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What About Me

What About Me. by Ed Young Genre: Fable Author’s Purpose: To teach a lesson Skill: Sequence. Words to Know carpenter carpetmaker knowledge marketplace merchant plenty straying thread. More Words to Know stunned wanderer.

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What About Me

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What About Me by Ed Young Genre: Fable Author’s Purpose: To teach a lesson Skill: Sequence

  2. Words to Know • carpenter • carpetmaker • knowledge • marketplace • merchant • plenty • straying • thread

  3. More Words to Knowstunnedwanderer

  4. carpentersomeone whose work is building and repairing things made of wood

  5. carpetmaker a person who makes carpet and rugs for floors

  6. knowledgewhat you know

  7. marketplacea place where people meet to buy and sell things

  8. plentya full supply

  9. strayingwandering

  10. threada thin string made of strands twisted together

  11. Janet needed thread to sew the dress.

  12. Janet needed thread to sew the dress.

  13. The carpetmaker sold me the rug for $100.00.

  14. The carpetmaker sold me the rug for $100.00.

  15. The merchant sold me three apples.

  16. The merchant sold me three apples.

  17. .The garden gave us plenty of vegetables to eat.

  18. The garden gave us plenty of vegetables to eat.

  19. We got a carpenter to help build our house.

  20. We got a carpenter to help build our house.

  21. John was worried that the small kid would end up straying off the path.

  22. John was worried that the small kid would end up straying off the path.

  23. Smart people have a great deal of knowledge.

  24. Smart people have a great deal of knowledge.

  25. Our family goes to the marketplace every Saturday to buy fruit.

  26. Our family goes to the marketplace every Saturday to buy fruit.

  27. Let’s review our words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We will clap as we spell the word.

  28. carpenter

  29. carpetmaker

  30. knowledge

  31. marketplace

  32. merchant

  33. plenty

  34. straying

  35. thread

  36. Review Questions p.48-53 What did the boy want from the Grand Master? Who does the boy run off to find first? What is the thread made from? How does a pen help the goats? What is the carpenter’s problem? What are the main events in the story so far?

  37. Review Questionsp.54-59 • What happens after the boy sees the Matchmaker? • Who does the young girl love? • What spinner woman make with the hair? • What is the lesson that the boy learns?

  38. Spelling Words

  39. GREAT JOB!

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