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DISBURSING and PAYROLL Disbursing and Payroll Miscellaneous Encumbrances Payments to New Employees Accounts Payable Payroll & Miscellaneous Encumbrances References: Memorandum dated May 2, 2008 “Miscellaneous Encumbrances and Payment” Memorandum dated May 12, 2008
Disbursing and Payroll • Miscellaneous Encumbrances • Payments to New Employees • Accounts Payable
Payroll & Miscellaneous Encumbrances References: • Memorandum dated May 2, 2008 “Miscellaneous Encumbrances and Payment” • Memorandum dated May 12, 2008 “Fiscal Year-End Procedures for Payroll Encumbrances and Payments/ Liquidation” • A8.839 Accounts Payable Processing
Miscellaneous Encumbrance (other than payroll) • Reference A8.841 • Used to obligate funds for goods and services received in FY2008 and paid after July 1, 2008. • Supported with a valid contractual obligation. • Examples include: • Mileage -Utilities • Stipends -DCS transactions • Mileage -Relocations • Library Purchases of books and periodicals • Deadline for submission: June 19, 11:00 a.m.
Payroll Payroll transactions to be booked by central offices: Est. Date • Payment of payroll as of 06/20/08 paid date 06/18/08 • “After-the Fact” Payroll – Encumbrance 06/19/08 • SCOPIS Payroll (worked performed 06/15/08) 06/20/08 • Payroll Misc encumbrance (FMIS-35) 06/20/08 (worked performed thru 06/15/08) 5. Payment of payroll for 06/30/08 06/25/07 Do not process a miscellaneous encumbrance form for SCOPIS and “After the Fact” Payroll that is being booked centrally. Deadline for submission: June 14, 11:00 a.m.
Payments to New Employees Departments must accrue (but not necessarily encumber) payroll for new hires if hired before July 1, 2008 and not paid by: • June 30, 2008 for Faculty & Faculty Overload • July 18, 2008 for new After-the-Fact and Emergency Hires, and SCOPIS (student, casual, and other BOR overload)
What is an Accounts Payable? • An Accounts Payable (AP) is a liability or amount owed by the University to outside vendors and individuals or University employees for goods and services received or performed but not paid for by the end of the fiscal year June 30, 2008. • Applies to all University organizations and all sources of funds.
AP - What’s the Big Deal? • Distorts our financial statements • Last year was first time in seven years, the University was not cited by independent auditors
AP FY2008 A8.866 Accounts Payable Listinghttp://www.hawaii.edu/svpa/apm/disb/a8866.pdf FMIS-22YR, Accounts Payable Journal Voucher Replaces FMIS-11 A/P Listing Form JVs done on-line in FMIS Allows 50 entries per JV Dept submits A/P JV to Disbursing for approval Dept retains supporting documents June 30th FHMR009B Open Commitment Status by FO report available on-line in Page Center. 9
AP FY2008 (cont’d) P-Card Transactions • AP will be downloaded (includes P-Card transactions posted from June 15-30, 2008). • AP will not include P-Card transactions that are still in-transit and have not been posted on PVSNet as of June 30, 2008. • Fiscal Officers are then responsible to record these in-transit/not posted P-Card transactions.
Questions/Discussion? • Please contact Disbursing at 956-7126 or Payroll at 956-7444 if you have any questions or need assistance.