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Science Fair Journal (A fill in the blank teaching journal for younger children). Elementary School Level, Grades 3-5. Table of Contents. My Vocabulary. Bibliography—A list of all the sources I used Conclusion—A summary of what I learned
Science Fair Journal(A fill in the blank teaching journal for younger children) Elementary School Level, Grades 3-5
My Vocabulary • Bibliography—A list of all the sources I used • Conclusion—A summary of what I learned • Data—Information I recorded while doing the experiment • Hypothesis—One sentence that tells me what I am going to prove in my experiment • Materials—What I will need to do my experiment • Observations—What I see when I watch closely • Procedures—The steps I have to go through to complete my experiment • Results—What actually happened • Source—Where you get information • Title—The name I give my project • Topic—What my project is all about • Variables—Things that may change from one time I do an experiment to another (Hint: You don’t want many of these.)
Day 1 : My Observations Date:________________Time:________________
Day 2 : MyObservationsDate:________________Time:________________ Directions: Spend 10 to 20 minutes walking around some outside space and asking yourself questions. Example: How does temperature affect grass growth? What bait is the best to catch fish? Record your questions below. (Remember to write in black ink.) 1.______________________________________ 2.______________________________________ 3.______________________________________ 4.______________________________________ 5.______________________________________ 6.______________________________________ 7.______________________________________ 8.______________________________________
Extra Space for Extra questions Directions: Need some extra space for questions. Write here. (Remember to use black ink.) 1._______________________________________ 2._______________________________________ 3._______________________________________ 4._______________________________________ 5._______________________________________ 6._______________________________________ 7._______________________________________ 8._______________________________________
Web Addresses for Day 3 • Directions: Many websites have many wonderful ideas for projects. Here are just a few. Browse these with an adult to collect some good ideas. If you find more sites. You may want to write them down on page 8. • http://sciencepage.org/scifair.htm • http://www.scienceproject.com/information/Browse.asp • http://www.sciencebob.com/lab/sciencefair/ideas.html • http://www.sciencebob.com/lab/sciencefair/ideas.html • http://www.discoverykids.ca/study_buddy/science_fair/handbook_sample_project.asp
Day 3 : Checking the WebDate:________________Time:________________
Day 5: My Research Notes 1. (Remember to write in black ink.)Time:Date:
Day 6: MyResearch Notes 2. (Remember to write in black ink.)Time:Date
Day 7: MyResearch Notes 3. (Remember to write in black ink.)Time:Date
Day 8: My Research Notes 4 (Remember to write in black ink.)Time:Date
Day 9: My Research Notes 5. (Remember to write in black ink.)Time:Date
Day 10: My Experiment Date: Time:(You will repeat the experiment at least 7 times; more is better)
ResultsPost graphs based on your results on the next 4 pages
Day 21: My Data On the next two pages, you should insert graphs and charts related to your experiment. You may hand draw them or construct them on the computer and paste them into your notebook.
Day 22: ConclusionsTimeDate • Explain if you proved your hypothesis true or false. (If your hypothesis proved untrue, don’t worry. Just explain why.) • Ex. My hypothesis proved not to be true. My father caught more fish using regular worms than I did using or shiny worms.
Day 23:AcknowledgmentsMake a list of the people who helped you and what they did.
Day 24: Bibliography(Hint: Go to Citation Machine or Son of Citation Machine to do this.Just type in your information and it will order it for you.) • Ex. Smith, Clayton. "Fish Bait ." Nature Bulletin No. 7015 June 1946 1-2. 7/14/2007 <"http://www.newton.dep.anl.gownatbltn/001-099/nb070.htm">.
Pictures(Paste pictures from you experiment on the next two pages. ) • Pictures of Experiment
Pictures • Pictures of Experiment
Sample Board Design(Check with local rules concerning boards. Usually you have choices. This is just one example) Hypothesis Title Data Variables Pictures of you doing the experiment Conclusions Procedures
Day 25 : My Board Design Use this space to sketch your board design. Now, you are all set to write your paper and complete your board. Good luck!