1. AME 50551 Introduction to Robotics
3. “We don’t actually make robots; what we make are just ‘programmable machines’.”
4. “We don’t actually make robots; what we make are just ‘programmable machines’.” Startling words from a chief researcher at one of the largest “robot manufacturers” in the world.
5. “We don’t actually make robots; what we make are just ‘programmable machines’.” What does he mean?
6. “We don’t actually make robots; what we make are just ‘programmable machines’.” What does he mean?
Are these not robots?
7. And what makes this a robot?
8. Are these robots?
9. How about this?
10. AME 50551 Introduction to Robotics
11. (Why is this a robot, but not this?)
12. (Why is this a robot, but not this?)
13. The meaning of “robot” has evolved inconsistently. But in any case, our manager was not thinking of the “human in the loop” forms.
14. What are we to think of robots and robotics these days?
16. Consider the following quotes from a 2006 report commissioned by the British government’s science office:
17. Consider the following quotes from a 2006 report commissioned by the British government’s science office:
18. "states will be obligated to provide full social benefits to them including income support, housing and possibly robo-healthcare to fix the machines over time."
20. “We can only hope to prepare our legal, social and ethical systems for the possible future of non-human intelligences which will participate with us in society. Or destroy us. Whichever.” -Peter Remine, Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Robots (ASPCR)
22. Other experts, however, differ:
23. Committee on the Assessment of Options for Extending the Life of the Hubble Space Telescope, National Research Council, Appendix D, State of the Art in Robotics -- 2005
24. “It is … difficult to … control a robotic arm with anything remotely approaching the capabilities of a human being.”
25. “Many robots are teleoperated. In teleoperation, a human operator controls the robot directly.“
26. “In spirit, [industrial] robots are closer to machines like programmablelooms or dishwashers than to Hollywood’s R2D2.”
27. Who’s got it right?
28. And is there a future in robotics?
29. Spring 2008
35. http://www.nd.edu/~sskaar/
36. http://www.nd.edu/~sskaar/ Open “Introduction to Robotics” (top line)
37. http://www.nd.edu/~sskaar/ Open “Introduction to Robotics” (top line)
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38. http://www.nd.edu/~sskaar/ Open “Introduction to Robotics” (top line)
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39. http://www.nd.edu/~sskaar/ Open “Introduction to Robotics” (top line)
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Homework assignments
40. http://www.nd.edu/~sskaar/ Open “Introduction to Robotics” (top line)
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Homework assignments
Lectures in Powerpoint
48. Kinetics or Dynamics