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Chapter 4: Consciousness

Chapter 4: Consciousness. Learning Outcomes. Define consciousness. Explain the nature of sleep and various sleep disorders. Learning Outcomes. Explain the natures and uses of hypnosis, meditation, and biofeedback in altering consciousness.

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Chapter 4: Consciousness

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  1. Chapter 4: Consciousness

  2. Learning Outcomes • Define consciousness. • Explain the nature of sleep and various sleep disorders.

  3. Learning Outcomes • Explain the natures and uses of hypnosis, meditation, and biofeedback in altering consciousness. • Define substance abuse and dependence, identify categories of psychoactive drugs and explain their allures and dangers.

  4. What is Consciousness?

  5. Consciousness • Sensory Awareness • Selective Attention • Cocktail Party Effect • Direct Inner Awareness

  6. Preconscious, Unconscious, Nonconscious • Preconscious • Not currently in awareness, but readily available

  7. Preconscious, Unconscious, Nonconscious • Unconscious • Unavailable to awareness under most circumstances • Repression • Suppression

  8. Preconscious, Unconscious, Nonconscious • Nonconscious • Bodily processes that can not be experienced through sensory awareness

  9. Altered States of Consciousness • Sleep • Meditation • Hypnotic trance • Distorted perceptions from mind-altering drugs

  10. Sleep and Dreams

  11. Biological and Circadian Rhythms • Circadian rhythm is a cycle that is connected with the 24-hour period of Earth’s rotation • Cycle of wakefulness and sleep

  12. The Stages of Sleep • Using EEG records, sleep stages are recorded by different brain waves • Nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep • First four stages of sleep • Stage 1 is lightest; Stage 4 is deepest • Rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep

  13. The Stages of Sleep

  14. The Stages of Sleep • Stage 1 • Slow down from alpha waves to theta waves • Hypnagogic state may be experienced • Stage 2 • Appearance of sleep spindles • Stages 3 and 4 • Delta waves • Stage 4 is deepest stage of sleep

  15. The Stages of Sleep • REM sleep • Rapid eye movements • Paradoxical sleep • When awakened in REM sleep, 80% report dreams

  16. Typical Night of Sleep • Tend to undergo 5 cycles through the stages of sleep • First time in stage 4 sleep is usually the longest • Sleep becomes lighter as the night wears on • REM sleep becomes longer as night wears on • Last REM period may be about 30 minutes

  17. Sleep Cycles

  18. Functions of Sleep • Rejuvenates the body • Helps us recover from stress • Helps us consolidate learning • May promote development of infants’ brains

  19. Amount of Sleep • Amount of sleep needed may be partly genetically determined • Additional sleep is needed when you are under stress • As you age, you require less sleep

  20. Sleep, Learning and Memory • Individuals deprived of REM sleep • Learn more slowly • Forget what they have learned quicker • Show REM rebound

  21. Dreams • Imagery in the absence of external stimulation • Most vivid during REM sleep • May dream in color or black and white • Pleasant dream or nightmare

  22. Why Do We Dream What We Dream? • Memories of the day • Traumatic events – Nightmares • Reflections of unconscious desires – Freud

  23. Truth or Fiction? • We act out our forbidden fantasies in our dreams.

  24. Truth or Fiction? • We act out our forbidden fantasies in our dreams. • FICTION!

  25. Activation-Synthesis Model of Dreaming • Acetylcholine and the pons stimulate responses that lead to dreaming • Reticular formation stimulates parts of the cortex involved in memory • Cortex then synthesizes sources of stimulation into dreams • Most likely dream of recent events

  26. Truth or Fiction? • Insomnia can be caused by trying too hard to fall asleep.

  27. Truth or Fiction? • Insomnia can be caused by trying too hard to fall asleep. • TRUE!

  28. Sleep Disorders • Insomnia • Narcolepsy • Sleep paralysis • Sleep apnea

  29. Deep Sleep Disorders • Occur in stage 3 or 4 sleep • More common in children • Sleep Terrors • Bed-Wetting • Sleepwalking (Somnambulism)

  30. Truth or Fiction? • It is dangerous to awaken a sleepwalker.

  31. Truth or Fiction? • It is dangerous to awaken a sleepwalker. • FICTION!

  32. Altering Consciousness Through Hypnosis, Meditation, and Biofeedback

  33. Hypnosis • Altered state of consciousness in which people are suggestible and behave as though in a trance • Used in medical procedures, as an aid in coping • Hypnotic trance • Hypnotic suggestibility • People who are easily hypnotized

  34. Truth or Fiction? • You can be hypnotized against your will.

  35. Truth or Fiction? • You can be hypnotized against your will. • FICTION!

  36. Explaining Hypnosis • Role Theory • Response Set Theory

  37. Meditation • Focusing consciousness to alter relationship between the self and the environment • Transcendental Meditation (TM) • Concentrate on mantras • Relaxation response • Mindfulness Meditation (MM) • Focus on present versus ruminate on problems

  38. Truth or Fiction? • You can teach a rat to raise or lower its heart rate.

  39. Truth or Fiction? • You can teach a rat to raise or lower its heart rate. • TRUE!

  40. Biofeedback • A system that provides information about a bodily function in order to gain some control over it • Biofeedback training (BFT) • helps combat stress, tension and anxiety • Electromyograph (EMG) • Monitors muscle tension

  41. Altering ConsciousnessThrough Drugs

  42. Psychoactive Substances • Drugs that distort perceptions and change moods

  43. Substance Abuse and Dependence • Substance abuse is repeated use of a substance despite impaired functioning • Substance dependence is characterized by loss of control over use of the substance • Organize life around getting and using a substance • Tolerance • Abstinence syndrome

  44. Causes of Substance Abuse and Dependence • Experimentation • Recommendation or observation of others • Reinforcement by peers or positive effects • Self medication • Genetic predisposition toward physiological dependence

  45. Alcohol • Most abused drug • 10 to 20 million Americans are alcoholics • Half of all Americans use alcohol regularly • About 4 college students die each day from alcohol-related causes • Binge drinking

  46. Alcohol • Depressant • Slows activity of central nervous system • Effects • Lowers inhibitions • Impairs cognitive functioning and coordination

  47. Alcohol • Men more likely to become alcoholic than women • Alcohol has stronger effect on women • Asian and Asian American less likely than Europeans and European Americans to drink to excess • Asians more likely to show flushing response • Can lead to physiological dependence

  48. Opiates • Group of narcotics derived from the opium poppy • Laboratory produced opioids • Morphine, heroin, codeine, Demerol • Major application is pain relief • Provides a strong euphoric “rush” • Can lead to dependence

  49. Truth or Fiction? • Heroin was once used as a cure for addiction for morphine.

  50. Truth or Fiction? • Heroin was once used as a cure for addiction for morphine. • TRUE!

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