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The world isn't as bad as you think it, instead of being a bystander be a upstander where you can make the world a better place. “The world isn't as bad as you think it, instead of being a bystander be a upstander where you can make the world a better place”.
The world isn't as bad as you think it, instead of being a bystander be a upstander where you can make the world a better place.
“The world isn't as bad as you think it, instead of being a bystander be a upstander where you can make the world a better place”. The reason why I chose this slogan because it reflection on all of this when people or even classmates are being bystander when it comes to a fight or brawl, sometimes you don’t want to help and that makes you a bad person right? Wrong it doesn’t mean that it means you’re a afraid to help or to act into your own hands. But still do want live in a world when you step outside from your own house or from work you getting beat up on the spot, no you want to live in a world we all equal. Being a upstander it not that hard to do just when you see your fellow classmate is getting beat up will you just walk away or go for help, for I will go for help remember what comes around go round. Maybe in the future you and that person will crosses path again and that person will thank you for what you did him/her in the past and return a favor in the future it like paying it forward, when do something nice for this person and that person will have the courage to stand up to help someone else in the future. You will never know unless you be a upstander to help other people or maybe it doesn’t have to be your classmate maybe a family member.
I chose this picture because it reflects on us the people cause the people say their a upstander but really all of them are a bystanders, they say it immature to get into fight or yell over little things, in the past there been suicides all over the place recently a girl killed herself about I think her ex-boyfriend was bullying her or something, but I know there was people around to see and hear about it but did anyone do anything, no they didn’t do anything about it but just watch the whole thing and now the young teenage girl is dead now it not my fault she dead it everyone else is fault she dead because they was bystanders it just takes one person to be a upstander and just with that one person they will change anyone life just be standing up for that one bystander.
The picture connect with my message in a huge way because it saying to be a upstander and help other people , but don’t be afraid to speak up or take action. To be a role model for other people that scared to speak up or afraid that they are going to be the next victim of a bystander.