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Triangles And Art. By: Meredith Long. The Beautiful, Enigmatic and Cryptic Petroglyphs of Hawaii Island.
Triangles And Art By: Meredith Long
The Beautiful, Enigmatic and Cryptic Petroglyphs of Hawaii Island Hawaiians invested worship and respect in, and intuited spiritual powers to, a range of natural phenomina: rain, volcanic eruptions, the sea, sharks, fresh water springs, surf, and individual rocks. Pohaku O Kane, or sacred rocks, were among the most common spiritual objects of worship, whether they were naturally occurring in the landscape (pohakuia loa), rocks set on platforms (pohaku amakua), carved rocks (pohaku iki) or the petroglyphs themselves (k'i'i pohaku). Most petroglyphs in the Hawaiian Islands are found in plains, on broad expanses of smooth pahoehoe basalt which would have facilitated both carving the images as well as festive event, were they later used in sacred rituals. The biggest petroglyph fields are found on the island of Hawaii, with the field at Pu'u Loa in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park being the largest petroglyph field in all of Polynesia. In addition to the various petroglyph fields, smaller scattered groups and lone carvings are known throughout the Hawaiian Islands. A black market exists in stolen petroglyphs and these few petroglyphs, although many are well known and documented, are becoming harder and harder to protect from thieves. Unfortunately, most of the targeted petroglyphs are destroyed as thieves not knowing how to remove them try to pry, hammer and chip them away from their native stone. Although the age of the petroglyphs is difficult to determine, a stylistic evolution is clearly evident and can even be relatively dated where more recent petroglyphs are carved directly on top of older ones. The styles start with simple stick figures and crude geometric shapes and evolve into more humanoid figures with triangular chests. Carvings with elaborate headdresses and complex geometric designs came later and carvings of horses, cattle and European sailing vessels are the most recent and certainly post-date European contact.
Geometric Designs In Islamic Art • The circle has always been regarded as a symbol of eternity, without beginning and without end, and is not only the perfect expression of justice – equality in all directions in a finite domain – but also the most beautiful parent of all polygons, both containing and underlying them. “From the circle comes three fundamental figures in Islamic art, the triangle, square and hexagon. The triangle by tradition is symbolic of human consciousness and the principle of harmony. The square, the symbol of physical experience and the physical world - or materiality - and the hexagon, of Heaven. Another symbol prevalent in Islamic art is the star and has been the chosen motif for many Islamic decorations. In Islamic iconography the star is a regular geometric shape that symbolizes equal radiation in all directions from a central point.” Complex regular polygons form the largest class of pattern related to the geometry of interlacement. Starting with a regular figure inscribed in a circle, this is then changed but retains the proportions and symmetries of the original repeated infinitely. The circle continues to guide the design although it may no longer be seen. Islamic designs are mathematically sophisticated patterns and reflect the spiritual life of Islam.
How Are Geometric Figures Used In Art • Geometric figures are used in abstract styles of art. Abstract art is art that does not depict recognizable scenes or objects, but instead is made up of forms and colors that exist for their own expressive sake. No one shape is used more than the other it all depends upon the artists style. The geometric shapes in abstract help accomplish color separation. They also help to make up scenes and pictures it. They also put in dimensions. They sometimes provide common reference for those looking at it since all around the world people study math and geometry.
Triangular Queen • Triangular queen • January 23,2008 • Triangle A is an obtuse triangle and isosceles triangle. • Triangle B is an acute,equiangular, isosceles,and an equilateral triangle. • Triangle C is a righttriangle and a scalenetriangle. • Triangle D is obtuse and a scalene triangle. • Triangle E is an acute and isosceles triangle. • Triangle F is an obtuse andisosceles Triangle. A E D F B C
Environment • May 1-June 9, 2009 • Triangle A is a right and isosceles triangle. • Triangle B is an acute and a scalene triangle. • Triangle C is a right and a scalene triangle. • Triangle D is an obtuse scalene triangle. • Triangle E is an acuteand scalene triangle. • Triangle F is a right and a scalene triangle. B F E C D D D A
Veeke • By a German painter Tomma Abts • Triangle A is an acute and an isosceles triangle. • Triangle B is an obtuse and a scalenetriangle. • Triangle C is a right and a scalenetriangle. • Triangle D is an acute and a scalenetriangle. • Triangle E is an acute and a scalenetriangle. B D A C E
By Peter Peri • Triangle A is a right and an isosceles triangle. • Triangle B is a right and a scalene triangle. • Triangle C is a right and a scalene triangle. • Triangle D is a right and a scalene triangle. • Triangle E is a right and an isosceles triangle. • Triangle F is a rightand a scalene triangle. • Triangle G is a right and an isosceles triangle. G F E D A C B
Highway • Created in 1998 • Triangle A is a right and a scalene triangle. • Triangle B is a right and a scalene triangle. • Triangle C is an acute and a scalenetriangle. • Triangle D is anobtuse and a scalene triangle. • Triangle E is a right and a scalene triangle. • Triangle F is a right and a scalene triangle. E A B C D F
By Hansjörg Dobliar • Triangle A is a right and scalene triangle. • Triangle B is a right anda scalene triangle. • Triangle C is a right anda scalene triangle. • Triangle D is an obtuse an isosceles triangle. • Triangle E is a right anda scalene triangle. C B A D E