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ISLAMAPHOBIA. Islamaphobia . Myth 2 : “Jihad”. The Myth of the Islamic Threat Nermien Al-Ali (BA:Islamic Jurisprudence & Political Science, LLB/LLM). Basic Tenets of Islam. Myth 3: Islamic “Fundamentalism”. Myths. Myth 4: Islam & women. Myth 1 - Homogenous bloc.
ISLAMAPHOBIA Islamaphobia Myth 2 : “Jihad” The Myth of the Islamic Threat Nermien Al-Ali (BA:Islamic Jurisprudence & Political Science, LLB/LLM) Basic Tenets of Islam Myth 3: Islamic “Fundamentalism” Myths Myth 4: Islam & women Myth 1 - Homogenous bloc (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Definition • A phenomenon reported & studied in EU(UK), US, AUST., & Russia • A form of Xenophobia: phobic fear & hatred of what is ‘foreign’ or the ‘other’ because seen as a danger that threatens way of life • Islamaphobia: phobic fear for person, family, community, society, way of life, country, civilization of some Islamic threat • Mildest form - indulgence in seeing Islam as deplorable & not worthy of attention (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Features • Negative stereotypes about Islam as the next threat to western civilization after communism: “the enemy within” - “Islamic terrorists”, “A Holy War Heads Our Way” • Stereotypes of Muslims as barbaric, irrational, fanatic, supportive of terrorism, oppressive of women - simply: Anti-American • Works on deeply embedded cultural biases that rationalize & spread prejudices & stereotypes - “only natural” (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Consequences Prejudice Stereotyping Hate Crimes: Verbal & Physical Abuse Vandalism & Arson of Mosques & shops Murder Defamation Slander Attack by Media Profiling Breach of Civil liberties Discrimnation Alienation (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Consequences Source: www.CAIR-net.org (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Consequences Source: www.CAIR-net.org (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Origins Based on deeply embedded cultural biases • Crusades & Inquisition - 11-16th: 5 Centuries of Holy War against infidels & heretics (Catholic Encyclopedia www.newadvent.org.cathen) • Renaissance 17-18th: Voltaire: excluded Muslims from the right to tolerance in his essay (Springboard) • Colonial times - up to 1960s- Orientalists portrayed Arabs & Muslims as barbarian & primitive to justify colonial conquests (Said) (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Feeds on Myths Myth 1: Islam is a monolithic bloc - will spur in an act of ‘Holy War’ by a ‘fatwa’ of some bearded leader Myth 2: Islam preaches violence against non-Muslims as infidels in the name of ‘Jihad’ Myth 3: Terrorism is Islamic - a religious duty of the fundamentalists. You never know when your Muslim friend will turn more fundamental! Myth 4: Islam is oppressive of women (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
BASIC TENETS: General • Islam means: Peace & Self-surrender to the Will of God • A universal message - confirms preceding Divine revelations. Prophet Mohamed is God’s messenger sent to complete & compliment previous revelations: • Abrahamic religion: “… it is the belief of your father Abraham. It is He (God) Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation)” 22:78 • 6 pillars of faith and 5 pillars of religion (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
BASIC TENETS: Pillars of Faith 6 Pillars of faith: To believe in • God • His angels • His Messengers (prophets) • His Books (Scriptures) • Day of Judgement • Fate & Destiny - good & bad (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
BASIC TENETS: Pillars of Islam 5 Pillars of Practice • Testify (declare) that no gods but God and that Mohamed is His Messenger • Pray 5 times a day (Ritual - ablution) • Fast the month of Ramadan (lunar calendar) • Pay alms (2.5% of annual savings) • Pilgrimage to Mecca (Rituals traced to Abraham & Hajar) (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
BASIC TENETS: Pillars of Islam PRAYER: Ruk’a (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
BASIC TENETS: Pillars of Islam (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
BASIC TENETS: Pillars of Islam (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Feeds on Myths Myth 1: Islam is a monolithic bloc - will spur in an act of ‘Holy War’ by a ‘fatwa’ of some bearded leader (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 1 - Islam is a monolithic bloc • Around 1.4 Billion Muslims in the world - Only 18% are Arabs • Largest Muslim population in Indonesia 201M. 55M Russia, 100M India, 24 in EU, 7-10 US (2nd largest religion) • Muslims comprise 4000 ethnic groups in 128 countries • So-called Islamic nations are members of Islamic league • Muslims follow no single religious authority – no priesthood (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 1 - Islam is a monolithic bloc http://islamicweb.com/begin/population.htm (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 1 - Islam is a monolithic bloc: America (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 1 - .. Can be mobilized by a ‘fatwa’ • Fatwa is a non-binding juristic opinion usually passed by Muslim scholars to respond to a new situation. A fatwa that is contrary to Islamic ‘law’ is void prima facie • Sources of Islamic law/jurisprudence: 1. Quran: Actual words of God revealed to Prophet Mohamed through Gabriel remained & will remain unchanged 2. Hadith: Prophet teachings - authenticity 7000 of 600,000 3. Reasoning by Analogy (drugs) 4. Consensus (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Feeds on Myths Myth 2: Islam preaches violence against non-Muslims as infidels in the name of ‘Jihad’ (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 2: Islam condones violence against non-Muslims Aggression is a vice in Islam • The Prophet defined the Muslim as one causing no verbal or physical harm to others • Islam’s greeting to everyone is “peace be upon you” • Murder of one person or causing devastation of any form is equated with killing all humanity • “Jihad”: Striving to do good for the sake of God - A broad concept • Coming from a battle the Prophet said to the Muslims: “You came from the minor ‘Jihad’ back to the major ‘Jihad’” Asked to explain, he replied: “Inner self ‘Jihad’” (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 2: Islam condones violence against non-Muslims Even in cases of war • General: “Don’t fight those who don’t declare war on you for your faith or don’t attempt to take over your homeland” 60:8-9 • “Fight for the sake of God (ie not for economic or political gain) those that fight you and do not attack first” ” • If the other side want peace then make peace 4:90, 8:61 • If a member of the other side seeks asylum award it & ensure safety 9:6 • Forbidden to kill the elderly, women, children, animals or to cut a tree (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 2: Islam condones violence against non-Muslims Religious Tolerance most fundamental to Islam • “No compulsion in religion, Truth stands out clear from Wrong” 2:255-256 - Applies to Muslims & Non-Muslims • Christians & Jews called “People of the Scriptures” - under an Islamic state are regarded as “protected subjects” with complete autonomy • The Prophet’s Charter to the Monks of Sinai • Christians & Jews never persecuted for their beliefs in Islamic empire. Then & now Christians keep customs, start schools, visited by missionaries (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Feeds on Myths Myth 3: Terrorism is Islamic - a religious duty of the fundamentalists. You never know when your Muslim friend will turn more fundamental! (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 3: Terrorism is Islamic - a fundamentalist duty • “Fundamentalist” is meaningless - Used to denote Muslims that believe in Islam fundamentals support terrorism • Originally used to describe Protestants & other Christian groups adopting literal interpretation of the Bible • Terrorism : Defined as “devastation on land” “killing people & destroying crops”. Recognized as most heinous crime • Punishment for terrorism: execution, crucifixion or exile 5:33. Trial first. (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 3: Terrorism is Islamic - a fundamentalist duty • “Islamic terrorism” is an oxymoron • Terrorism as a phenomena - Hitler is of the Christian faith as Saddam is of Muslim faith • Terrorists justify their acts by citing authoritative sources: religion, the Constitution • Church of the World Creator (rejoiced 9/11) • Christian Identity Movement (many terrorist acts in 1996 - but FBI cant identify them as such) www.religiousintolerance.org/cr_ident.htm (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
ISLAMAPHOBIA: Feeds on Myths Myth 4: Islam is oppressive of women ‘Role captivity’ ‘HAREM’ NO SELF-DETERMINATION ‘Chadour’ (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 4: Islam is oppressive of women LEADERS Professional Working Women (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 4: Islam is oppressive of women General • Equality - “We created you from one self” • Taking care of home & children not obligatory. Housework is work - wages - 1991 law • Can divorce her husband if not like him • “If you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal fairly (with them), then only one”4:3 “you cant be fair ..” (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 4: Islam is oppressive of women Economic rights • Seek education/knowledge is duty of every Muslim • Right to own & inherit property • Right to contract • Financial independence - “To men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn” 4:32Political rights Political Rights • Prophet confirmed as leader by men & women separately - mentioned in Quran 60:2 (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 4: Islam is oppressive of women Islamic dress • A voluntary good deed - difference of opinion - part of the good deeds that women may take in their religious/spiritual devotion • Mentioned once in 24:31– basic principle is that of purity – emphasis first on lowering one’s gaze • Emphasis not on appearance but mainly on piety & conduct – 7:26. • No coercion or compulsion as to Islamic dress (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
Myth 4: Islam is oppressive of women Panazir Bhutto Pakistan 88-90 & 93-5 Khaleda Zia Bangladesh 91-6 Tansu Ciller - Turkey 93-5 Megawati Sukamaputri Indonesia Hasina Wajed Bangladesh 96+ (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
References • Quran online: www.islamicity.com/mosque/quran • Index: www.islamicity.com/mosque/TOPICI.htm • Council on American Islamic Relations: www.Cair-net.org • www.themodernreligion.com/terror/terrorism_compare.html • Tolerance:http://salam.muslimsonline.com/~azahoor/toleran1.html • Women in Islam - www.mwlusa.org Books • Patricia Springborg (of Sydney University), Western Republicanism and the Oriental Prince, Polity Press, 1992 • Edward Said, Orientalism: Westerners Conceptions of the Orient; 1978, Routledge & Kegan (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001
THANK YOU (C) N. Al-Ali, 2001