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“…hope and a future…”. To be a place for people to experience the life changing love of God, and to touch the city, nation and nations with the message of revival, healing, and the imminent return of Jesus Christ. We are strongly Pentecostal
To be a place for people to experience the life changing love of God, and to touch the city, nation and nations with the message of revival, healing, and the imminent return of Jesus Christ.
We are strongly Pentecostal We are people builders, promoting understanding of identity, destiny, and personal responsibility for life and Godliness We are a people with a Kingdom of God perspective We are bridge builders for the Kingdom We are mission focused We are passionately revivalists WHO WE ARE
Soul winning is the primary focus Growing a large church Increasing in the Power of God Involved in community transformation Empowering families Impacting cities and nations with Kingdom thinking and Holy Spirit encounters WHERE WE ARE GOING
Soul winning is the primary focus Regular encouragement, altar calls, Friends Day, guest evangelists Growing a large church Strong support systems, connections, LTG’s Increasing in the Power of God Prayer, strong guest ministry to raise awareness and expectation, encounter times ACTION PLANS
Involved in community transformation Hutt Impact, City of Values, RE Empowering families Seminars, mainlymusic, Maranatha Impacting cities and nations with Kingdom thinking and Holy Spirit encounters Ministry trips, church planting, Visionnetwork, Partners in Ministry ACTION PLANS
MESSAGE VISION RESULT …Hope and a purpose “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14 SURRENDER • Identification• Intimacy• Integrity Cities and Nations transformed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. • Passion for God• Passion for Integrity STRATEGYTo saturate a city with partners of the vision. Equipping and mobilizing of partners takes place through… SERVE • Love• Lay Ministry• Life • Passion for People• Passion for Service GROUPS• Life groups• Discipleship• Ministry• Outreach GATHERINGS• Conference• Celebration• Camps• Contact SUBDUE • Worldview• Workplace• Warfare • Passion for Cities• Passion for Nations “Remember those leading you, who have spoken to you the Word of God,whose faith follow, considering the end of their conduct.” Hebrews 13:7 To be a place for people to experience the life changing love of God, and to touch the city, nation and nations with the message of revival, healing, and the imminent return of Jesus Christ. A Faith worth embracing A Word worth listening to A Life worth imitating