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European Transmission System Operators (ETSO), IEC TC 57 and UN/CEFACT UN/CEFACT Plenary Geneva, 16-17 September 2008. The Internal Electricity Market (IEM) in the European Union. ETSO Members supply more than 490 million people with electric energy.
European Transmission System Operators (ETSO), IEC TC 57 and UN/CEFACT UN/CEFACT Plenary Geneva, 16-17 September 2008
The Internal Electricity Market (IEM) in the European Union ETSO Members supply more than 490 million people with electric energy. The consumption of electric energy amounts to about 3,200 TWh per year. The length of EHV (400 and 220kV) lines is of more than 290 000 km. www.etso-net.org
Purposes of ETSO • The study and development of common principles regarding the harmonisation and establishment of rules in order to enhance network operation and maintain transmission system security. • To facilitate the Internal Electricity Market. • The communication and co-operation with organizations and institutions having similar objects. • The investigation and solution of scientific and regulatory issues of common interest to the TSO industry.
ETSO TF EDI – Membership Members Corresponding Members Liaison : UCTE EFET ebIX IEC TC 57
Synopsis • Created at the end of 1999 to provide technical solutions for the Information Exchanges between the Internal Energy Market participants. • Immediate orientation towards the process analysis and XML implementations • Introduced a methodology based on UN/CEFACT developments of the time. • Introduced a market role model to provide a harmonized language between all market participants. • First process introduced in 2002.
Work carried out by TF EDI • Baseline development • ETSO Modelling Methodology (based on UN/CEFACT) • Electricity Market Harmonised Role Model • Energy Identification Coding Scheme (EIC) • Integrated in off the shelf software products available from major energy sector software suppliers covering the principal information interchange business requirements: • ETSO Scheduling System • ETSO Settlement Process • ETSO Capacity Allocation and Nomination • ETSO Reserve Resource Process • Collaboration with UCTE (Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity): • UCTE System Operator to System Operator Scheduling • UCTE Metered Data Exchange on tie-lines
Collaboration with IEC TC 57 • IEC TC 57, WG 13 & WG 16 proposed a NWIP on « Deregulated Energy Market Communications : CIM Market Extension (CME) ». • ETSO SC approved (28/04/2006) to work with IEC on the following subject: • The "Collection of domain models of energy markets (Use Cases, UML plus text) covering the wholesale (energy, ancillary services, etc.) and retail, based on a modelling methodology including regional profiles of existing markets reflecting different business rules together with design and extension rules. This item leads to data requirements for information exchange"
High level objectives • Leverage the best of both ETSO and IEC worlds • TSO Business process expertise from ETSO • Object & application modelling methodology from IEC • Move toward UN/CEFACT methodology • Expand the CME model to other key Stakeholders • Derive a first release of CIM Market Extension for Europe • Identify the Core components involved • Map the ETSO documents to CIM Model • Support ETSO naming schemes • Provide a first CME Europe Model • Continue working on Market Extensions for US style markets • Maintain these standards using the IEC methodology: • Inclusion of yearly model updates and versions • Opening of the object models to specific local market rules • Independence of the model versus specific Information Technologies. 9
Development Methodology Introduced in order to handledifferentMarket Profiles before final business contextualisation UML Information CIM abstract model AggregateCore Components (ACC) Model UML Contextual UML Contextual UML Contextual Model for a Business Model for a Business Model for a Business European Profile (i-ACC) process process process UML Contextual model European Profile Aggregate Business Information Entities (ABIE) for messages UML Message assembly European Profile (ETSO) Document model XSD automaticgeneration (e.g. ETSO generationtool)
Conclusion • ETSO benefited greatly from the introduction of a methodology based on UN/CEFACT. • ETSO and IEC TC57 have introduced the core component philosophy with the additional requirement for identifying Market Profiles prior to business implementation. • Based on these, ETSO has created 4 key Electricity market business processes that have been successfully implemented by major software developers. These have become the European Profile for information interchange. • Along with the Harmonised role model, the business process form a common and homogeneous language for use throughout Europe.
The address is not www.etso.org but www.etso-net.org