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Structured Data Type - Array. Data types examined so far are atomic: int, long float, double char Called “simple” data types because vars hold a single value If limited to “simple” data types, many programming applications are tedious
Structured Data Type - Array • Data types examined so far are atomic: • int, long • float, double • char • Called “simple” data types because vars hold a single value • If limited to “simple” data types, many programming applications are tedious • Solution: use structured data types - types that represent more than one piece of data
Outline Structured Types A. Arrays 1. Syntax of declaration 2. Layout in memory 3. Referencing array element a. Subscript use (abuse) b. Array elements as variables 4. Array Initialization 5. Processing arrays a. using loop b. types of processing 6. Passing array/part of array a. element of array b. entire array 7. Multidimensional arrays a. declaration b. referencing c. processing d. initialization Techniques A. Sorting 1. What is sorted? 2. Selection sort 3. Insertion sort B. Searching 1. (Un)successful searches 2. Sequential search a. Unsorted array b. Sorted array 3. Binary search (sorted array)
Outline (cont) Structured Types A. Arrays (cont) 6. Passing array/part of array a. element of array b. entire array 7. Multidimensional arrays a. declaration b. referencing c. processing d. initialization Techniques A. Sorting 1. What is sorted? 2. Selection sort 3. Insertion sort B. Searching 1. (Un)successful searches 2. Sequential search a. Unsorted array b. Sorted array 3. Binary search (sorted array)
Outline (cont) Techniques A. Sorting 1. What is sorted? 2. Selection sort 3. Insertion sort B. Searching 1. (Un)successful searches 2. Sequential search a. Unsorted array b. Sorted array 3. Binary search (sorted array)
Sample Problem Problem: track sales totals for 10 people Daily data: Employee # Sale ---------- ---- 3 9.99 7 16.29 9 7.99 3 2.59 . . . 7 49.00
Representing Sales Data FILE* sdata; int numE; float amtS; float S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 = 0.0; /* One var for each employee */ if ((sdata = fopen(“DailySales”,”r”)) == NULL) { printf(“Unable to open DailySales\n”); exit(-1); }
Updating Sales Data while (fscanf(sdata,”%d%f”,&numE,&amtS) == 2) { switch (numE) { case 0: S0 += amtS; break; case 1: S1 += amtS; break; case 2: S2 += amtS; break; case 3: S3 += amtS; break; case 4: S4 += amtS; break; case 5: S5 += amtS; break; case 6: S6 += amtS; break; case 7: S7 += amtS; break; case 8: S8 += amtS; break; case 9: S9 += amtS; break; } /* What if 100 employees? */ }
Data Structure • A Data Structure is a grouping of data items in memory under one name • When data items same type, can use Array • Using an array, we can set aside a block of memory giving the block a name: Sales vs. S0 S1 … S9
Declaring a 1D Array Syntax: Type Name[IntegerLiteral] Type can be any type we have used so far Name is a variable name used for the whole array Integer literal in between the square brackets ([]) gives the size of the array (number of sub-parts) Size must be a constant value (no variable size) Parts of the array are numbered starting from 0 1-Dimensional (1D) because it has one index Example: float Sales[10]; /* float array with 10 parts numbered 0 to 9 */
Array Indices • The array indices are similar to the subscripts used in matrix notation: Sales[0] is C notation for Sales Sales[1] is C notation for Sales Sales[2] is C notation for Sales • The index is used to refer to a part of array • Note, C does not check your index (leading to index-out-of-range errors) 0 1 2
Accessing Array Elements • Requires • array name, • subscript labeling individual element • Syntax: name[subscript] • Example Sales[5] refers to the sales totals for employee 5 Sales[5] can be treated like any float variable: Sales[5] = 123.45; printf(“Sales for employee 5: $%7.2f\n”,Sales[5]);
Invalid Array Usage Example: float Sales[10]; Invalid array assignments: Sales = 17.50; /* missing subscript */ Sales[-1] = 17.50; /* subscript out of range */ Sales[10] = 17.50; /* subscript out of range */ Sales[7.0] = 17.50; /* subscript wrong type */ Sales[‘a’] = 17.50; /* subscript wrong type */ Sales[7] = ‘A’; /* data is wrong type */ Conversion will still occur: Sales[7] = 17; /* 17 converted to float */
Array Initialization • Arrays may be initialized, but we need to give a list of values • Syntax: Type Name[Size] = { value0, value1, value2, …, valueSize-1 }; value0 initializes Name[0], value1 initializes Name[1], etc. values must be of appropriate type (though automatic casting will occur)
Array Initialization Example: int NumDays[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; /* Jan is 0, Feb is 1, etc. */ int NumDays[13] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; /* Jan is 1, Feb is 2, */ Note: if too few values provided, remaining array members not initialized if too many values provided, a syntax error or warning may occur (extra values ignored)
Sales Data as an Array Recall data: Employee # Sale ---------- ---- 3 9.99 7 16.29 9 7.99 3 2.59 . . . 7 49.00 Idea: declare Sales as array, update array items
Updating Sales Data while (fscanf(sdata,”%d%f”,&numE,&amtS) == 2) { switch (numE) { case 0: Sales[0] += amtS; break; case 1: Sales[1] += amtS; break; case 2: Sales[2] += amtS; break; /* cases 3-8 */ case 9: Sales[9] += amtS; break; } } Q: What’s the big deal?? A: Can replace entire switch statement with: Sales[numE] += amtS;
Updating with Arrays while (fscanf(sdata,”%d%f”,&numE,&amtS) == 2) { Sales[numE] += amtS; } When referencing array element can use any expression producing integer as subscript [] is an operator, evaluates subscript expression then the appropriate location from the array is found Note, when we have an integer expression, we may want to check subscript before using: if ((numE >= 0) && (numE <= 9)) Sales[numE] += amtS; else /* Problem employee # */
Using Array Elements Array elements can be used like any variable read into: printf(“Sales for employee 3: “); scanf(“%f”,&(Sales[3])); printed: printf(“Sales for employee 3 $%7.2f\n”,Sales[3]); used in other expressions: Total = Sales[0] + Sales[1] + Sales[2] + …;
Arrays and Loops • Problem: initialize Sales with zeros Sales[0] = 0.0; Sales[1] = 0.0; … Sales[9] = 0.0; • Should be done with a loop: for (I = 0; I < 10; I++) Sales[I] = 0.0;
Processing All Elements of Array • Process all elements of array A using for: /* Setup steps */ for (I = 0; I < ArraySize; I++) process A[I] /* Clean up steps */ • Notes I initialized to 0 Terminate when I reaches ArraySize
if ((istream = fopen(“TotalSales”,”r”)) == NULL) { printf(“Unable to open TotalSales\n”); exit(-1); } for (I = 0; I < 10; I++) fscanf(istream,”%f”, &(Sales[I])); fclose(istream); File TotalSales 1276.17 (Emp 0’s Sales) 917.50 (Emp 1’s Sales) … 2745.91 (Emp 9’s Sales) Initialize with Data from File
Array Programming Style • Define constant for highest array subscript: #define MAXEMPS 10 • Use constant in array declaration: float Sales[MAXEMPS]; • Use constant in loops: for (I = 0; I < MAXEMPS; I++) fscanf(istream,”%f”,&(Sales[I])); • If MAXEMPS changes, only need to change one location
Sales 117.00 Sales[0] 129.95 Sales[1] 276.22 Sales[2] … 197.81 Sales[9] total = 0.0; for (I = 0; I < MAXEMPS; I++) total += Sales[I]; I Total 0.00 0 117.00 (Emp 0 sales) 1 246.95 (0 + 1 sales) 2 523.17 (0 + 1 + 2 s) … 9 1943.89 (All emps) Summing Elements in an Array
Sales 117.00 Sales[0] 129.95 Sales[1] 276.22 Sales[2] … 197.81 Sales[9] maxS = Sales[0]; for (I = 1; I < MAXEMPS; I++) if (Sales[I] > maxS) maxS = Sales[I]; /* Note I starts at 1 */ I maxS 117.00 1 129.95 (Max of 0,1) 2 276.22 (Max of 0,1,2) … 9 276.22 (Max of all) Maximum Element of an Array
Sales 117.00 Sales[0] 129.95 Sales[1] 276.22 Sales[2] … 197.81 Sales[9] printf(“Emp Num Sales\n”); printf(“------- -----\n”); for (I = 0; I < MAXEMPS; I++) printf(“%4d%13.2f\n”, I, Sales[I]); Output: Emp Num Sales ------- ------ 0 117.00 1 129.95 2 276.22 … 9 197.81 Printing Elements of an Array
Passing an Element of an Array • Each element of array may be passed as parameter as if it were variable of base type of array (type array is made of) • When passing array element as reference parameter put & in front of array element reference ([] has higher precedence) • does not hurt to put parentheses around array reference though • example &(Sales[3])
Passing by value: void printEmp(int eNum, float eSales) { printf(“%4d%13.2f\n”, eNum, eSales); } in main: printf(“Emp Num Sales\n”); printf(“------- -----\n”); for (I = 0; I < MAXEMPS; I++) printEmp(I,Sales[I]); Passing by reference: void updateSales(float *eSales, float newS) { *eSales = *eSales + newS; } in main: while (fscanf(sdata,”%d%f”, &numE,&amtS) == 2) updateSales( &(Sales[numE]), amtS); Passing Array Element Examples
Passing Whole Array • When we pass an entire array we always pass the address of the array • syntax of parameter in function header: BaseType NameforArray[] • note, no value between [] - compiler figures out size from argument in function call • in function call we simply give the name of the array to be passed • since address of array is passed, changes to elements in the array affect the array passed as argument (no copy of array is made)
Passing Whole Array Example float calcSalesTotal(float S[]) { int I; float total = 0.0; for (I = 0; I < MAXEMPS; I++) total += S[I]; return total; } in main: printf(“Total sales is %7.2f\n”, calcSalesTotal(Sales));
Size of an Array • Sometimes we know we need an array, but not how big the array is going to be • One solution: • allocate a very large array • integer to indicate num elements of array in use • loops use num elements when processing • Example: float Sales[MAXEMPS]; int NumEmps = 0; processing: for (I = 0; I < NumEmps; I++) process Sales[I];
Sorting Arrays • One common task is to sort data • Examples: • Phone books (by name) • Checking account statement (by check #) • Dictionaries (by word) • NBA scoring leaders (by points) • NBA team defense (by points)
Team defense 90.0 Bulls 90.3 Heat 91.0 Knicks … 98.9 76ers Sorted in ascending order Individual Scoring 31.0 Jordan 28.7 Malone 27.9 O’Neill … 0.3 Bricklayer Sorted in descending order Sorting Order
Sorting in Arrays Data sorted usually same type, sorted in array A A 6 1 4 4 8 6 10 8 1 10 before after sort sort
Selection Sorting One approach (N is # elements in array): 1. Find smallest value in A and swap with A[0] 2. Find smallest value in A[1] .. A[N-1] and swap with A[1] 3. Find smallest value in A[2] .. A[N-1] and swap with A[2] 4. Continue through A[N-2]
A A 6 1 4 Find smallest 4 8 and swap 8 10 with A[0] 10 1 6 A A 1 1 4 Find 2nd 4 8 smallest and 8 10 swap with A[1] 10 6 6 A A 1 1 4 Find 3rd 4 8 smallest and 6 10 swap with A[2] 10 6 8 A A 1 1 4 Find 4th 4 6 smallest and 6 10 swap with A[3] 8 8 10 Selection Sort Example
Selection Sort Notes • If array has N elements, process of finding smallest repeated N-1 times (outer loop) • Each iteration requires search for smallest value (inner loop) • After inner loop, two array members must be swapped • Can search for largest member to get descending-order sort
For J is 0 to N-2 Find smallest value in A[J], A[J+1] .. A[N-1] Store subscript of smallest in Index Swap A[J] and A[Index] Find smallest in A[J..N-1] Suppose J is 0 Smallest = A[0]; for (K = 1; K < N; K++) if (A[K] < Smallest) Smallest = A[K]; A K Smallest 6 6 4 1 4 8 2 10 3 1 4 1 But we need location of smallest, not its value to swap Selection Sort Algorithm
Find location of smallest rather than value: SmallAt = 0; for (K = 1; K < N; K++) if (A[K] < A[SmallAt]) SmallAt = K; Swapping two elements: Temp = A[J]; A[J] = A[SmallAt]; A[SmallAt] = Temp; J is 0, find smallest: A K SmallAt 6 0 4 1 1 8 2 10 3 1 4 4 Swap A[SmallAt],A[0] Selection Sort Algorithm
Code for Selection Sort for (J = 0; J < N-1; J++) { /* 1 */ SmallAt = J; /* 2 */ for (K = J+1; K < N; K++) /* 3 */ if (A[K] < A[SmallAt]) /* 4 */ SmallAt = K; /* 5 */ Temp = A[J]; /* 6 */ A[J] = A[SmallAt]; /* 7 */ A[SmallAt] = Temp; /* 8 */ }
S# J K Sml Effect 1 0 Start outer 2 0 Init SmallAt 3 1 Start inner 4 True, do 5 5 1 Update SmallAt 3 2 Repeat inner 4 False, skip 5 3 3 Repeat inner 4 False, skip 5 3 4 Repeat inner 4 True, do 5 5 4 Update SmallAt 6-8 Swap A[0],A[4] 1 1 Repeat outer 2 1 Init SmallAt 3 2 Start inner 4 False, skip 5 3 3 Repeat inner S# J K Sml Effect 4 False, skip 5 3 4 Repeat inner 4 False, skip 5 6-8 Swap A[1],A[1] 1 2 Repeat outer 2 2 Init SmallAt 3 3 Start inner 4 False, skip 5 3 4 Repeat inner 4 True, do 5 5 4 Update SmallAt 6-8 Swap A[2],A[4] 1 3 Repeat outer 2 3 Init SmallAt 3 4 Start inner 4 True, do 5 5 4 Update SmallAt 6-8 Swap A[3],A[4] Selection Sort Example
Want to make sort more readable Also, make sort a separate function First make Swap a separate function Have to pass array elements as reference params void Swap(int *n1, int *n2) { int temp; temp = *n1; *n1 = *n2; *n2 = temp; } for (J = 0; J < N-1; J++) { SmallAt = J; for (K = J+1; K < N; K++) if (A[K] < A[SmallAt]) SmallAt = K; Swap(&(A[J]),&(A[SmallAt])); } Modularizing Sort
Can make process of finding smallest a separate function Sort becomes: for (J = 0; J < N-1; J++) { SmallAt = findSmallest(A,J,N); Swap(&(A[J]), &(A[SmallAt])); } Note whole array passed int findSmallest( int Aname[], int J, int N) { int MinI = J; int K; for (K = J+1; K < N; K++) if (Aname[K] < Aname[MinI]) MinI = K; return MinI; } Modularizing Sort - Find Smallest
Can then make the sort routine itself a function Localize variables such as J, SmallAt in function Pass N only if different from size of array void sort(int A[], int N) { int J; int SmallAt; for (J = 0; J < N-1; J++) { SmallAt = findSmallest(A,J,N); Swap(&(A[J]), &(A[SmallAt])); } } Modularizing Sort Itself
Another Sort: Insertion • Idea: sort like a hand of cards • Algorithm: • Assume A[0] .. A[0] is sorted segment • Insert A[1] into sorted segment A[0 .. 0] • Insert A[2] into sorted segment A[0 .. 1] • Insert A[3] into sorted segment A[0 .. 2] • continue until A[N-1] inserted
Insertion Sort Code void insertIntoSegment(int Aname[], int J) { int K; int temp = Aname[J]; for (K = J; (K > 0) && (Aname[K-1] > temp); K--) Aname[K] = Aname[K-1]; Aname[K] = temp; } void sort(int A[], int N) { int J; for (J = 1; J < N; J++) insertIntoSegment(A,J); }
Searching Arrays Prob: Search array A (size N) for value Num Example: search array for a particular student score A N 6 5 4 8 Num 10 8 1 Sequential search: start at beginning of array, examine each element in turn until desired value found
Sequential Search • Uses: • event-controlled loop • must not search past end of array • Code: index = 0; /* 1 */ while ((index < N) && (A[index] != Num)) /* 2 */ index++; /* 3 */ • When loop finishes either: • index is location of value or • index is N • Test if (index < N) /* 4 */ printf(“Found at %d\n”,index); /* 5 */ else printf(“Not found\n”); /* 6 */
A N 6 5 4 8 Num 10 8 1 S# Num N index effect 8 5 1 0 init index 2 true, do 3 3 1 inc index 2 true, do 3 3 2 inc index 2 false, exit 4 true, do 5 5 print Sequential Search Example