADP: Requires an Occupational Therapy (OT) letter of recommendation for equipment Low income threshold Limited funds available
FUNDING FOR EQUIPMENT Challenges with OMOD ADP: Do not fund retroactively Like ADP, there are some items OMOD won’t fund e.g. beds If seeking funding for an ADP prescribed item, must have ADP approval first
FUNDING FOR EQUIPMENT Social Assistance Most municipalities have some type of program available through their local OW office May be able to fund equipment other than that typically covered by ADP e.g. bed Eligibility is available to persons on OW, ODSP, and sometimes those with a low income Application is usually initiated with a phone call to the local OW office to complete an intake
Funding for equipment Challenges with Social Assistance: Lack of consistency across regions – funding amounts vary significantly depending on the region the client lives in Application process for those not on ODSP or OW can be very intrusive and cumbersome for clients
Funding for equipment Challenges with Social Assistance: If not on ODSP or OW, may not assist with funding equipment – depends on area If not on ODSP or OW may only partially fund item Typically requires an OT letter of recommendation and two quotes
FUNDING FOR EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous Sources: Extended Health Benefit Provider (* usually need to complete a predetermination to confirm funding) Disease/Disability-specific agencies e.g. MS Society, Muscular Dystrophy Society, Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy Local service clubs and foundations e.g. Rotary Clubs, Lions Foundation Ontario March of Dimes Designability Program or Tetra for custom items
Funding for home renovations Ontario March of Dimes Home and Vehicle Modification Program (OMOD HVMP): Eligibility criteria include : - 19 years of age or older - permanent resident of Ontario - ongoing physical limitation that impedes mobility and results in substantial restriction in activities of daily living e.g. personal care and functioning in the community
Funding for home renovations Challenges with OMOD HVMP: Maximum of $15,000 per lifetime except in exceptional circumstances Rental units are excluded with the exception of portable items e.g. ceiling track lift, straight stair lift Number of applicants far exceeds amount of funds available; may need to reapply
Funding for home renovations Challenges with OMOD HVMP: Priority rating system Client may not be eligible for funding, or full funding amount, depending on their income Require 2 quotes which can be difficult to obtain Lengthy process & no retroactive funding
Funding for home renovations Ontario Renovates (OR): This program replaces the RRAP and HASI program that CMHC used to provide. OR provides: “forgivable loans to homeowners and landlords for major repairs, to add habitable living space to remediate overcrowding, for accessibility modifications, to create secondary/garden suites or repair and rehabilitate shelter units that assist victims of family violence.”
Funding for home renovations Challenges with OR: Not every municipality has adopted this program Eligibility criteria and amount of funding available depends on municipality Funding is provided on a first-come, first-serve basis Limits on type of modification Low income threshold and property value
Funding for misc. needs Dentures – Social Assistance, local service clubs Dental work – Social Assistance, extended health benefits, Healthy Smiles Program (for children only), colleges and universities with dental programs * If a person is in receipt of OW or ODSP, these items are covered, with the exception of dentures *
Funding for misc. needs Eyeglasses – Gift of Sight Program (LensCrafters), Social Assistance, extended health benefits, local service clubs Medications – extended health plan, Trillium Drug Benefit Program, compassionate care funds through drug company manufacturer * If a person is in receipt of OW or ODSP, these items are covered, with the exception of dentures *
STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS DO your research and homework – find out what is available in your area DON’T be afraid to ask for funding for something that falls outside the typical request DO reapply if you are denied funding e.g. from OMOD HVMP
STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS DO add a letter with your application if the application form doesn’t adequately capture your client’s situation and needs DO provide as much detail as possible about your client’s situation; never assume what the funder will know about disability, the costs of disability, and needs DOask your client for ideas on contacts and resources they might have
STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS DO remember that this works calls for: Creativity Patience & Teamwork