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The FISH! Philosophy. Catch the energy. Release the potential. • Play • Make Their Day • Be There • Choose Your Attitude.
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. • Play • Make Their Day • Be There • Choose Your Attitude Lori Gallimore Belew, Ed.D. • University of Tennessee 4-H Youth Development • lbelew@utk.edu Adapted from Trevecca Nazarene University Doctoral Program - Leadership and Professional Practice; Leadership and Organizational Behavior II: Team Building (EDU 7502) with George Kersey, Jr., Ed.D. and Judy Z. King, I.S.H.C.
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. Play! • Work made fun gets done, especially when we choose to do work in a lighthearted, spontaneous way. • Play is not just an activity; it’s a state of mind that brings new energy to the tasks at hand. • Play sparks creative solutions. • Play helps to more cohesively unite team members and as a result helps to more effectively achieve results.
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. Schools of thought … • What can you do to make your job as a leader more fun? • What ways can you play at work or school? • How can you involve your team members or customers to better create cohesion and cooperation? • How can you use enthusiasm to inspire your team?
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. Make Their Day! • When you make someone’s day (or moment) through a small act of kindness or unforgettable engagement, you can turn even routine encounters into special memories. • Lending a helping hand, giving a word of encouragement and offering to listen suggest that you are sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. • Think “unexpected.”
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. Schools of thought … • Have you ever had this experience … a lousy day? Bad mood? Upset? And then you were confronted with someone who made you smile? Or a puppy dog wagging its tail? Did your mood lighten? • What can you do to make your this kind of energy contagious? • What do you already do to put others in a better mood? • How can you use positive energy to show sensitivity to the feelings of others, especially when discussing and solving challenges?
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. Be There! • The glue in our humanity is being fully present for one another. • Being there is also a great way to fight burnout and create focus so that you do not keep juggling the things that wear you out. • Giving 110% to the task at hand demonstrates cooperation among group members, shows enthusiasm and dedication to the project and says that you care.
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. Choose Your Attitude! • When you look for the worst, you will find it everywhere. • When you learn you have the power to choose your response to what life brings, you can look for the best and find incredible opportunities! • If you find yourself with an attitude that is not what you want, choose a new one!
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. Choose Your Attitude! • Think about your attitude yesterday, how would your day have been different if you had been committed to being upset? • How would you have reacted to people with whom you came in contact? • How would you have reacted to situations you experienced? • If you had been in a good mood, how might have you reacted differently to some of the negative things that happened?
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. How will you …? • Create a fun, playful work/study environment? • Be someone who makes people’s day? • Be totally present? • Choose the attitude you would like to have everyday? Think about your team members and who you are serving.
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. ONE GREAT IDEA!
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. Envision the Future • Choose to make today a great day! Your team members, “customers,” and YOU will be thankful! • Find ways to play. We can be serious about our work without being serious about ourselves.
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. Envision the Future • Stay focused in order to be there when your team members and “customers” most need you. • And should you feel your energy lapsing, try this sure-fired remedy: find someone who needs a helping hand, a word of support or a good ear … and make their day!
The FISH! Philosophy Catch the energy. Release the potential. What did you learn? • I can cooperate and work in a group. YES NO • I use enthusiasm to get a group working. YES NO • I am sensitive to the feelings of others YES NO when discussing and solving problems.