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The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UMKC December 12, 2005

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UMKC December 12, 2005. Present and Future. Our Present. Department Reorganization. 8 Committees: 1. Graduate Coordinators Chen, Rhee, Rekab 2. Undergraduate Coordinators Rhee, Chen, Rekab

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The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UMKC December 12, 2005

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  1. The Department ofMathematics and Statisticsat UMKC December 12, 2005 Present and Future

  2. Our Present

  3. Department Reorganization • 8 Committees: 1. Graduate Coordinators Chen, Rhee, Rekab 2. Undergraduate Coordinators Rhee, Chen, Rekab 3. Part Time Hiring & Supervision Delaware, Roberts, Rekab 4. Scheduling Delaware, Roberts, Rekab 5. Webmasters Delaware, Hall 6. Undergraduate Courses Mathematics: Rhee, Delaware, Roberts Statistics: Chen, Zeng 7. Graduate Courses Mathematics: Rhee, Voulov Statistics: Chen, Zeng 8. MAA Student Chapter Voulov, Sega

  4. Department Reorganization • 8 Coordinators: 1. College Algebra Coordinator Ms. Roberts 2. Calculus Coordinator Dr. Voulov 3. Mathematics for Teachers Coordinator Dr. Delaware 4. Graduate Teaching Assistant Supervisor Ms. Roberts 5. Graduate Seminars Dr. Zeng 6. Expository Talks Dr. Delaware 7. Entrance Tests Dr. Delaware 8. Adjunct and GTA Orientation Dr. Delaware

  5. Our Faculty Today

  6. Faculty • 9 full-time: • 7 Tenure/Tenure-Track • 2 Non-Tenure-Track • Diverse: • 3 women • 6 international by birth • Dr. Chen is currently a Visiting Scientist, Bioinformatics Center Stowers Institute for Medical Research (member of Kansas City Life Sciences Institute)

  7. Faculty Research • 8 Research Faculty • 2 Refereed Research Publications on average per year per faculty member. • Dr. Rekab is coordinating editor of JPSS and an associate editor of Sequential Analysis. • Dr. Chen is an associate editor of JPSS. • Dr. Rekab has published a textbook: “Statistical design of experiments with engineering applications.” • Dr. Chen has published a research book (with A. K. Gupta): “Parametric Statistical Change Point Analysis”

  8. Faculty Research • Research Areas among 8 Faculty • Statistical Software Testing, Network Security, Biostatistics, Industrial Statistics, etc • Change-point, Microarray Data, Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Information Criterion Statistics, Applied Statistics • Stochastic Calculus & Filtering, Econometrics, Market Micro-structure Theory, Mathematical Finance, Statistical Analysis of Network Traffic • Set Theory, Mathematical Logic, Commutative Algebra, Homological Algebra • Numerical Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Non- Linear Dynamical Systems • Hausdorff Measure, Geometry of Fractal Sets, Real Analysis

  9. Faculty Research • 8 Faculty Published in 50+ Journals • Engineering Journals • Mathematics Journals • Medical Journals • Statistics Journals

  10. Faculty - Teaching Excellence • Dean’s Outstanding Teaching Award for Non-Regular Faculty • 1995 Dr. Delaware • 2004 Ms. Roberts • Faculty & Staff Appreciation Certificate • 2004 Dr. Chen, Ms. Roberts • 2005 Dr. Delaware • Outstanding Faculty Award, Office of Student Life • 1992 Dr. Rhee

  11. Connections:Within UMKC

  12. Connections: Within UMKC • Launched Department Web Site [http://cas.umkc.edu/math/] • Current Semester Course Schedules (fasterthan UMKC posts them) • Classes link to Instructors (Who’s your teacher?) • Course Materials, Charts, etc.

  13. Connections: Within UMKC • Academic Advisors across UMKC • Advisor Page on our Web Site • Advisor Reference Document (“Beyond the Catalog” notes for each undergraduate course) • Strong contacts made with advisors in every school

  14. Connections: Within UMKC • School of Medicine • Dr. Rekab has been invited to consult on Biostatistics with the Dept. ofOphthalmology • Dr. Rekab has been invited to collaborate on an NIH grant with Dr. Derman in Women’s Health • We are hiring a Biostatistician with a joint Mathematics/Medicine appointment

  15. Connections: Within UMKC • UMKC – Campus-wide • Dr. Chen was a member of the BioinformaticsEducational Initiative Committee • Dr. Rekab has been invited by Dr. Eick and Vice Provost Mary Lou Fritts to participate in NIH Institutional Clinical & Translational Science Award collaborative grants • Dr. Rekab has joined the Kansas City Education Research Consortium to build baseline data for the Kauffman Foundation 10 year plan to improve local math and science achievement

  16. Connections: Within UMKC • School of Arts and Sciences • Initiated strong relationship with the Math Resource Center • Advertise to every mathematics student • Review & approve all Tutor applications

  17. Connections: Within UMKC • School of Computing and Engineering • Dr. Chen is on an Internal Advisory Committee for an NSF funded educational grant • Dr. Zeng is working with faculty and several students on joint research • Mark McClernon Nov. 11, 2005 Head of Civil & Mechanical Engineering “We are really pleased with the positive comments we are getting from our students about their math classes this year – thanks to you all for working with us on filling the needs of our future engineers!”

  18. Connections: Within UMKC • Bloch School of Business/Public Admin. • Revision of Math 160 (“Business Calculus”) • 70% Business-related majors • Revised, Renamed, Renumbered the course • Initiated “Bloch School Letter to Students of Math 160” about its importance • Entrance Test created for the course

  19. Connections: Within UMKC • School of Education • Dr. Delaware is a member of the Curriculum Design Team for the new Institute for Urban Education creating strong mathematics requirements for urban teachers • Created a sequence of 7 new Mathematics Courses for Teachers

  20. Connections: Within UMKC • School of Education

  21. Connections:Outside UMKC

  22. Connections: Outside UMKC • 2004-2006 Dr. Chen receives NSF Award for $90,548 • Title: “Statistical Approaches to the Analysis of Genome-wide Measurements: Significance of Periodic Gene Expression and Correlations of Gene Content in Completely Sequenced Genomes” • Work at the Bioinformatics Center, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, KC, MO • First time in the history of the department have we won such an award

  23. Connections: Outside UMKC • Videotaped coursesrecorded by Dr. Delaware • 1998 College Algebra (Math 110) • In 10-16 rural high schools each year • 2005 Calculus I (Math 210) • In East Buchanan rural high school this year

  24. Connections: Outside UMKC • Dr. Rekab is now a member of the Biostat Club, and will give an Invited Talk for the Center of Biostatistics at the Univ. of Kansas Medical Center • Dr. Delaware and Dr. Hall have joined the four campus UM-System Mathematics Group • High School/College Program Participation • 7 courses taught by 27 instructors at 20 high schools • The Director is one of our graduates (Tammy Green)

  25. Connections: Outside UMKC • Kansas City Regional Mathematics Technology EXPO • Dr. Delaware is one organizer of this successful annual conference on the use of mathematics technology in teaching mathematics • Expository Talks Series • Dr. Delaware organizes 12 expository mathematics talks each year, bringing in faculty and students from the surrounding community as speakers and attendees

  26. Undergraduate Matters

  27. Undergraduate Matters • Revision of Undergraduate Courses (In consultation with academic advisors.) • Created 8 new courses (105,204,214,224,234,244,414,424) • Rewrote descriptions, prerequisites • More late afternoon or evening sections for the urban community • Common Calculus I Final • Adjunct Lecturer (part-time) Hiring & Supervision Improved • Mathematics Master’s level required • Interview with 10 min. lecture(at least two faculty present) • Printed Guidelines provided • Classroom visits to monitor quality

  28. Undergraduate Matters • 2005 Entrance Tests created(First time in the history of the Dept.) For: • Math 110 (College Algebra) • Math 160 (Brief Calculus and Matrix Algebra) • Math 210 (Calculus I) • Randomly generated online with “Blackboard” • Mandatory for admission starting Summer 2006 • Take any time, as often as you like, until you pass

  29. Our Undergraduate Majors

  30. Our Undergraduate Majors • Started Mathematical Association of America Student Chapter • SEARCH(Students Engaged in Artistic & Academic Research) Faculty contact: Dr. Sega • Sosland Journal publications (UMKC Dept of English) • Kristin DeBolt 2nd Prize Ilus W. Davis Writing Competition 2002 • Carrie Andersen • Heath Yates • Samantha Reynolds Advanced Level Essay Prize 2005 • Newlyn Walkup

  31. Our Undergraduate MajorsAwards, Talks, and Publications • HOMSIGMAA National Paper Contest (History of Mathematics Special Interest Group of the MAA) • 2004 Tied 1st Place Heath Yates • 2005 Won 1st Place Newlyn Walkup • Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Scholarship(American Mathematical Society) • 2005 Melanie Meyer(one of 8 national recipients) • Expository Mathematics Talks on campus • Undergraduate Students give two 20 min. mathematics talks each semester

  32. Graduate Matters

  33. Graduate Matters • 8 Graduate Faculty • 19 Master’s Students • 5 I.Ph.D. – Coordinating Discipline Statistics • 25 I.Ph.D. – Co-Discipline

  34. Graduate Matters • Restructured our Graduate Program – Master’s Degree emphasis: Mathematics or Statistics • For all our Graduate Students, we now: • Keep in touch by email & individual meetings • Talk about current and future coursework • Monitor grades and performance • Graduate Talks Series • GTA Supervisor Ms. Roberts • Graduate Student Representative Nicole Wright

  35. Our Graduate Students

  36. Our Graduate StudentsAwards, Talks, and Publications • Awards • MAA Kansas Section Meeting (2004 Mathematical Association of America) • Outstanding Paper AwardKarla Childs (Student of Dr. Delaware) • Stochastic Control and Numerics Conference • 2005 Best Poster Award Laurie C. Scott (Student of Dr. Zeng)

  37. Our Graduate StudentsAwards, Talks, and Publications • Joint Papers Published with these students: • Laurie C. Scott(with Dr. Zeng) • R. Spalding(with Dr. Zeng, et al.) • Sosland Journal(UMKC Dept of English) • Melissa Menning3rd Prize Ilus W. Davis Writing Competition • Preparing Future Faculty Fellowship(School of Graduate Studies) • Steven Shattuck(Student of Dr. Chen)

  38. Our Future

  39. Our Goals • Strengthen our research funding with Greater Kansas City Area businesses • Increase the number of proposals to national agencies • Remain deeply connected to the rest of UMKC and the local urban community • Encourage the Kansas City urban community to think of us first for: • A graduate degree in mathematics or statistics • Solving mathematical and statistical problems • Teachers wanting further mathematics training

  40. Staffing History • 1980 Faculty Size: 11 • 2000 Faculty Size: 14 Mass retirement • 2003 Faculty Size: 7 (2 starting their first year) • 2005 Faculty Size: 9(2 starting their first year)

  41. How does our Staffing compare?Nov. 17, 2005 [Faculty/UgStudent Ratio, normalized with UMKC = 1 unit]

  42. How does our Staffing compare?

  43. What Staffing do we Need?

  44. What Staffing do we Need?

  45. Projected Staffing

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